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词汇 Seymour
释义 Sey·mour 英ˈsiːˌmɔː, -ˌməʊr美ˈsiˌmɔr, -ˌmorAHDsēʹmôr', -mōr' 

Queen of England as the third wife of Henry VIII and mother of Edward VI 1509-1537
用作名词Yet, with the possible exception of Europe, history has moved in Seymour's direction rather than Bierce's.然而,可能除了欧洲之外,历史是在西摩所指的方向,而不是比尔斯所指的方向上前行。 For Seymour, everything from new films to new research and scientific expeditions is on the horizon.
西摩即将开始拍摄新电影,进行新的研究项目以及科学考察。 yeeyan

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother on her wedding day in 1923 to King George VI, wearing a dress crafted by Madame Handley Seymour.
伊丽莎白女王的母亲在1923年嫁给英王乔治六世时穿着的由 Madame Handley Seymour设计的礼服。 hjenglish

The Ides of March also stars Ryan Gosling as Morris's press spokesman and Philip Seymour Hoffman as his seasoned campaign manager.
瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling在《总统杀局》里饰演莫里斯的新闻发言人,菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman饰演他的竞选经理人。 yeeyan

And Glass in turn wrote obsessively, devotedly, as if of some plaster saint, about his elder brother Seymour, his Literary Ideal.
而格拉斯则痴迷专注地在写一个人,一个好似圣人一样的人——他的哥哥西摩,他的文学典型。 putclub

Before leaving, Mr. Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve.
在离开之前,西摩先生关掉了真空吸尘器和水阀。 ebigear

By Gerald Seymour.
杰拉尔德•西摩著。 ecocn

Capote was 5ft4in, openly gay, with a squeaky voice and flamboyant fashion sense, as portrayed brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his Oscar- winning role in Capote, and Toby Jones in Infamous.
卡波特身高5英尺4英寸,是个公开的同性恋者,声音短促而尖利,平时潮流又奢华。在《卡波特》和《声名狼藉》,赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角的菲利普·西摩·霍夫以及演员曼托比·琼斯把他演绎得栩栩如生。 yeeyan

Every Seymour book seems to feature gloomy middle-aged men with disastrous personal lives and dead-end careers.
每一本西摩的书看起像一个有着糟糕的生活和没有出路的职业的忧郁中年男人。 ecocn

For a time the fastest machine in the world, Control Data Corporation's6600 machine was designed by noted computer architect Seymour Cray.
很长一段时间里它都是世界上最快的机器,控制数据公司的6600机器是由著名的计算机设计师西摩克雷设计的。 yeeyan

For Seymour, the saga of motherly love was anything but.
对于西摩来说,这是一个讲述母爱的传奇故事。 yeeyan

It was really a painful vacation for Mr. Seymour.
对西摩先生来说这真是一次痛苦的休假。 ebigear

Mr. Seymour was a vegetarian.
西摩先生是个素食主义者。 ebigear

Mr Seymour too is an engineer of sorts.
西摩先生也算是一位工程师。 ecocn

Pentecostalism is not only burning through the“cities of the dispossessed” where Seymour found his home. It is also consuming the business and professional elites of the developing world.
五旬节派信仰不仅仅深入到“一无所有者的居住区”——那是西摩当初创建该教派的发源地——它也吸收了发展中世界的商业和专业精英。 ecocn

Physiologist Roger Seymour of the University of Adelaide in Australia has long been a proponent of the second low and slow theory.
澳大利亚阿德莱德大学 University of Adelaide的生理学家罗杰·西摩一直是第二个低慢理论的支持者。 yeeyan

Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn't know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague.
有时候,西摩先生不知道怎么打发他的空闲时间,他的休假计划很不明确。 ebigear

Surely the future belonged to the cynical secularists such as Bierce rather than the tongue-speaking preacher like Seymour?
未来一定属于比尔斯这样的愤世嫉俗的世俗论者,而不是象西摩这样的说灵语的传教士么? ecocn

The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela’s treetops for21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.
这部纪录片,西摩用了21周的时间躲在委内瑞拉的树顶上跟踪巢穴中的角鹰。 yeeyan

This gets back to Seymour's vacuum analogy. A1950s- style cylinder vacuum provides the best comparison.
这样,我们就又回到了西摩关于吸尘器的类比,20世纪50年代风格的圆筒真空吸尘器是最好的类比物了。 yeeyan

This is the issue that caused Seymour to give up, presumably, and one is tempted to say it’s what soured Mr. Salinger on wanting to see anything else in print.
大约就是这个问题让西摩最终放弃了希望,而你也会觉得就是这个问题让塞林格先生不再希望看到任何作品出版。 yeeyan

Whether pouring through numbers or peering through a camera lens, Seymour brings to life both the science and the stories of conservation.
无论是进行数据研究还是透过镜头观察,西摩带给了人们关于科学研究和环境保护的故事。 yeeyan

Yet, with the possible exception of Europe, history has moved in Seymour's direction rather than Bierce's.
然而,可能除了欧洲之外,历史是在西摩所指的方向,而不是比尔斯所指的方向上前行。 ecocn

Yet many outside China have been dismissive of the quality of the data used to support this therapy, although Dr Seymour says that when used with chemotherapy in some situations, it can be good.
然而很多中国以外人士都对支持这种治疗的数据的质量表示不屑,尽管 Seymour博士称如果用于某些情况下的化学治疗,这些数据质量还可以。 ecocn

Seymour, we learn, is already reading several languages and lusting after Mrs. Happy, the young wife of the camp owner.
我们从信中可以知道,西摩已经在读好几种语言的书籍,并且还爱上了夏令营主人年轻的妻子,“高兴夫人”。 yeeyan

Seymour“ Swede” Levov mourns the skills that were lost when he moved all his production offshore: the art of table- cutting, the twists and turns where finger crotches were sewed.
当 Seymour“ Swede” Levov将他所有的生产线搬到近海处时,他哀悼手套制造技艺的失传:桌式切磨工艺,指套之间连接处的缝合。 ecocn




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