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sexual love短语⁵⁰⁰⁶⁴ 基本英英例句例句 性爱
Noun: a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction;their love left them indifferent to their surroundings she was his first love sexual activities often including sexual intercourse between two people;his lovemaking disgusted her he hadn't had any love in months he has a very complicated love life Not all the kisses are connected withsexual love.接吻未必都与性爱有关。 Heterosexual love physical, sexual and soul.异性爱身体,同性爱灵魂。 Aristotle didn't write very much about the pattern of loves. There's hardly any discussion of sexual love or love between friends marching together, as in Plato, in their search for the good. 亚里士多德对于爱的形式没有很多著述,几乎没有什么关于,性爱的内容,也没有柏拉图所说的,一同追寻善的朋友之间的爱的内容。163 Cyber sexual love is one of the most alluring and influencing methods. 网络性爱是其最具诱惑力与影响力的一种方式。 cnki Few of us have benefited from a formal education in sexuality or sexual love. 我们当中,几乎没有人是从正式的性或性爱教育中受益。 chinaufo.com He argues that in the process of rebuilding civilization, moral reform centered around sexual love and reform of political system should complement each other. 茅盾认为在文明再造过程中以性爱为中心的道德改革与政治制度的改革应该是相辅相成的。 cnki He had decided to become a monk at 15, and had joined the Capuchins at19; from then on, the pain of living without sexual love was constant. 他15岁就立志做一名僧侣,19岁加入嘉布遣会Capuchins;从那时起,他就一直苦于没有性爱的生活。 ecocn In Lao She's subconscious, his views of women and sexual love view are traditional and conservative, which displays it in the moulding of his women's image obviously. 在老舍的潜意识中,他的女性观和性爱观是传统的和保守的,这明显地表现在他的女性形象的塑造中。 cnki In this dual sexual love story, the spiritual sexual love is preferable to the sexual body love. 在这两重性爱故事中,心灵的性爱高于肉体的性爱。 cnki So first I'd like to make some comments on the chapter of sexual love. 首先我想谈谈对,性爱这一章的思考。163 Such negative imprints, although they may reside quietly in the subconscious and cause only minor or occasional disturbances, rarely allow us to journey into the spiritual potential of sexual love. 如此的消极烙印,尽管他们会静静地停留在潜意识中,仅仅是偶尔引起较小的干扰,很少允许我们去进入性爱的精神潜能的施行中。 chinaufo.com To the man, sexual love is a kind of process that releases male hormone substantially, of their satisfaction to the gender and climax pressure release mutual connection. 对男人来说,性爱本质上是一种释放雄性激素的过程,他们对性的满足与高潮压力的释放相互联系。 kekenet You didn't go very deep into the concept of sexual love in the religious aspect. 你在书中没有很深入的探讨,宗教方面的性爱这一概念。163 |