

单词 sexual appetite
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A cold shower has been said to curb peak sexual appetite, simply by reducing the amount of testosterone levels in men and estrogen levels in women.
传言冷水浴可通过简单地降低男性睾丸激素水平和女性雌激素水平而控制性欲。 yeeyan

A rise in testosterone is associated with a rise in sexual appetite, and, as if it needs to be said, most of the people who search for porn online are men.
仿佛需要指出的是,睾丸素的升高与性欲的升高相关,而搜索网络色情图片的大部分是男人。 yeeyan

The vitamin AN and the vitamin Es all can raise the sexual appetite, the increment sperm of born, and raise the sperm vitality.
维生素 A和维生素 E均可提高性欲,增加精子的生成,并且提高精子活力。 iask.sina.com.cn

With Strickland the sexual appetite took a very small place.
性的饥渴在思特里克兰德身上占的地位很小。 kuenglish

For Silvio Berlusconi, the country’s longest- serving prime minister in modern times, sexual appetite is a matter of pride, not of shame.
对于西尔维奥•贝鲁斯科尼,该国近代史上任职时间最长的首相来说,贪欢爱欲是一件值得自豪的事情,而非羞耻。 ecocn

Like his father and brother John, he had a voracious sexual appetite.
和父亲以及哥哥约翰一样,肯尼迪家族成员的性欲都很旺盛。 yeeyan

Of course porn isn't the only— or even the most effective — way to satisfy a sexual appetite.
当然,色情图片不是唯一,或者说不是最好的满足性欲的方式。 yeeyan

The author then parallels love and hypnosis or, in other words, he calls hypnosis love minus the sexual appetite.
然后作者比较了爱与催眠或者,换句话说,他说有催眠作用的爱情减少了性欲。 yeeyan

The Libyan dictator had a voracious sexual appetite and was so addicted to anti- impotence Viagra pills a nurse told him to cut down his intake.
这位利比亚独裁者的性欲还是非常高涨的,他非常沉迷于抗阳痿药物伟哥,他的护士曾告诉他要减少该药的服用量。 yeeyan

Their sexual appetite is insatiable. For you to relate to a Scorpio it is important to match his hunger for sex.
作为天蝎座爱人,你们必须满足他们对于性的饥渴。 yeeyan




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