

单词 sexiest
释义 sexiest 英'seksɪɪst美'seksɪɪst COCA²⁹³⁰⁵BNC⁴⁴⁷¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
adj.最性感的¹⁰⁰原型sexy的最高级 FHM’s “ Sexiest Woman in the World” has reportedly stated“ breast feeding just isn’t my thing.”
《男人帮》“世界上最性感的女人”曾经报道她,“我的事不只是母乳”。 yeeyan

George Clooney has been named the “ sexiest man alive” — for the second time — by People magazine.
乔治·克鲁尼二度被《人物》评选为“最性感男人”。 shinewrite

Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist, predicts that the job of statistician will become the “ sexiest” around.
谷歌的首席经济学家哈尔·瓦里安预测说,统计员工作将成为“最性感”相关工作。 yeeyan

Keep legs bare for the sexiest look and finish off with amazing high heels.
它和高跟鞋完美的搭配,能让你的腿看起来性感,修长。 edu.sina.com.cn

People's “ sexiest man alive” list began in 1985 with Mel Gibson.
人物杂志评选“最性感男人”始于1985年男星梅尔·吉布森获奖。 ebigear

Sean Connery was named the sexiest man of the year by people magazine back in1999 when he was, I believe,68.
肖恩·康纳利在1999年被《人民杂志》当选为最性感的男人,我想那年他68岁。 yeeyan

With the exception of Hollywood types like Vin Diesel, most guys with shiny chrome domes are not deemed the sexiest man alive.
除了像冯·迪索那样的好莱坞类型,多数带着闪亮铬金色脑袋的男性并不被认为是最性感的男人。 yeeyan

For years Mel Gibson was one of the most feted stars in Hollywood—the sexiest man alive according to People magazine and the hottest celebrity in the world according to Forbes.
多年来,梅尔吉布森一直是好莱坞最受欢迎的巨星之一——《人物》周刊将他评选为当代最性感的男人,《福布斯》杂志更是将其评为世界上最红的名人。 ecocn

He has twice been named Sexiest Man Alive by America's People magazine.
他曾经两次被《美国人》杂志评为现金最性感的男人。 cri

He idolizes our three boys, and this is what makes him ' the sexiest man alive' to me.
他很爱我们的三个男孩,所以他对我来说就是最性感的男人。 yeeyan

How do you replace the all-singing, all- dancing“ sexiest man alive” as Oscars host?
你如何取代一个能歌善舞的“全球最性感男人”来主持奥斯卡? yeeyan

If the sexiest man alive can get twice rejectedand sexually played in a movie, what hope is there for anyone else?
在一部电影里,如果全世界最性感的男人遭到两次拒绝,那么,其他的男人还有什么指望呢? yeeyan

In2008, for example, we learnt that women are sexiest at the age of34, but that we enjoy sex more when we are middleaged.
比如在2008年,我们从一个调查中了解到女人在34岁时最性感,但我们在中年时期更享受性爱。 cri

New York, Las Vegas or Los Angeles may seem like more likely choices but Austin, Texas has been named the sexiest city in the United States in a magazine survey.
也许纽约、拉斯维加斯或洛杉矶给人的感觉更性感,然而一家杂志的调查显示,德克萨斯州的奥斯丁市才是美国最性感的城市。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Not surprisingly, corporate sponsors have been unable to resist beach volleyball, and have awarded lucrative contracts to the game's sexiest players.
难怪许多企业赞助商无法抗拒沙滩排球的魅力,提供利益丰厚的合约给比赛中性感至极的球员。 joyen

Now a frequent resident of many Sexiest Women In The World lists.
现在是众多世界最性感女人排名榜的常客。 yeeyan

Now considered one of the sexiest humanitarians in the world, Angelina Jolie was once an unknown aspiring model with a unique face.
这个被认为是世界上最性感的女人曾经是一个不为人知、长相特别并渴望成功的模特。 yeeyan

People magazine on Wednesday dubbed Australian actor Hugh Jackman the“ sexiest man alive” in its annual issue. He has become the first Australian to be crowned the title by the magazine.
《人物》杂志一年一度的“最性感男人”评选结果于本周三揭晓,澳大利亚影星休•杰克曼获此殊荣,他是首个获此称号的澳洲影星。 kekenet

Previous winners included actor Ryan Reynolds, George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Mel Gibson, who was named the first sexiest man alive by the magazine more than a quarter- century ago.
该殊荣过去的获得者有演员瑞安·雷诺兹、乔治·克鲁尼、布拉德·皮特还有梅尔·吉布森,他是25年前《人物》杂志评选出来的第一个年度最性感男性。 hjenglish

Six years after capturing the Sexiest Man Alive title, the actor reminds us just why he's so irresistible, flaunting his sun- kissed torso during a dip in Otranto, Italy.
拿到最性感男性额头衔后的六年,这位演员在意大利奥特兰托依然用他那小麦色的胴体提醒着我们为什么他如此诱人。 cri

The site says it's looking for the sexiest women at the world's biggest retailer.
该网站宣称,要在这个世界上最大的商品零售商的职员中选出最性感的女人。 edu.sina.com.cn

The sexiest women are the achievers because they’re the most interesting and exciting.
最性感的女人都是事业上的成就者,因为她们最有趣,最激动人心。 blog.sina.com.cn

These are the10 sexiest world records; think you can break any of them?
以下是十大性感世界纪录;你觉得你能打破它们吗? yeeyan

You may not realize this, but you are at your sexiest when expressing your creative side.
你可能还未意识到这一点,但确实只有在你充分展示自己的创意天赋时才是最性感的。 putclub




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