

单词 sexed
释义 sexed 英sekst美sekst ●○○○○COCA¹⁰⁶⁸²⁸BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
having sexual differentiationcharacterized by sexuality;

highly sexed

He's maniacal aboutsex.他性欲旺盛。
Some people still think it is immoral to havesexbefore marriage.有些人仍然认为婚前的性行为是不道德的。
She disguised her truesexunder a man's garment.她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。 It's these older fans who will matter when Bieber begins his all but inevitable slide into a more mature, sexed- up image.
当比伯不可避免地以更加成熟、更加性感的形象示人时,这些年纪较大的粉丝们会有些介意。 yeeyan

The line between sexed and porn is not as distinct as some might think.
性和色情之间的区别并不想一些人认为的那么清晰。 yeeyan

The somewhat flaky OECD report was sexed up in the retellingsee article;
经济合作与发展组织的报告在不停的转述时越来越邪乎; iciba

The somewhat flaky OECD report was sexed up in the retellingsee article; and, while Britain is teetering on the brink of recession, the euro zone is already shrinking.
经济合作与发展组织的报告在不停的转述时越来越邪乎;并且在英国蹒跚于衰退边缘的时候,欧元区也已经开始缩水。 iciba

The operation of sexing to embryo affect pregnancy rate of sexed embryo.
性别鉴定操作对性别鉴定胚胎移植妊娠率具有影响。 cnki

The somewhat flaky OECD report was sexed up in the retelling; and, while Britain is teetering on the brink of recession, the euro zone is already shrinking.
OECD的报告有些言过其实、鹦鹉学舌。 要说如果英国经济濒临衰退的边缘的话,那整个欧元区就已经开始缩水。 ecocn

A study conducted in 2006 even seemed to prove that same- sex attraction was virtually a universal trait amongst the most highly- sexed women.
一项2006年的研究证明同性间的吸引是具备高性感度的女性间的普遍特征。 yeeyan

Among the victims, three were children one of which was a mere10 years old,11 were men, eight were women and three were adults whose skeletons could not be sexed accurately.
在这些受害者当中,有三个孩子其中一个只有10岁大小,11个男人,8个女人,另外三具骨骼的性别无法精确的测定。 yeeyan

Blood, semen, milk were all fluids independent of a sexed origin.
血液、精液、乳液又是由性这一源头产生的独立液体。 yeeyan

First, an ancient biological program in the brain overrides natural satiety when there are lots of mates begging to be sexed.
首先,当有许多性伴等待交配时,大脑中一条古老的生物指令会优于天然满足感。 yeeyan

His criticism though he is a most composite double- sexed creature who should not have a designating personal pronoun is all-revealing.
他的评论让所有的缺陷一览无余,虽然他是个不该制定人称代词的双性混合的人物。 yeeyan

In the animal world, the highly sexed Bonobo chimpanzees are known to kiss each other passionately. And orangutans in Borneo have learnt to kiss each other by observing humans.
在动物的世界里,倭黑猩猩是会深情地亲吻对方的,而且婆罗洲的猩猩是通过观察人类的举动学会亲吻的。 yeeyan

Of course, Scorsese wants a violent, sexed- up, mob-related picture.
当然,斯科塞斯要的是一部充斥着暴力和性爱的帮派电影。 yeeyan

Shanghai kids' sexed camp fails to excite.

Talking about sex can be uncomfortable, particularly for a dad with his teenage son. A sexed talk from your father usually consists of the following.
谈到性很不舒服,特别是当一个父亲面对他的十几岁的儿子的时候。您的父亲的性教育诸等谈话通常包括下列几项。 dict

They had made statements, he said, that were “ flawed”, “ sexed- up”, “ fiction” and “ totally false”.
他说,他们已发表了声明,充满了“有缺陷的”、“吸引人的”、“虚幻的”、“完全错误的”等这些词语。 ecocn

Though many writings have the sense of something like political demurrer, they also express a kind of sexed ideology of slave and appendage.
虽然大多数作品都有政治上的抗辩意味,但也表达了一种性化了的奴隶意识和附庸意识。 kekenet




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