释义 |
Severo ɔ:'tʃɔ:ɑ:;se'verɔ: 基本例句 n.塞韦罗¹⁰⁰ The nurses are treating me well at HospitalSeveroOchoa .我由于情绪低落前往医院接受治疗。 Soon afterward Nirenberg had competition: NobelistSeveroOchoa of the New York University School of Medicine set up his own lab and started deciphering the code, too.不久竞争者就出现了,纽约大学医学院的诺贝尔奖得主欧乔亚建立了自己的实验室,著手解开密码,一直到1964年才停止这项工作。 North Gate in memory of a Department ofSeveroexpedition were the emperor and the Persian new country;北门一门系为纪念塞维罗皇帝均远征波斯国而新建; OchoaSevero美国内科医师和生化学家, 因发现用于人工制造核酸的酶, 而获得1959年诺贝尔医学生理学奖 |