

单词 severn
释义 Sev·ern 英ˈsevən美ˈsɛvənAHDsĕvʹərn 高COCA⁵³¹²⁸BNC⁸²⁹¹

a river in Ontario that flows northeast into Hudson Baya river in England and Wales flowing into the Bristol Channel; the longest river in Great Britain
用作名词The Avon is a tributary of the Severn.埃文河是塞文河的支流。 A borough of west-central England on the Severn River south- southwest of Birmingham.
英国中西部的自治市镇,位于伯明翰西南偏南的塞文河畔。 poptool

A municipal borough of west-central England on the Severn River north-northeast of Gloucester.
英格兰中西部自治城市,位于赛文河上,在格罗西斯特东北偏北。 odict.net

At the age of twelve, for a bet of five shillings, he walked across the River Severn on extremely thin ice, for which he was promptly beaten by his father.
十二岁时,为了五先令的打赌,他在极簿的冰层上走过塞汶河。为此他立即被父亲打了一顿。 zftrans

Clift-on Suspension Bridge, the old Severn Bridge, the Orwell Bridge: they have an unquenchable optimism, a soaring of the human spirit.
克里弗顿吊桥、古老的萨尔文桥、奥维尔桥,它们都彰显了一种难以消逝的乐观和翱翔的人类精神。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble.
西边有塞文河和怀河,这两条河流都流入布里斯托尔海峡,像默西河和里本河一样,比较适合航行。 blog.sina.com.cn

The longest river in the United Kingdom is the River Severn.
英国最长的河流是塞文河。 dictall

A borough of southwest-central England on the Severn River west- northwest of London.
英格兰中西南部一自治市,在伦敦西北偏西的塞文河上。 poptool

By the use of the simple error analysis, we derive severn, error formulae, and propose the practical criteria depending on relativistic effect for the calculations of de Broglie wave length.
本文通过简洁的误差分析导出了计算德布罗意波长时应否考虑相对论效应的误差公式,进而提出了一组实用判据。 cnki

He had wanted to take his own life but Severn confiscated a bottle of laudanum, a decision the artist later partially regretted.
他本打算自杀,但 Severn把一瓶鸦片酊没收了,后来这位艺术家对这一决定半怀悔意。 yeeyan

In Britain the longest river is the Severn River.
在英国最长的河流是塞文河。 dioenglish

It was11pm, his final words were, famously: “ Severn, I, lift me up, I am dying— I shall die easy; don’t be frightened, be firm, and thank God it has come.”
那时是晚上11点,他的遗言就是著名的「 Severn,我,拉我起来,我要死了——我会死得很从容的;别害怕,要坚强,感谢上帝它已经来了。」 yeeyan

It originally came from the Severn Valley where they were kept in orchards and raised on windfall apples.
它们最早来自于塞汶河流域,在那里它们生活在果园里,吃掉下来的苹果。 zztianyu

Migration matters too: hordes of English folk, greying and otherwise, have crossed the Severn Bridge, passing Welsh youngsters heading the other way.
移民也是另外一个原因:一群老老少少的英国民众跨过塞文河桥,与威尔士的年轻人们擦肩而过,走向相反的方向。 ecocn

SAFE has put money in Barclays but not in Standard Chartered, invested in Severn Trent but avoided Scottish& Southern Energy.
华安投资了英国巴克莱银行却没有投资渣打银行,对塞文纯水务进行投资却忽略了南苏格兰电力公司。 ecocn

The longest river in Britain is the Severn River. The most important river is Thames River. River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland.
英国最长的河流是赛文河,最重要的河流是泰晤士河。克莱德河是苏格兰最重要的河流。 blog.sina.com.cn

The world's largest electricity generating tidal barrage may be built across Britain's Severn estuary by the end of the century.
在本世纪末世界上最大的发电拦潮大坝可能在横贯英国的塞文河口建立起来。 kuenglish

The Severn estuary is an important habitat for birds; large barrages would destroy or damage much of it, as well as interfere with fish stocks in the river.
塞文河口是鸟类的栖息地,而大型水坝会在很大程度上破坏或毁坏河口,这同样也会破坏河流中鱼群的生态环境。 ecocn

There is a fine section on the economics of surfboard rationing in Cuba, and the passages on surfing the Eisbach river in Munich and the Severn river bore in Britain are jolly.
有关于古巴冲浪板供给经济学,写的很不错,还有一些文章是关于在慕尼黑 Eisbach河和英国英国塞文河上冲浪的,也非常有趣。 ecocn

They went up the Severn from Bristol to Gloucester.
他们向塞文河上游驶去,从布里斯托尔港到格洛斯特。 bab

Up to13 lagoons would be dotted around the Severn estuary, not across it.
截至13湖将点缀着塞文河河口,而不是越过它。 tech-domain.com

Upon their union, Queen Elizabeth II's youngest son became Earl of Wessex and Viscount Severn, while Sophie became Countess of Wessex.
在婚礼上,伊丽莎白二世赐予她的小儿子威塞克斯伯爵和赛佛恩子爵的爵位,苏菲成为了威塞克斯伯爵夫人。 yeeyan

Severn often came to see his friend.
Severn经常来看他的朋友。 yeeyan




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