

单词 severe storm
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The simulations of severe storm in ideal environment give the whole life circle of splitting severe storms.
理想环境场条件下模拟出分裂风暴的整个生命史。 cnki

The sky lightened after the severe storm.

With economic rapid growth of Qingdao, the density of economic worth in coastal zone becomes larger and larger. Severe storm surges usually cause enormous economic losses.
青岛地区经济发展迅速,沿海一带经济价值密度越来越大,一旦遭遇风暴潮,往往造成巨大的经济损失。 fabiao

A severe storm in the western Australian city of Perth has left tens of thousands of homes without power.
一场强风暴袭击了澳大利亚西部城市佩斯,数千户家庭的电力被切断。 acsf

A severe storm ripped through the Midwest in United States on Sunday, killing22 people and injuring hundreds more.
美国中西部上个星期日,遭受强劲的暴风所侵袭,造成22人罹难数百人受伤。 newdaai

At least three people are dead after a severe storm hit the Midwest.
袭击中西部地区的狂风暴雨造成至少3人死亡。 putclub

Mr. Cox said that he flew over parts of Iowa in a helicopter last spring after a severe storm and found that deep gullies had formed in unprotected farmland, becoming conduits for soil runoff.
考克斯先生说去年春天一场暴风雨之后他坐直升机飞过爱荷华州的部分地区发现未受到保护的土地上在冲刷后已经形成了一些深沟,这些深沟成了土壤表层流失的管道。 yeeyan

The results show that the mean cloud images disclose the mean features of the severe storm systems.
结果表明,多日平均云图可以概括地揭示降水系统的主要特征。 cnki

The ship was assailed by a severe storm.
船遭到狂风暴雨的袭击。 chinafanyi.com

The ship was cast away during the severe storm.
这条船在狂风暴雨中失事。 dj.client.iciba.com

Severe storm swept through early Thursday.
星期四早些时候,狂风暴雨席卷而过。 exam8




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