

单词 set up home
释义 set up home setʌphəum 短语⁵⁵²⁶⁴
And in Chard in Somerset around10 million ladybirds have descended on farmland and set up home.
在萨默塞特郡查得农场大约1000万只七星瓢虫出现在农田里并“安营扎寨”。 hjenglish

It’s one thing to visit a place on holiday, but quite another to go and set up home there.
去哪儿度假是一回事,而在哪儿定居却是另一回事。 yeeyan

But when the Soviet tanks rolled in he fled west again: to Vienna, Florence, Malta, New Yorkand Toronto, where he set up home with an American dancer called Eric Johnson.
然而,当苏联的坦克压进城门时,他又再度开始逃亡,前往西方:从维也纳、弗洛伦萨、马耳他、纽约到多伦多。 在多伦多,他与一名美国舞者艾瑞克-约翰森EricJohnson定居下来。 ecocn

I just set up home in Sina blog. This is my first picture insertion.
我刚在新浪博客安家,这是第一张插入的图片。 blog.sina.com.cn

On returning to England two years ago, the newly married couple set up home in Bracknell and Jayne began working for the Bracknell Ice Skating Club.
在返回英格兰前的两年,这对新婚夫妇定居在布莱克内尔,索利曼在布莱克内尔的一家滑冰俱乐部工作。 yeeyan

Qingyuan integrity of the people of warm hospitality all over the people with lofty ideals to look forward to investing in the development of Qingyuan, set up home.
诚信好客的清苑人民热情期盼各地仁人志士来清苑投资开发、设厂置业。 elycn




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