

单词 set-to
释义 set-to 英ˈsetˌtuː美ˈsɛtˌtuAHDsĕtʹt›” ☆☆☆☆☆高BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
a brief but vigorous fightset to rights整理收拾set to work开始工作set fire to使燃烧set a fox to keep one's geese引狼入室set to动手干set down to归于(认为是由于…set a term to 限制制止set measures to限制(约束set one's seal to 在 … 上盖章…set one's hand to着手set a limit to限制缩减set one's face to向,着手; 决心…set off to advantage把…衬托得更好看,使…set one's wits to someone's与某人争辩set one's hand to something着手set the ax to着手砍掉着手破坏…set light to纵火; 导致火灾; …set to exact size调整到正确尺寸…set bounds to限制set to zero调零
set-安置好to到⇒n.殴斗³⁷近义词 row排debate辩论quarrel吵架flare-up火焰argument辩论contention争论altercation争论disagreement不合confrontation对抗war of words口水战squabble为琐事争论…difference of opinion意见分歧
用作名词We must put a stop to the fight.我们必须制止这场殴斗。
George shows a disposition to quarrel.乔治好吵架。
Phyl expected them to start brawling.菲尔以为她们要开始吵架了。 It would be impossible to port the complete functionalities of an application running on a sophisticated set-top box to a cell phone.
不可能将运行在成熟的机顶盒上的应用程序的全部功能都移植到蜂窝电话上。 ibm

They had the most frightful set-to.
他们大打出手,从来没有这麽厉害。 hotdic

What began as a mild discussion developed into a regular set-to.
开始时的温和讨论发展成经常性的争吵。 iciba




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