

单词 settled
释义 set·tled 英'setld美'sɛtld ★★☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁴⁷⁴⁰BNC⁴⁰¹⁶iWeb¹⁸¹⁵⁸Economist³⁵⁶⁴

established or decided beyond dispute or doubt;

with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night

established in a desired position or place; not moving about;

nomads…absorbed among the settled people

settled areas

I don't feel entirely settled here

the advent of settled civilization

inhabited by colonistsnot changeable;

a period of settled weather

settle解决settled sewage沉降的污水settled account已结清帐款account settled决算, 付讫settled solution澄清溶液settled material沉渣settled wastewater沉积废水settled powder粉末状陈雪cold-settled cylinder oil低温沉降汽缸油…settled grease成层滑脂settled sludge沉淀污泥settled in life成家,生活得到安顿…
settl-ed如|被…的⇒adj.固定的⁴⁴;稳定的⁴⁰;定居的settle的过去式和过去分词.GRE红宝书来自动词settle安定adj. 固定不变的; 定居的近义词 firm公司solid固体的stable稳定的steady稳定的mature成熟的established确定的colonised殖民化的colonized动词colonize的过…反义词 unsettled未处理的

用作形容词A desert has nosettledpopulation.沙漠没有固定的居民。
Especially the internal training, as a wildly used intervention, has beensettledinstitutionally in some large business organizations.特别是培训,作为一种较为广泛采用的干预手段,在很多大型企业成为了一种固定的制度而存在下来。
There were long periods whensettledgovernment can hardly have existed.在校长的时间内一直未存在过稳定的政府。
The gravitational binding means that the galaxies and other material within a mature cluster havesettledinto an overall dynamic equilibrium.重力束缚的意思是在一个成熟的星系团中,星系与其他物质已经达到稳定的整体动态平衡。
This is a desert with nosettledpopulation.这是一个无人定居的沙漠。
The Russians, who hadsettledon Bolshoi Ussuriysky, did not want to abandon it.但是已经在黑瞎子岛上定居的俄罗斯人不愿意放弃这个岛屿。adj.decided
同义词 ended,established,resolveddetermined
assuredadjective absolutely certain
beyond doubt,cinched,clear-cut,clinched,confirmed,decided,definite,guaranteed,in the bag,indubitable,irrefutable,made certain,nailed down,on ice,positive,pronounced,racked,sealed,secure,set,sewed-up,sure,surefire,undoubted,unquestionable
bentadjective determined
certainadjective fixed
chronicadjective incessant, never-ending
closedadjective finished, terminated
confirmedadjective verified, cooroborated
accepted,firmly established,long-established,proved,settled,valid For a while, they settled in the state of Illinois, in a town they built and called Nauvoo.
一度,他们在伊利诺斯州定居下来,在此建立一个镇,这个镇他们取名为纳府。 yeeyan

How have you settled in?
你们安顿得怎么样? putclub

Such forums used to resolve how far the nomadic tribes, or pastoralists, would be allowed to bring their cattle through the lands of settled farmers.
委员会通常讨论的是解决游牧部落或牧民能得到多大程度的许可以驱赶牛群经过定居农民土地的问题。 ecocn

The mother cat settled down in the basket with her kittens.
猫妈妈和她的小宝宝们在篮子里安顿下来。 yeeyan

THE period when humans stopped hunting and gathering and settled down to become farmers is one of the most important in history.
人类历史最重要的时期之一就是人们停止狩猎和收集野果,定居下来成为农民的时期。 ecocn

The Supreme Court said it would not rule on his extradition until the asylum issue was settled.
阿根廷最高法院说在庇护问题被解决之前不会就引渡问题做出裁决。 ecocn

All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation.
所有与本合同有关的争执将通过友好协商解决。 hjenglish

Although Owen himself died in Britain, all his seven children settled in the United States.
尽管欧文逝世于英国,但是他的七个孩子都在美国定居。 ecocn

As time went on, many of these first settlers settled down and began to farm and domesticate animals.
随着时间的推移,这些第一批移民的大多数定居下来,开始农耕和驯养动物。 yeeyan

But the Bangkok government has said repeatedly the dispute should be settled in bilateral talks and has resisted calls for outside assistance.
但是曼谷政府此前一再表示,这个争端应该通过双边会谈进行解决,而且拒绝外部协助的呼吁。 tingvoa

His mission: to prove that natives in South America could have settled in Polynesia well before the time of Christopher Columbus by sailing on primitive rafts.
他的任务:证明早在哥伦布时代之前,南美洲的原住民就可以使用简易的木筏航行至波利尼西亚并定居。 yeeyan

I mean, do you drink tea at a settled time?
我是想问,你会在固定的时间喝茶吗? kekenet

If that's his attitude, how can you say he sincerely wants the question settled.

It licks me how he settled the question.

It was settled by compulsory arbitration.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Vietnam and Thailand, some cross- border trades with China can now be settled in renminbi, so that trading partners do not have to convert in and out of dollars.
于此同时,俄罗斯、越南和泰国与中国的跨国贸易现在也可以通过人民币来结算,这样交易双方都不必以美元为中介换进换出了。 yeeyan

So John and Becky settled near Haines, a town of about 1500 persons on the south coast of Alaska.
于是,约翰和贝基就在阿拉斯加南海岸的海因斯镇定居了,该镇人口是1500人。 edu.sina.com.cn

Some of the cases have been settled we'll update the graphic as things change but we thought for now that this would help you to see how things stand.
这些案件中的部分已经解决我们将实时更新,但是我们认为现在的这张图能帮助你看清事情的立场。 yeeyan

That is not a problem that can be settled by talks, only by the foreigners leaving Afghanistan.
那不是一个可以通过谈判解决的问题,只有外国人离开阿富汗,才能解决这个问题。 ecocn

This matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion.

Trade disputes should be settled through the World Trade Organization, not through politics.
贸易争端应该通过世界贸易组织来解决,而不是用政治来解决。 yeeyan

Ultimately, however, most observers believe the row will be settled in the Kremlin rather than in the courts.
不过,大多数观察者都相信,最终这些争端将由克里姆林宫而不是法庭解决。 ecocn

We all want reconciliation, but the road to that goal begins with an agreement that our differences will be settled by the rule of law.
我们大家都希望和解,但通往这一目标的道路应该从一种通过法治解决分歧的共识开始。 yeeyan




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