

单词 setter
释义 set·ter 英ˈsetə美ˈsɛtɚAHDsĕtʹər ★☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA³⁹¹⁸⁰BNC⁴⁵³⁰³iWeb¹⁵⁴⁶⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
one who sets written material into typea long-haired dog formerly trained to crouch on finding game but now to point比喻用法,来自 set,放置,设置,-er,表物。用于指蹲伏的猎狗。Irish setter动爱尔兰长毛猎犬…English setter英国塞特种猎狗…second setter副二传手core setter下芯机pace setter定步速者, 带步人;…brad setter线脚钉夹钳tool setter刀具调整工boulder setter蛮石铺砌层form setter模壳工,模板工…twist setter定捻器,定捻装置…block setter分捆架导轨droop setter不等率调整装置…fuze setter引信定时器red setter赤毛的塞特种猎狗…jet-setter乘喷气式飞机到处旅游…setter-on攻击者
set-安置好t-,-er名人|物⇒n.安装者²²;嵌镶工人¹¹;排字工人²²;作曲者²³;给定装置¹¹;赛特种猎犬¹¹近义词 tourist旅游者compositor排字工人typesetter排字工人typographer印刷工人

用作名词Jim stepped inside the door, as immovable as asetterat the scent of quail.吉莫迈步进了门,仿佛一条猎犬嗅到了鹌鹑的气味,一动不动了。 On the other hand, even if you are an experienced goal setter, there are times when the goals you set in the past lose their appeal now.
另一方面,虽然你是一个老练的目标制定高手,有时候你以前制定的目标也会失去它的吸引力。 yeeyan

The bank’s role as interest-rate- setter made Sir Mervyn, then the bank’s chief economist, a powerful figure.
央行拥有制定利率的职责,这使得当时的央行首席经济学家默文爵士大权在握。 ecocn

The hard truth is that if the IMF wants to be a norm- setter, it must announce its norms with some conviction.
严峻的事实是,如果 IMF希望成为规则制定者,就必须以坚定的信念宣布自己的规则。0t_0.com

The mapping can be implemented by creating your own getter and setter methods.
可以通过创建自己的获取器和设置器方法来实现映射。 ibm

The Message Element Setter mediation primitive provides a simple way of deleting elements in the service request, and SOAP headers are no exception.
Message Element Setter中介基元提供了删除服务请求中的元素的简单方法, SOAP Header也不例外。 ibm

The Message Element Setter primitive has been enhanced to provide support to append an item to an array with the SMO.
Message Element Setter原语已得到增强,为使用 SMO向数组添加项目提供支持。 ibm

This combination of still- subdued activity and high raw material prices illustrates a wider truth; that America is no longer the price- setter for these products.
疲软的经济和高价原材料证明了一个明显的事实:美国不再是这些产品的定价者了。 ecocn

Add a getter and setter for the id attribute.
为 id属性添加一个获得者以及设置者。 ibm

Add a new custom mediation primitive and name it Setter.
添加一个新的中介元素,并将其命名为 Setter。 ibm

Behind the scenes, Groovy is calling the no- argument default constructor and then calling the setter methods— no different from the previous Java example.
在幕后, Groovy调用无参数构造器,然后调用设置器方法,这与前面的 Java示例没有区别。 ibm

China holds the key as it is the price setter for most of the world’s production.
但是,中国无疑是关键中的关键,他是世界制造业的价格制定者。 从圆桌会议搜集的关于中国的有关的信息来看。 yeeyan

Create an input object of type Record and set the input parameters to the EIS function using the appropriate setter methods.
创建 Record类型的输入对象并通过使用适宜的赋值方法设置 EIS功能的输入参数。 ibm

Dependency injection can occur in a variety of ways, for example, via a setter method or a class variable.
依赖性的引入可以以多种方式出现,例如,通过设置属性值的方法或者类变量。 ibm

I have added a setter and getter for the e- mail address for the framework to access.
我已为电子邮件地址添加了一个写方法和读方法,以供框架访问。 ibm

I took the young Irish setter for a walk up the road and along a frozen creek.

If you misspell the property name in the setter, or rename the property, then it will silently fail.
如果你在set访问器里拼错属性的名字,或者你重命名了属性,那么它会悄然失效。 infoq

In the update model values phase, the setter methods on the CD are invoked with the converted and validated values stored in the GUI components.
在更新模型值的阶段中,会使用保存在 GUI组件中的经过转换和有效性验证的值来调用 CD的赋值方法。 ibm

Now you need to create an implementation for Setter custom mediation primitive that puts the desired endpoint address in the transient context passed into Setter.
现在,您需要为 Setter自定义中介元素创建实现,这个自定义中介元素在传递到 Setter的瞬态上下文中指定了所需的端点地址。 ibm

Since Steve Ballmer took over from Bill Gates as chief executive in 2000, Microsoft's share price has languished and the company has lost its reputation as a tech trend- setter.
自2000年史蒂夫·鲍尔默接替比尔·盖茨以来,微软的股票就萎靡不已,微软也失去了技术潮流领跑者的名声。 ecocn

Teaching your child how to be a goal setter will give them a sense that they are capable of whatever they want to do.
教你的孩子如何设定目标吧,这将带给他们这样一种意识,他们能做他们想做的任何事情。 yeeyan

The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou produces more cigarette lighters and spectacles than anywhere on earth, and has long been seen as an economic trend- setter for the entire country.
位于中国东部的温州市一向被视为中国经济的风向标,这里所生产的打火机和眼镜数量超过世界任何地区。 okread

The new message element setter primitive provides an easy way to change data in a mediation flow and update the message without having to write custom code or define XSL transformations.
新的消息元素设置基元提供了一种简便的方法以更改中介流中的数据以及更新消息,而无需编写自定义的代码或定义 XSL转换。 ibm

The NYSE has recently embarked on a round of acquisitions and collaborative deals in an effort to become a trend- setter in technology as well as globalisation.
纽约证券交易所最近开始着手进行一系列收购以及合作活动以使自己在技术和全球化方面引领世界潮流。 ecocn

The new record setter, drawn in1947, measures around1.8 meters in length and nearly1 meters in width.
这项创新纪录的作品作于1947年,长约1.8米,宽约1米。 hxen

Today’s chart uses a stopwatch to compare India’s progress in development against another pace- setter, China.
今天的图表用秒表的方式比较了同样迅猛发展的印度与中国各自的进展。 ecocn

Yet it is the European Commission which decides if the European Union adopts the standard- setter’s new rules.
但是,欧盟是否采取标准制定者的新规则,还是欧盟委员会说的算。 ecocn




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