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setser 基本例句 塞策 For instance Mr Setser and his colleague, Arpana Pandy, estimate that since mid-2006, China has accounted for around 30% of purchases of American Treasuries though London. 正如赛瑟尔及其同事阿帕纳·潘迪估计,2006年中期以来,中国购买的美国短期证劵中30%通过伦敦购买。 yeeyan Mr. Setser has long warned that the U. S. is too dependent on foreign borrowers, who gain political power along with their economic holdings. 赛瑟一直警告说,美国对外国资金太过依赖,这些国家凭藉所持经济资产获得了政治实力。 blog.sina.com.cn According to Mr Setser’s figures, over the past three months China’s American assets showed no growth for the first time in many years— despite the modest increase in reserves. 根据赛瑟尔的数字,过去三个月中国的美元资产是几年来第一次未见增长——尽管其储备规模少有增加。 yeeyan Brad Setser, an analyst at RGE Monitor, argues that European banks caught with asset- backed commercial paper may have been buying dollars for fear of being unable to roll over the short-term debt. RGE Monitor的分析师 Brad Setser则争辩这是由于那些陷入资产抵押商业债券的欧洲银行担心不能对其短期贷款重新筹资而买入美元。 ecocn Brad Setser, of Roubini Global Economics, an economic- analysis website, is paid to spend two to three hours or so each day blogging as a part of his job. 经济学分析网站 Roubini Global Economics的 Brad Setser,每天花两到三小时写作博客,就是他的工作的一部分,这都是支付薪水的。 ecocn Brad Setser of the Council on Foreign Relations suggests one way around this problem is to have oil as one of the prices targeted in the basket. 外交关系委员会的 Brad Setser说:“要解决这个问题,那么就必须将石油价格列入一篮子货币中。” ecocn Brad Setser, of America’s Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank, argues that if China tries to bolster its GDP growth by supporting exports, it will hinder global rebalancing. 美国外交关系委员会一个智囊机构的布拉德•希泽尔称,如果中国试图通过鼓励出口来促使 GDP增长,全球贸易平衡将受阻。 ecocn In a paper for RGE Monitor, a research firm, Brad Setser and Rachel Ziemba conclude that the Gulf rivals China as a“ new financial superpower”. 研究公司 RGE Monitor的一篇论文中, Brad Setser和 Rachel Ziemba的结论是海湾和中国是“新的金融超级强国”。 ecocn Mr Setser and Ms Ziemba reckon that the Gulf's big funds could gain another $300 billion to manage this year alone. Setser先生和 Ziemba女士计算认为海湾的大型基金今年一年就可能扩大3000亿美元的额度。 ecocn Mr Setser points out that over the past few years central banks have consistently acted as a buffer to falling private demand for dollar assets. Setser先生指出在过去几年里,当私有投资人对美元资产需求下降时,那些中央银行一直起着缓冲作用。 ecocn Mr Setser reckons that given high oil prices and sluggish American demand, China’s trade surplus should already have fallen by more. 希泽尔估计,考虑到高昂的油价和美国疲软的消费需求,中国的贸易盈余本应该更加贬值。 ecocn ' You're looking at an incredibly large flow of one country's money into the U. S. market, ' Mr. Setser says. 希泽尔说﹐你会发现多得不可思议的海量资金正从一个国家流入美国市场。 blog.sina.com.cn Setser and I were trying to estimate what the chances were of such a deal ever getting government approval. 我和 Setser正在估计这笔交易被政府允许的可能性有多大。 yeeyan |