

单词 set over
释义 set over短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
v. 置于…上; 指派…管理; 移交
A light triangular or quadrilateral sail set over a gaff.
缘的斜桁垂下来的四边形的帆。 iciba

And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house of the LORD, after that the ark had rest.
他们就在会幕前当歌唱的差、及至所罗门在耶路撒冷建造了耶和华的殿、他们便按著班次供职。 chinatownministry.org

The interest- rate benchmark would be set over a long period, so it would not be unduly influenced by immediate market stresses.
利率将以长期水平为基准,以防止受短期市场波动的过多影响。 ecocn

He was set over the Dept. Communication.

In fact, one vice is to be set over against another, and thus something like a balance is obtained.
事实上,一种罪恶有另一种来抵消,这样便求得一种近似平衡的状态。 dictall

In this tale, set over20 years before Episode II when Obi-Wan Kenobi was a17- year old Padawan, Jocasta serves in her role as Temple archivist, and briefs Jedi before they depart on field missions.
这个故事发生在《第二集》前20多年,当时欧比—万·克诺比是个17岁的学徒,乔卡丝塔作为圣殿档案管理员,在绝地出发去外地执行任务前,向他们作简单介绍。 starwarschina

It's the perfect spot for flying a kite, romantic walks or simply relaxing with a picnic and watching the sun set over the city.
放风筝,来一个浪漫的散步,仅仅一个休闲野餐,或者看这个城市的日落,这里都将是一个完美的地方。 yeeyan

Melt chocolate and butter in a metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water. Avoid stirring.
巧克力和黄油放在金属小碗中,置于平底锅中热水慢慢化开。避免搅动。 blog.sina.com.cn

People watch the sun set over the ' Dune of Sunset' in northeastern Brazil.
在巴西东北部,人们在沙丘上观看日落美景。 xmnn

Reclining by the pool on the terrace, I watch the sun set over the wilderness.
躺在平台上的游泳池边,我目睹原野落日。 yeeyan

The man had amazing genes: naturally broad shoulders set over a small waist and muscular legs.
这个男人有着令人惊羡的基因:天生宽阔的肩膀置于瘦腰和肌肉发达的腿部之上。 yeeyan

Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.
于是埃及人派督工的辖制他们,加重担苦害他们。他们为法老建造两座积货城,就是比东和兰塞。 xddhy

We found a cupboard set over the fireplace.
我们发瑞壁炉上面放着一个碗柜。 dj.client.iciba.com




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