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词汇 sessions
释义 sessions. 'sɛʃəns

United States composer who promoted 20th century music 1896-1985 quarter sessions地方法庭general sessions法庭licensing sessions核发卖酒执照的定期法…petty sessions简易法庭Brewster sessions核发卖酒执照的定期法…
用作名词He conducted these instructionalsessionswith animation and humor.他在这些会议上讲话诙谐生动。
Thesessionsof the new parliament were televised live.新议会的会议过程得到电视直播。
If the convener of the meeting or the district trainer chooses to incorporate concurrent discussionsessionsinto the agenda, a group of training leaders should be appointed.如果该会议召集人或地区训练人决定将共同讨论方式的研讨会议排入训练议程当中时,就必须指派一组训练领导人。
I will try to distill this research in the theory-discussionsessions.我会试著在这学期的理论讨论中提出研究的精华。
Overcrowding made triplesessionsnecessary.人数过多,因此有必要把法庭增至原来的三倍。
My case was down for the lastsessionsof the Assize Court, and thosesessionswere due to end some time in June.我的案子定于重罪法庭最后一次开庭时审理,这次开庭将于六月底结束。noun.meeting, gathering
同义词 conference,discussion,hearing,period,termaffair,assembly,concourse,huddle,meet,showdown,sittingget-together,jam session At the same time, a dedicated Unit Test Explorer window lets you see the structure of your unit tests and run any combination of tests in one or more unit test sessions.
同时,一个专用的单元测试资源窗口会让你看到你的单元测试的结构和运行一个或多少单元测试会话的任意组合测试。 cnblogs

One mechanism we employ to guide this process is one- hour retrospective sessions that take place at the end of each iteration.
我们用来指导这个过程的机制就是在每个迭代结束时进行一小时回顾会议。 infoq

The application can switch between these sessions as required to process transactions on behalf of users.
应用程序可以根据处理用户事务的需要在这些会话之间切换。 ibm

The general notion is that one application could contain sessions from multiple protocols and use those protocols to create a rich user experience.
一般的观点是一个应用程序可以包含来自多个协议的会话,并使用这些协议创建丰富的用户体验。 ibm

The number of simultaneous sessions and number of processors are considerations for setting this value.
在设置这个值时,需要考虑并发会话的数量和处理器的数量。 ibm

The only secure way to identify users across sessions is to use standard authentication methods based on user names and passwords.
跨会话识别用户的惟一一种最安全的方案是使用基于用户名和密码的标准身份认证方法。 ibm

A particular version of PAC now flows to a target resource manager only once; other sessions of the same user establish their authority by sending in the PAC ID.
现在,一个特定版本的 PAC只会向目标资源管理器发送一次;相同用户的其他会话可以通过发送 PAC ID来建立自己的权威。 ibm

At this point, the only usable function in the job manager console is the configuration of the job manager server, mail sessions, security, and troubleshooting functions.
此时,作业管理器控制台中仅有的可用功能包括配置作业管理器服务器、邮件会话、安全性和故障诊断功能。 ibm

But in small sessions, the recorder is usually a participant, too.
但是在一个小的会议上,记录员也经常是参与者. yeeyan

Developers should not call follow-up team sessions if they find only minor discrepancies between the design and its implementation that can be fixed with minor adjustments.
如果开发人员只发现设计及其实现之间的,可以用较小的调整进行修正的较小的差异,那么他们不应该号召后续的团队会议。 ibm

For brevity, this example also omits users and sessions, formatting, and any kind of authentication and authorization.
为了尽量简洁,该例子还省略了用户和会话、格式以及各种身份验证和授权。 ibm

I jumped up, walked over to the microphone, which I often do, I'm very often interactive in these sessions.

I followed him around for the rest of the conference and watched as many of his testing sessions as I could.
在那次大会的剩余时间里,我跟着他四处走,看到了我能看到的尽可能多的他的测试会议。 ibm

If you run the code in Listing4 from another session, you will see that data is not shared between different sessions.
如果您在其他会话中运行清单4中的代码,则会发现数据在不同会话之间是没有共享的。 ibm

In case memory is low, unused sessions are written out to permanent storage so they can be retrieved if the user comes back to the computer before the session expires.
在内存不足的情况下,没有使用的会话就被写入持久存储中,这样当用户在会话到期之前回到计算机上时,可以检索到这些会话。 ibm

Part2 of this series will describe activity sessions, reliability, and event sequencing qualifiers, along with some sample scenarios.
本系列的第 2部分将介绍活动会话、可靠性和事件排序限定符,以及一些样例场景。 ibm

Some people come to the zazen meditation sessions because they like the forms, and others come in spite of the forms.
有些人到了坐禅打坐会话,因为他们喜欢的形式,和其他形式,尽管在来。 yeeyan

This allows separate sessions to be correlated with a unique identity for auditing purposes.
这就使得独立的会话与惟一的标识关联,目的是进行审核。 ibm

This data also remains across client sessions so that it is always available.
而且,这种数据可以跨客户机会话保存,所以总是可用的。 ibm

This model is usually the output or the end result of data modeling sessions.
这种模型通常就是数据建模会议的输出或最终结果。 ibm

When the benchmark starts, it instantly creates100 very active user sessions that select, add, update, and delete records at the same time.
当基准测试开始时,它立即创建100 个非常活跃的用户会话来同时选择、添加、更新和删除记录。 ibm

Sessions are unique to every user and data cannot be shared by other users.
对于每一个用户,会话是唯一的,且数据无法被其他用户共享。 ibm

In between sessions, Erskine Bowles and I got in a round of golf.
中途休息期间,厄斯金·鲍尔斯和我打了一轮高尔夫球。 yeeyan

The maximum sessions and maximum partition sessions.
最多会话和最多分区会话。 ibm

The number, frequency, and type of sessions should be based on the treatment needs of each person.
会谈的次数,频率和方式应该根据每个人的治疗需要决定。 yeeyan

As long as two different workspace sessions modify different files, there is no save conflict.
只要两个工作空间会话修改了不同的文件,就不会有保存冲突。 ibm

Consequently, the training consisted of informal lunchtime and afternoon sessions put on by the team lead.
因此,培训由非正式的午餐时间和被团队领导发起的下午会议组成。 ibm

Doing so reduces the possibility of idle sessions being hijacked by another user.
这样做可以降低空闲会话被另一个用户窃取的可能性。 ibm

Even after just a few sessions you will notice a change in your perception of time and your actions.
即使仅仅在几次训练之后,你都能发现在你对时间和行为的观念上产生了变化。 yeeyan

If you want to start exercising, you need to fit exercise sessions into your schedule.
如果你想开始锻炼,您需要合适的锻炼阶段到您的日程安排。 yeeyan

In this way the load balanced cluster efficiency can be maintained with all application servers being able to connect to any database for the user sessions they are supporting.
通过这种方式,负载均衡的集群的效率就可以得到保持,所有应用服务器都能够连接到任意数据库以完成它们所支持的用户会话。 ibm

It was deep in the midst of writing the book, during one of the many, many interview sessions we had, that Jim at last offered up that detail.
在这本书的写作过程中,也是在我们接受的无数次中的一次采访时,吉姆终于说出了那个细节,该场景令人印象深刻。 yeeyan

One of her patients had recurring nightmares of being surrounded by sharks. She imagined they were dolphins instead and rehearsed the scene during5 sessions, and the nightmares vanished.

One solution is to only use sessions where you need them.
一个解决方案是,只在需要会话的地方使用会话。 ibm

The Reichsmarschall had admitted this to him in one of their sessions.
这位帝国大元帅在此前一次审前审讯中曾向他亲口承认。 yeeyan

We can fill in the Responsibility Matrix in one or more sessions, attended by all stakeholders.
我们可以在所有涉众出席的一个或多个会议上填写职责矩阵。 ibm

Yes, you can configure session management to run with in- memory sessions, which is actually the default.
是的,可以将会话管理配置为使用内存内会话后者实际上是缺省设置。 ibm




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