

单词 servicemen
释义 servicemen 英'sɜːvɪsmen美'sɜːvɪsmen COCA²⁰¹⁰⁷BNC¹⁴³¹⁸Economist¹³⁸³⁷
名词 serviceman:
someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military forceas in.troop
同义词 armed forces,army,contingent,crew,delegation,gang,military,party,squad,team,unitassemblage,assembly,band,body,bunch,collection,combatants,company,corps,crowd,drove,flock,forces,gathering,herd,horde,host,legion,men,multitude,number,outfit,pack,soldiers,soldiery,swarm,throng,troopers,troupefighting men
反义词 individual,one
troopnoun military
armed forces,army,assemblage,assembly,band,body,bunch,collection,combatants,company,contingent,corps,crew,crowd,delegation,drove,fighting men,flock,forces,gang,gathering,herd,horde,host,legion,men,military,multitude,number,outfit,pack,party,soldiers,soldiery,squad,swarm,team,throng,troopers,troupe,unit
troopsnoun military
armed forces,armies,assemblages,assemblies,bands,bodies,bunches,collections,combatants,companies,contingents,corps,crews,crowds,delegations,droves,fighting mens,flocks,forces,gangs,gatherings,herds,hordes,hosts,legions,men,militaries,multitudes,numbers,outfits,packs,parties,servicemen,soldieries,soldiers,squads,swarms,teams,throngs,troopers,troupes,units An honor guard of five former South Vietnamese servicemen marched smartly to the front of the room.
五名前南越军人组成的仪仗队潇洒地走到大厅前面。 yeeyan

And new research by Dr Hibbeln shows that low levels of DHA are a risk factor for suicide among American servicemen and women.
西贝恩博士最近的研究表明,体内DHA水平低是引起美国男女军人自杀的一个危险因素。 ecocn

The information commissioner's office confirmed that they had not been told about the loss of the vetting files, only that personal details of servicemen and women had been stolen.
信息专员办公室已确认他们并未被告知损失审查文件,只获悉部队现役军人的私人信息被盗。 yeeyan

The Movie: Three servicemen return home after fighting in the Second World War.
影片:三名二战军人在经历了硝烟和炮火之后回归故乡。 yeeyan

The relatives of British servicemen killed in Iraq who had been allocated seats at the hearing were mostly respectful.
在伊拉克被杀的英国服役军人的家属大部分都在听证会上安排了席位。 yeeyan

The Warrior Programme was founded in2007 by Ms Hamilton and Charlotte Cole and uses a range of therapies from t'ai chi to meditation and cognitive therapy to help the ex- servicemen and women.
军人助疗项目于2007年由汉密尔顿小姐和夏洛特-科尔共同创立。 该项目汲取了从太极拳到认知疗法等多种治疗手段的优势,用以帮助退伍军人和妇女。 yeeyan

We should recruit Party members mainly from among workers, farmers, intellectuals, servicemen and cadres, thus expanding the basic components and backbone of the Party.
重点做好在工人、农民、知识分子、军人和干部中发展党员的工作,壮大党的队伍最基本的组成部分和骨干力量。 putclub

And if there's one thing I learned, it's that when our servicemen and women go to war, their families go with them.
如果说我从中懂得了一件事,那就是当我们的军人走上战场,他们的家庭会和他们在一起。 yeeyan

And all of us are united in appreciation for our servicemen and women, and our hope for Iraq's future.
但是我们所有人都感激那些服役的军人,他们是伊拉克未来的希望。 cri

Britain has managed to enmesh its own servicemen in the national export drive.
英国努力让本国军人也投入到国家出口事务中来。 ecocn

British ex- servicemen exposed to radiation in bomb tests in the south Pacific in the 1950s recently sought compensation in a London court for cancer, infertility and other medical problems.
英国的一位退伍军人1950年代在南太平洋炸弹试验中接触过放射物,最近因为患有癌症、不育症以及其他医疗问题向伦敦法院提起诉讼,要求获得赔偿。 ecocn

Cigarettes were distributed to servicemen during both world wars, and were regarded by the allies although not, famously, by the Nazis as vital to morale.
香烟被分发给两次世界大战期间的军人,被视为提高盟国士气的重要的措施虽然纳粹不认同这样,但很有名。 yeeyan

Commanders worry about any sign of damage to morale, such as anecdotal evidence of rising divorce rates among servicemen.
各指挥官忧心任何导致士气受损的信号,诸如有传闻军人的离婚率上升就是证明。 ecocn

However, the day came to be celebrated again after World War II, when American servicemen brought the custom and commercial enterprises used it as an occasion for sales.
然而,这一天前来庆贺二战结束后,当美国军人带来的习惯和商业企业作为一个销售机会一次。 ebigear

In1982,255 servicemen were killed in the Falklands War.
在1982年的马岛战争中,255名军人身亡。 yeeyan

It lies in the spirit of America's servicemen and women.
它在于美国军人的战斗精神。 hjenglish

Many servicemen were brutally treated by the Japanese during the war.
在二战中,许多美国军人遭受了日军残酷的虐待。 ecocn

Many servicemen were brutally treated by the Japanese during the war. And American policymakers sometimes fret that Japan's insensitivity makes engaging with a rising China harder.
这里面的许多军人都是那些在战争中残酷无情的日本人,有时美国决策层也忧虑日本的固执会使他与崛起的中国相处更加困难。 ecocn

Quang Ngai is the province where the infamous My Lai massacre occurred in 1968 when U.S. servicemen killed more than 300 apparently unarmed civilians.
越南广义省,在1968年曾发生过臭名昭著的美莱村大屠杀,当时美国军人打死了300多名明显是手无寸铁的平民。 yeeyan

The Royal British Legion, which assists former and current servicemen, is the beneficiary of Blair's generosity.
英国的皇家军队,协助过前任和现任军人,都是布莱尔慷慨的受益人。 yeeyan

Today only46% of servicemen describe themselves as Republican, compared with 60% in 2004—and only35% of them approve of the handling of the war.
现在,仅有46%的军人自称是共和党,而2004年这一比例为60%,只有35%的人赞同战争的处理。 ecocn

Under military law, servicemen are forbidden from commercial activity.
根据军中规定,军人不得参加商业活动。 yeeyan

We will always cherish the memory of each of our fallen servicemen and women, and count it a privilege to be citizens of the country they served.
我们将永远怀念,我们每一个倒下男女军人,计数这是一种荣幸地被国家的公民,他们的服务. ebigear

When servicemen and women ship off to a war zone, their children often have trouble coping.
当军人们被派遣到战区,他们的孩子通常面临着众多不便。 yeeyan




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