

单词 serviceman
释义 serv·ice·man 英ˈsɜːvɪsˌmæn, -mən美ˈsɝvɪsˌmæn, -mənAHDsûrʹvĭs-măn', -mən ★★☆☆☆高四八COCA¹⁷⁹⁸⁴BNC⁵¹⁹⁸⁵iWeb¹⁸¹⁶¹
someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force;

two men stood sentry duty

service,服役,man,人。引申词义军人。ex-servicewoman退役女军人ex serviceman退役军人复员军人…radio serviceman无线电修理员…
蒋争熟词记忆service服役man人⇒军人service服役man人⇒军人近义词 man男人military man军人military personnel军事人员反义词 civilian平民的

用作名词I guessed that he was an ex-serviceman.我猜想他是一名退保军人。
She is thinking of letting out her house to an Americanserviceman.她在想把她的房子租给一个美国军人。
Theservicemaninstalled the air conditioner.维修人员安装了空调器。
I am going to send aservicemanover right away.我会马上安排一个维修人员过去的。as in.combatant
同义词 adversary,antagonist,assailant,attacker,enemy,soldierbattler,belligerent,contender,foe,warrior
反义词 ally,assistant,friend,helper,supporter
combatantnoun fighter
adversary,antagonist,assailant,attacker,battler,belligerent,contender,enemy,foe,soldier,warrior It was dusk when the young Marine walked into the entrance lobby of Kings County Hospital. A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside.
当年轻的海军战士走进金斯县医院的入口大厅时,天已黄昏。一名护士将这位疲劳、焦急的军人带到了他父亲床边。 jukuu

The Pentagon allowed the media to cover the ceremony at the bringing home of a fallen American serviceman’s body for the first time since Mr Obama overturned a ban imposed in 1991.
奥巴马撤销了一项于1991年强行通过的禁令,使得媒体首次获许报道阵亡美军士兵遗体运抵国内的画面,因为自奥巴马推翻了一项于1991年强行通过的禁令。 ecocn

The court heard she had suffered years of physical abuse by her husband Mark, a former RAF serviceman, whom she married in1996.
她的丈夫马克是一名英国皇家空军退役军人,他们在1996年结婚。法庭听说她多年来一直受到丈夫的身体虐待。 yeeyan

The programme will include an interview with an unnamed former serviceman who put the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts request to the ministry.
节目还将采访一位隐去姓名的前皇家空军军人,正是他请求国防部执行《信息自由法》和《信息保护法》。 yeeyan

The serviceman is the human who the people respect, serviceman's offer and loyal is they best vindicating.
军人是人民敬仰的人,军人的奉献和忠诚是他们最好的表白。 dota123

A serviceman from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, he was killed in a Viking armoured amphibious vehicle in Babaji.
第二皇家坦克团的一名技师在巴巴吉的维京水陆两栖装甲战车中被杀。 yeeyan

Another British serviceman was killed in Afghanistan on Thursday, two days after five soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan police officer they were training.
周四,又一名英军士兵在阿富汗被打死。两天前,5名英军士兵被他们训练的阿富汗警察枪杀。 yeeyan

Daryl Atkins and a codefendant in1996 kidnapped a serviceman, forced him at gunpoint to withdraw money from an ATM, then drove to a secluded spot and shot him to death.
Daryl Atkins及一名共同被告在1996年绑架了一名军人,他们用枪抵着他脑袋,强迫他从 ATM机取钱,然后行至偏僻角落,乱射至死。 yeeyan

Heartrendingly, my father had not asked the serviceman's name who found tears on my father's face.
父亲伤心的连接军人的名字都没有问,但军人发现了父亲脸上的眼泪。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature.
我从未见过军人躺在军用棺材里的样子。马克看上去是那样英俊,那样成熟。 blog.sina.com.cn

I was once a young serviceman who served overseas during several holiday seasons and have experienced the loneliness of being away from my family.
我曾经是一个到海外担任的年轻的军人,经历了孤独及远离我的家人的好几个节日期间。 yeeyan

In 2007,26-year-old RAF serviceman Kenneth Ecott was found not guilty of raping a15-year-old girl in Poole, Dorset.
2007年,26岁的皇家空军RAF军人肯尼斯•艾考特 Kenneth Ecott被控在多塞特郡的普尔强暴一名15岁的女孩,最终被法院判决无罪。 yeeyan

It was mid-evening when the young Marine walked into the entrance lobby of Kings county Hospital. A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside.
当这位年轻的士兵走进金司县医院入门大厅时已是午夜时分了。护士带着这个疲惫而又焦急的军人到了病床边。 zftrans

Let in the people heart fill to the serviceman, rectify malpractices in various trades' lofty respect.
让人们心中充满了对军人、军嫂们的崇高敬意。 dota123

She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.
之前,她还从未见过一名躺在军队灵柩中的军人。他看起来如此英俊,如此成熟。 blog.sina.com.cn




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