

单词 serviceable
释义 serv·ice·a·ble 英ˈsɜːvɪsəbəl美ˈsɝvɪsəbəlAHDsûrʹvĭ-sə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA³⁵²⁶⁴BNC²⁴⁸⁴³iWeb¹⁸³¹⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

ready for service or able to give long service;

serviceable equipment

heavy serviceable fabrics

capable of being put to good use;

a serviceable kitchen gadget

intended or able to serve a purpose without elaboration;

serviceable low-heeled shoes

service,服务,-able,表能够。引申词义可用的。serviceable condition营运条件,完好状态,…serviceable life使用年限,耐用年限,…highest priority serviceable member最高优先服务数…serviceable time可服务时间
service-able能⇒adj.可用的²¹;易于服务的;有用的³⁵;耐用的³⁹蒋争熟词记忆service服务-able可…的⇒有用的;肯帮忙的词根记忆service服务+ able ⇒可用的GRE红宝书service服务+abl e
词根记忆service服务+able近义词 utility效用stout强壮的useful有用的strong强烈的sturdy强健的usable可用的valuable贵重的effective有效的practical明智的favorable有利的working做工作的operative有效的helpful有帮助的profitable有益的functional功能的durable耐用持久的utilitarian功利的advantageous有利的hard-wearing经 耐磨的in working order能正常发挥功能,处于正常…反义词 unserviceable无用的

用作形容词No man can become aserviceableservant solely by obedience to written edicts.没有人单靠遵守成文的法令,就能成为一个有用的仆人。
The coat is made of aserviceablefabric.这件外套是用一种耐用的织物做的。
If it chipped like flint, he could make aserviceableknife out of it.只要它的质地接近打火石,卡森就有足够的信心将它磨成一把耐用的小刀。adj.useful, functional
同义词 dependable,usableadvantageous,aiding,assistive,beneficial,convenient,durable,efficient,handy,hard-wearing,helpful,invaluable,operative,practical,profitable,utile,utilitarian,valuable
反义词 unhelpful,unprofitable,unserviceable,useless,weak,worthless
availableadjective ready for use
accessible,achievable,applicable,at hand,at one's disposal,attainable,come-at-able,convenient,derivable from,feasible,free,getatable,handy,obtainable,on deck,on hand,on tap,open to,possible,prepared,procurable,purchasable,reachable,ready willing and able,realizable,securable,up for grabs,usable,vacant
beneficialadjective advantageous
benign,constructive,favorable,favoring,gainful,good,good for what ails you,healthful,helpful,profitable,propitious,salubrious,salutary,serviceable,toward,useful,valuable,what the doctor ordered,wholesome,worthy
convenientadjective appropriate, useful
acceptable,accommodating,adaptable,adapted,advantageous,agreeable,aiding,assisting,available,beneficial,comfortable,commodious,conducive,contributive,decent,favorable,fit,fitted,good,handy,helpful,in public interest,opportune,proper,ready,roomy,seasonable,serviceable,suitable,suited,time-saving,timely,user-friendly,well-planned
effectiveadjective successful, persuasive
able,active,adequate,big-wheel,capable,cogent,compelling,competent,convincing,direct,effectual,efficacious,efficient,emphatic,energetic,forceful,forcible,having lead in pencil,impressive,live,moving,on the ball,operative,persuasive,playing hardball,potent,powerful,powerhouse,practical,producing,resultant,serviceable,serving,sound,striking,successful,telling,trenchant,useful,valid,virtuous,wicked,yielding
effectualadjective influential;authoritative
accomplishing,achieving,adequate,binding,capable,conclusive,decisive,determinative,effecting,effective,efficacious,efficient,forcible,fulfilling,in force,lawful,legal,licit,potent,powerful,practicable,productive,qualified,serviceable,sound,strong,successful,telling,useful,valid,virtuous,workable
efficaciousadjective effective, productive
active,adequate,capable,competent,effective,effectual,efficient,energetic,influential,operative,potent,powerful,productive,puissant,serviceable,strong,successful,useful,virtuous For instance, suppose one has a serviceable lemma that suffices for the task of proving the main theorems of the paper at hand.
比方说某人有一条引理用于证明论文的主命题。 yeeyan

From one loom, a serviceable roll of blue cloth still hangs.
一卷蓝布仍然挂在一台织布机上。 ecocn

In vain does Napoleon erect walls from what is left to him of his Guard; in vain does he expend in a last effort his last serviceable squadrons.
拿破仑用他余下的卫士四面堵截,毫无效果,他把随身的卫队调去作最后的挣扎,也是枉然。 ebigear

Add some snapshots, maybe a short video or audio clip and you have the makings of a very serviceable blog post or report.
添加一些快照,甚至是短视频和音频,这回让你的博客文章或者报告具备成为优秀文章或报告的潜质。 yeeyan

All tools and equipment must be in a clean and serviceable condition.
所有的工具和设备都必须处于干净好用的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the textile machinery from the former East Germany looks as if it might even work. From one loom, a serviceable roll of blue cloth still hangs.
然而厂内从昔日东德引进的纺织机器看上去似乎还可以投产运营,一座织布机上还挂着一卷可以用来生产的蓝布。 ecocn

Companies will choose Britain if they see prospects for growth, which include a decently skilled workforce, serviceable infrastructure and, not least, a clear and competitive tax regime.
如果看到增长的可能性,公司还是会选择来英国投资的,这其中包括技能卓越的劳动力、服务性基础设施,更重要的是一个清楚明白并富有竞争力的税收体制。 ecocn

Having received his orders, I dispatched a man to fetch the attorney, and four more, provided with serviceable weapons, to demand my young lady of her jailer.
我接受了他的吩咐后,就派一个人去请律师,又派了四个人,配备了可用的武器,去把我的小姐从她的狱卒那儿要回来。 putclub

He was speaking of the space shuttle, an old but arguably serviceable spacecraft.
他说的是航天飞机,一艘旧的,但证明仍能服役的飞船。 yeeyan

I had a lovely girlfriend, a serviceable vehicle, and a job that paid more than enough for me to survive while catering to my increasingly expensive video game habit.
我有一个可爱的女友,有自己的代步工具和一份有着丰厚薪水,足够养活我同时能支撑我保持酷爱电脑游戏的爱好的工作。 yeeyan

I wore serviceable boots.
我穿着耐穿的靴子。 hjenglish

In return Lakers get a serviceable PF who will play defense and board.
作为回报,湖人将得到一个攻防俱佳的大前锋。 iciba

In the second section, we introduced SOA Parlay X Web services, one of the most serviceable tools in this toolbox.
在第二部分,我们介绍了这个百宝箱中最有用的工具, SOA Parlay X Web服务。 ibm

It is, if you appreciate this sort of thing, a perfectly serviceable motion picture.
如果你喜欢这类东西,那这绝对是部不错的电影。 yeeyan

It is analogous to a rich toolbox with a variety of tools for the Telecom industry, and SOA Parlay X Web services is among one of the most serviceable of the resources in this toolbox.
可以将其比作电信行业的一个包含各种工具的百宝箱,而 SOA Parlay X Web服务则是百宝箱中最有用的资源。 ibm

It has a serviceable set of prejudices, for sound money, national sovereignty, self- reliance and so on.
对于健全货币,国家主权,自给自足等等,它有自己的一套实用的独特理论。 yeeyan

Many of Alaska’s villages are inland and not serviceable by ferry or rail.
许多阿拉斯加内陆乡村是渡船和火车所不能到达的。 yeeyan

Most of the tools and techniques I discuss are also a serviceable means of working with more data-oriented XML documents, but the emphasis in this column is working with marked- up prose.
我所讨论的大多数工具和技术也是使用更多面向数据 XML文档的有用方法,但本专栏的重点是使用标记过的散文。 ibm

Now domestic appliances come with forbidding labels, such as“ no user- serviceable parts” and“ disassembly voids warranty”.
现在的家用电器都带上了禁止标签,比如“不含用户可维修零件”和“拆开产品保修无效”。 ecocn

Put them all together with the rest of your application and you can have a fast, feature- rich, serviceable application up and running quickly!
如果将这些特性与应用程序的其余部分组合在一起,那么您将得到一个快速、特性丰富、易于使用的应用程序! ibm

Then when I became pregnant with my second daughter a friend turned me on to Target’s plain but serviceable maternity department and Motherhood Maternity a discount retailer found in some malls.
然后,当我怀上第二个女儿的时候,一个朋友把我带到普通店,也就是耐用的孕妇装部门,一个在一些购物商场里的折扣零售商。 yeeyan

This is a simple, serviceable way to create disks for public distribution, as it creates a disk that can be read on any Windows or Linux system.
对于创建用于公用分发的盘,这是一种简单且可用的方法,因为它创建了可以在任何 Windows或 Linux系统上读取的盘。 ibm

This product contains no user serviceable parts.
本产品不含用户可维修零件。 hjenglish

Why would anyone crossbreed a perfectly serviceable bear with an owl?
为什么有人把像熊这样非常有用的生物跟枭杂交呢? anetcity

You should also observe that the table has identical looking and equally serviceable horizontal and vertical headers that are distinguished from the table's body.
您还可以观察到表体之外有两个外观一样的标题栏,它们分别是垂直和水平的。 ibm




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