

单词 served up
释义 served up短语³²²⁹³
I’ve had it easy, served up on all life’s silver platters like a satrap.
我象总督一样,终生有银制餐盘伺候,这些得来全不费工夫。 ecocn

One of its strangest anecdotes is about Mark Clark, an American general in the second world war, being served up the last inhabitant of the Naples aquarium, a baby manatee.
最奇怪的名人轶事之一是关于马克.克拉克的,他是一位二战时期的美国将军,餐桌上摆上了那不勒斯水族馆最后的“居民”—--一只刚出生不久的小海牛。 ecocn

Throw in the usual round of human misery served up by war, revolution and natural disasters, and the result is a potent cultural Petri dish from which a new god could spring.
今天的人类仍深陷战争,革命和自然灾害的苦难之中,结果是在这种强有力的文化培养皿中,一个新的上帝可能会出现。 ecocn

After more than three hours of pulsating action, Nadal finally cracked in the third set tiebreaker at2-2 when he served up a double fault.
鏖战了三个多小时以后,纳达尔在第三局抢七达成2-2时崩盘,当时他发出了一次双误。 yeeyan

Drinks, dentistry and divorces have been served up to bargain- seeking gringos for decades.
酗酒,牙医和离婚已经困扰购买廉价货的外国佬们几十年了。 ecocn

Full- page and fragment versions of HTML files can usually be served up from the same server- side templating engine.
HTML文件的整页格式和片段格式都可以从相同的服务器端模板引擎获得。 ibm

However they're served up, eggs are one of the best protein sources you can find.
不管是怎样料理方式,蛋永远是你能轻易找到的优质蛋白质来源之一。 haotoufa

It enables people to ask questions, the answers to which are served up from a database provided by other users.
它允许用户提出问题,然后再从数据库中调取其他人提供的答案。 ecocn

Some of the files may be served up from cache, without contacting the server at all.
有的文件可能会不需要与服务器通讯,而从缓存中直接读取。 blog.sina.com.cn

The world was frozen and served up to him under a glass.
世界突然静止了,隔着一层玻璃出现在他眼前。 yeeyan

The research was served up at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago, a mecca for thick-crust pizza.
这项研究在美国化学研究学会在“厚皮比萨之乡”芝加哥召开的一个会议上公布。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Whether Karl Marx would approve of his masterwork being served up as entertainment for China's new bourgeoisie is a matter of speculation.
问题的关键是:卡尔·马克思是否愿意将他的名著当作娱乐佳肴供奉给中国新兴的布尔乔亚。 yeeyan




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