

单词 served as
释义 served as短语²²¹⁸
Benjamin Busch served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps and deployed for two combat tours in Iraq.
本杰明·布什曾在美国海军陆战队担任一名陆军军官,在伊拉克部署过两次战斗行动。 yeeyan

The house to which they would return was in shambles; its kitchen had served as a stable.
当他们历经艰难,回到中国时,他们的住所一片混乱;他们的厨房被人当作了马厩。 yeeyan

The speculative bubble was based on a bet that served as its own foundation.
投机的泡沫建立在赌局之上,以此作为其自身的基础。 yeeyan

When they owned a boat and kept it at the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club, he and Dick served as treasurer and secretary of that organisation.
他们买了一艘船并停放在波及浦西游艇俱乐部,加里和迪克分别在该组织里担任会计和秘书。 ecocn

A notched tree trunk served as a ladder to an opening near the top.
一根有缺口的树枝当作梯子通向靠近顶端的开口。 yeeyan

Abrahim and my father stopped in front of one of the houses, and Abrahim pulled back the curtain that served as the door.
亚伯拉罕和我父亲在其中一所房子前面停下了脚步,亚伯拉罕揭开了当作门用的帘子。 yeeyan

Bernanke has taught at Stanford University, New York University, and Princeton University, where he served as chairman of the department from1996 to2002.
伯南克曾在斯坦福大学、纽约大学、普林斯顿大学任教,1996-2002年,他还在普林斯顿大学担任系主任。 yeeyan

Bill had served as the Arkansas representative in the Agricultural Soil and Conservation Service in the Johnson administration.
比尔曾经作为阿肯色州的代表在约翰逊政府的农业土壤保持部门工作。 yeeyan

Charlene Barshefsky, who served as United States Trade Representative under President Clinton, said she did not think the decision signals any broad reversal in trade policy.
在克林顿总统时担任美国商务代表巴尔舍夫斯基说她不认为那决定标志着任何在贸易政策上广阔的反转。 yeeyan

During the1990s, he served as chairman of Nasdaq, the electronic share trading marketplace that competes with the New York Stock Exchange.
在1990年代,他在纳斯达克任主席,那是一家与纽约证券交易所竞争的电子证券交易市场。 yeeyan

He then served as WHO Representative in Oman, and Director, Division of Health Systems Development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
然后又担任世卫组织驻阿曼代表以及东地中海区域卫生系统发展司司长。 who

Herman Van Rompuy, now president of the European Council representing EU leaders, served as budget minister in the early part of this period.
目前任欧洲理事会主席代表欧盟各国领导人的范龙佩于此期间前半期任比预算大臣。 ecocn

His daughter Indira served as PM from1966 to1977 and then again from 1980 until her murder in 1984.
他的女儿英迪拉从1966年至1977年担任总理,1980年再次出任总理,直到1984年被暗杀。 yeeyan

In other cases, the business object model simply served as a consistent point of reference for understanding the customer's domain.
在其他一些情况下,业务对象模型简单的作为一 个为理解客户领域的引用的结合点来使用。 ibm

Often apocalypses seem to have served as a form of cultural resistance.

Schmidt is a regular presence in Washington; he served as a member of Obama's transition team and now sits on his technology advisory council.
施米特照常在华盛顿露面;他担任奥巴马政府过渡小组成员,现在还是奥巴马的技术咨询委员会委员。 yeeyan

She served as president for14 years leading campaigns against segregation and discrimination.
她担任主席14年,领导了多次反隔离反歧视运动。 yeeyan

Starting in2001, Broder also served as a journalism professor at the University of Maryland. He also taught for a time at Duke University.
从2001年开始,布罗德还担任马里兰大学新闻系的教授,他也在杜克大学教过一段时间。 yeeyan

There were about twelve different component teams, including teams working on two open- source technologies, which served as the basis for the technical function.
有大约十二个不同的组分团队,包括致力于开源技术的团队、它们是作为技术功能基础的团队。 ibm

This week in our series, we continue the story of the man who served as America's twenty- second and twenty-fourth president, Grover Cleveland.
本周,我们继续向你讲述美国第二十四任总统,也是第二次担任美国总统的格罗弗.克利夫兰的故事。 yeeyan




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