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bal·ance 英ˈbæləns美ˈbælənsAHDbălʹəns 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.平衡²;天平⁵;平静¹;结余¹;差额²;调和;制衡vt.权衡³;使平衡;抵消¹;称重量vi.均衡³;建立平衡
n.名词 U平衡,均衡a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread, so as to produce a condition of steadiness C天平,秤an instrument for weighing things C结存,结余,余额an amount that remains or is left over v.动词 vt. & vi. 使平衡,使均衡put sth in such a way that it does not fall down vt. 权衡; 比较weigh; compare two objects, plans, etc. in order to judge the relative weight, value, etc. vi. 结账record the sum needed to make them equal Noun: a state of equilibriumequality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an accountharmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole as in a design;in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance equality of distributionsomething left after other parts have been taken away;there was no remainder he threw away the rest he took what he wanted and I got the balance the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an accountastrology a person who is born while the sun is in Librathe seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22mathematics an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or planea weight that balances another weighta wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beata scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity Verb: bring into balance or equilibrium;She has to balance work and her domestic duties balance the two weights compute credits and debits of an accounthold or carry in equilibriumbe in equilibrium;He was balancing on one foot v.动词 balance, compensate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, offset这组词都可表示“赔偿,弥补”。其区别是: compensate表示“赔偿”,意思最广泛,可以指补偿损失、酬报劳役、弥补缺陷等; countervail表示“补偿”,强调在能力或效率方面可以抵消已造成的影响、伤害或损失。balance表示“弥补”,指相互调节,以达到在数量、质量、大小、重要性或效率等方面的平衡或均衡; offset表示“弥补”,强调在善与恶、得与失、赢与亏等方面的均衡; counterbalance表示“弥补”“抵消”,多指弥补不足之处; counterpoise表示“抵消”“均衡”,指提供相同的重量或相等的价值等。 remainder,surplus,rest,remains,balance这些名词均含“剩余部分”之意。 remainder含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分后的所余部分,或一群人走掉一部分剩下的人。 surplus表盈余。 rest最普通用词与定冠词连用,指任何指定数量的人或物等。 remains常指人或动物死后的遗体或遗骨,也指古代文明的遗迹或去世作家尚未发表的遗稿。 balance指支取存款的余额或减去各种开支后的尾数。 世界上最早的天平是古埃及人发明的。在7000多年前,古埃及人就发明了一种悬挂式的天平来给麦子称重。这种天平有两个秤盘,分别悬挂在秤梁的两边,使用的是石头做成的砝码。迄今发现的最古老的天平出自上埃及第三王朝,约公元前2500年。 古希腊人也会使用天平,并最早创造了衡器理论。古希腊科学家亚里士多德、欧几里德和阿基米德都曾经研究过等臂杠杆的平衡、稳定性以及天平灵敏度与臂长的关系。古希腊人所使用的天平与古埃及天平类似,也是由两个秤盘构成。 到了古罗马时期,出现了杆秤,即只使用一个秤盘和一个秤砣,通过秤砣在秤梁上的位置来确定秤盘上的货物的重量。与需要两个秤盘和多个不同刻度的砝码的天平相比,杆秤无疑更加先进。 英语单词balance最初的本意是“天平”。它源自古拉丁语bilanx,由bitwo,两个+lanxpans,盘构成,指的就是“由两个秤盘构成的天平”。后来,该词又逐渐衍生出“平衡”的比喻之意,再在财会领域中,由“财务平衡表的差值”而衍生出“余额”之意。 balance: 'bæləns n.天平,平衡,余额vt使平衡,使相称,结算vi.保持平衡,抵消。 用作名词 n. 动词+~achieve balance获得平衡acquire balance获得平衡collect the balance收取余款disturb the balance打乱平衡keep balance保持平衡lose one's balance失去平衡maintain balance保持平衡make up the balance补足差额recover the balance恢复平衡refund the balance补偿差额regain the balance恢复平衡restore the balance恢复平衡strike a balance结算账目throw off one's balance失去平衡upset the balance打乱平衡形容词+~analytical balance分析天平favorable balance顺差,出超international balances国际平衡perfect balance恰到好处strategic balance战略平衡unfavorable balance逆差,入超名词+~bank balance银行存款credit balance账上贷方余额laboratory balance实验室天平~+名词balance beam体操的平衡木介词+~in balance总的说来on balance权衡起来,收支相抵out of balance失去平衡~+介词the balance of nature生态平衡the balance of revenue and expenditure收支平衡用作动词 v.~+名词balance an account结账balance a coin使硬币平衡balance the good and evil of things权衡事物的善与恶~+副词balance accurately准确地衡量balance cautiously慎重地权衡balance dexterously娴熟地保持平衡balance equally均衡balance eventually最终平衡balance exactly恰好相抵balance both physically and mentally从身心双方面权衡balance off抵消balance out抵消掉balance up相抗衡~+介词balance against相比较,相抵消balance against the other把一种与另一种进行比较balance good qualities against shortcoming以优点抵消缺点balance A by B使甲乙两方均衡balance in one's choice权衡利弊balance in power势均力敌balance A with B使甲乙两方均衡 用作名词n.in the balance悬而未决,犹豫 in a state of uncertainty on balance全面考虑之后,总的说来 when everything has been considered 用作动词v. balance against v. + prep.
使抵消,均衡 weigh sth against sth balance sth against sthWe must balance his good qualities against his faults.我们应该用他的优点来抵消他的缺点。 We balance the benefits against the costs of medical insurance.我们把医疗保险的好处与其开支加以权衡。 He balanced a trip to the mountains against the chance of a summer job.他把去山里旅行与夏季打工的机会作了比较。 She balanced the attractions of high salary against the prospect of working long hours.她权衡高工资和工作时间长这两方面的利益。 balance out v. + adv.
相等,平衡,比得上 be equal weight balance outI hope that the figures for income and costs balance out.我希望收支平衡。 At the end of the year the accounts balance out.年终时,账上正好收支平衡。balance sth ⇔ outThe advantages of having a car and the money it costs balance each other out.有汽车的好处与买汽车的破费相互抵偿了。 The enthusiasm of your side and the determination of the other balance each other out.你们劲头十足,对方决心很大,两者不相上下。 balance with v. + prep.
使一方抵消; 均衡另一方( weigh sth against sth else; consider sth in relation to usually sth opposite) balance with sthThe punishment did not balance with the offense.惩罚与罪过不相称。 The total of the figures should balance with that one in the third column.这些数字的总和应和第三栏的总和保持平衡。钱博士ba=bi,二+lance托盘→两个托盘→天平→平衡→财务平衡表中的余额,差额→转作动词使平衡⇒用作财务领域专业术语结算,抵消使财务平衡表实现平衡 词根bi-/bis-二来自拉丁语,和拉丁词根du-/dou-二同源。 应用实例美国著名运动鞋品New Balance曾被誉为“慢跑鞋之王”,先后使用过中文品牌名称“纽巴伦”和“新百伦”,但均发现已经被中国企业抢先注册了商标。故事记忆旅游去趟 France法国巴黎舞厅 Dance跳舞正在大步 Advance前进忽见美女 Glance匆匆一看脚下失去 Balance平衡踩高根鞋抓住了 Chance机会假装失足,找机会接近。ba=bi,二+lance托盘→两个托盘→天平→平衡→财务平衡表中的余额,差额→转作动词使平衡⇒用作财务领域专业术语结算,抵消使财务平衡表实现平衡。联想记忆bal看作ball,球+ance→球操选手需要很好的平衡能力→平衡联想记忆bal看作ball,球+ance→球操选手需要很好的平衡能力→平衡联想记忆bal看作ball球+ance→球操选手需要很好的平衡能力→平衡非常记忆ba爸+lan懒+ce厕所⇒爸爸懒得在厕所保持平衡近义词 meann. harmony反义词 imbalancen. disproportion 用作名词n.I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path.我觉得在冰滑小道上走路要保持身体平衡是相当困难的。 We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy.我们设法做到宽严并济,恩威兼施。 She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude.在与外界隔绝的漫长岁月中,她一度失去心态的平衡。 The balance of evidence lies against her.证据偏向于对她不利。 Weigh that loaf of bread on the balance, please.把那块面包放在天平上称一称。 My bank balance isn't very large.我银行存款不多。 I'd like to take the balance of my holidays in September.我想在九月份用完我剩下的假期。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AWhen you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance.你学骑自行车时必须学会平衡。 He tried to balance on one foot.他试着用一只脚站稳。 The dancer could balance on one toe.这个舞蹈演员能在一个脚尖上保持平衡。 My accounts balance.我的账收支平衡。 The company's accounts did not balance.公司的收支不平衡。 Income and expenditures exactly balance.收支恰好相抵。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.Can you balance yourself on skates?你穿了溜冰鞋能保持身体平衡吗? Can you balance a coin on its edge?你能把一枚硬币竖立起来吗? He balanced the two rocks in his hands.他用手掂两块石头的分量。 We must balance the good and evil of things.我们必须权衡事物的善与恶。 The weight here balances the weight there.这边的重量与那边的重量相等。 A child's exercise and rest should balance each other.孩子的运动和休息应互相抵消。 A government's revenue and expenditure should bebalanced.政府的财政收入和支出要平衡。Pautobalance自动平衡Pthermobalance热天平Ppseudo-balance伪平衡Pbalanceda.公平的平衡的Pelectrobalance电动天平Pmicrobalancen.微量天平Pimbalancen.不平衡不均衡Poff-balancea.不平衡的ad.不平衡地Poutbalancevt.在重量上超过超过较为重要Pbalancern.起平衡作用的人平衡器走钢丝者Punbalancen.失衡精神错乱vt.使失去平衡使错乱Punbalanceda.心神不定的精神有些失常的不公正的片面的Pcounterbalancevt.使平均使平衡使弥补n.平衡量平衡力势均力敌Pwell-balanceda.匀称的营养成分均衡的神志健全的明智的通情达理的Poverbalancevt.使倾覆超过使失去均衡跌倒vi.失去平衡n.超重超量失去平衡
balance用作名词的基本意思是“平衡,对比”,引申可表示“调和,均势”,还可表示思想或情绪上的稳定、镇定、沉着,有时还可表示重量、力量或数量上的偏重,作此解是不可数名词,但其前可加不定冠词。 balance还可作“天平,秤”解,引申可表示“平衡力,制衡作用,抵消作用”。balance也可作“结存,结余,余额”解,指财务上的收支差额或余额。在美式英语中the balance可作“残余,余额”解。 表示“一副天平”,可说a balance,也可说a pair of balance。表示“用天平称某物”可接介词in或on。 v.动词
balance的基本意思是对物体各部分进行适当调整,使重量均衡或比例协调,从而达到稳固或稳定的目的。引申可指均衡或比较事物的利弊、优势或轻重、缓急等。 美国人习惯用the balance表示“其余”,而英国人则习惯用the remainder或the rest来表示。 动词53%,名词47% 用作名词The girl lost herbalanceand fell off thebalancebeam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 Great care must be taken in the use of thebalance.这种天平使用时必须十分当心。 He used a very sensitive torsionbalance.他利用了一架非常灵敏的扭力天平。 Sunday is a great time tobalanceout whatever area of your life has felt disordered as of late.星期天是你最近动荡不安的生活得到平静的大好时机。 We need to maintain some semblance ofbalanceand some sense that we are steering the ship of our life.我们需要保持平静的外表,和一种我们掌握了我们的生活之舟的意识。 Kindly remit us thebalancewithout delay .请立即把余额汇给我们。 In other words, thebalanceof trade may deteriorate rather than improve.换句话说,国际贸易差额不但不会改善,反而可能会恶化。 Thebalanceof the shade and the sun on the tree-trunks and on the ground is beautiful beyond words.射在树干与地面上的阳光和树荫,其色彩之调和,真是美得难以形容。 EBN isbalancein Yin and Yang, sweet and mild, making it a surprisingly pleasant medicinal food.燕窝的特质是阴阳调和,带甜温和,使到其成为人们喜欢享用的保健品。 Thebalanceof terror has replaced thebalanceof power.恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。 Locke's ideas on the powerbalanceare still inspiring in modem societies.洛克权力制衡思想对现代社会仍然具有启发意义。用作及物动词You have tobalancethe advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 The company will lay off workers tobalancethe budget.这家公司会裁员,以平衡预算。 This year's profits willbalanceour previous losses.本年度的盈利将与上一年度的亏损相抵。用作不及物动词The dancer couldbalanceon one toe.舞蹈演员可以用一个脚趾平衡。 The aviator warped a wing tip to regainbalance.飞行员使一机翼的端部翘起,以恢复平衡。noun.equilibrium 同义词 equity,harmony,tensionantithesis,correspondence,counterbalance,equivalence,evenness,hang,parity,proportion,stasis,symmetryeven-steven 反义词 difference,disproportion,imbalance,inequality,unevennessinstabilitynoncomposurenoun.composure 同义词 stabilityequanimity,poise,self-control,self-possession,steadfastness 反义词 agitation,discomposuredisproportion,imbalance,instabilitynoncomposurenoun.money remaining in account 同义词 difference,profit,surplusdividend,excess,remainder,residue,rest 反义词 base,coredisproportion,imbalance,instabilitynoncomposureverb.make equal;cause to have equilibrium 同义词 adjust,harmonize,offset,readjust,stabilize,weighaccord,attune,cancel,collate,compensate,correspond,counteract,counterbalance,equalize,equate,even,level,match,neutralize,nullify,oppose,parallel,poise,redeem,set,square,steady,tiecome out,come out even,make up for,pair off 反义词 aid,approve,assist,differ,disagree,forfeit,help,imbalance,lose,supportdisproportion,overbalance,unbalanceverb.compare 同义词 assess,weighconsider,deliberate,estimate,evaluate 反义词 disproportion,overbalance,unbalanceverb.make equal numerically 同义词 adjust,calculateaudit,compute,count,enumerate,equate,estimate,figure,settle,square,tally,totalsum up 反义词 disagree,estimate,guess,subtractdisproportion,overbalance,unbalance accountnoun record of finances, fees, or charges IOU,bad news,bill,book,books,charge,check,computation,cuff,grunt,inventory,invoice,ledger,reckoning,record,register,report,score,statement,tab,tally adjustverb mechanically alter, especially to align,balance,bring into line,calibrate,connect,correct,fine-tune,fit,fix,focus,grind,improve,improve accommodate,mend,overhaul,polish,put in working order,readjust,rectify,regulate,renovate,repair,service,set,sharpen,square,tighten,troubleshoot,tune up adjustsverb mechanically alter, especially to acclimatizes,accommodates,accustoms,adapts,alters,arranges,composes,conforms,disposes,doctors,does as Romans does,fiddles with,fine-tunes,fits,fixes,fixes up,gets acts together,gets it together,grins and bears it,habituates,harmonizes,makes conform,modifies,orders,quadrates,reconciles,rectifies,redresses,regulates,remodels,settles,suits,swims with the tide,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes aplombnoun assurance balance,confidence,coolness,equanimity,nerve,nonchalance,poise,self-possession,surety,tact atoneverb compensate;make amends for former misdoing absolve,answer,apologize,appease,balance,correct,counterbalance,do penance,expiate,make amends,make redress,make reparation,make up for,offset,outweigh,pay,pay one's dues,propitiate,recompense,reconcile,redeem,redress,repair,set off,square,take one's medicine attuneverb adjust acclimatize,accommodate,accord,accustom,adapt,balance,compensate,conform,coordinate,counterbalance,familiarize,harmonize,integrate,make agree,proportion,reconcile,regulate,tune The factors that push you out of balance can be external or internal. 将你推出平衡之外的因素可以是外部的也可以是内部的。 lailook.net “ It all comes down to energy balance, ” or, as you might have guessed, calories in and calories out. “这都可以归于能量平衡,”或者正如你所猜到的那样,热量的摄取和消耗。 yeeyan And they all have the same discussions about how to balance it. 她们也常常讨论如何平衡工作和生活的关系。 yeeyan But you have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things. 但是另一方面,你不得不通过少吃其它东西来平衡额外的卡路里。 yeeyan But you must balance that need with the need for accountability. 但是你必须在个人需求和责任感两方面做出平衡。 yeeyan Can you balance on one foot? 你能独脚站着保持平衡吗?《21世纪大英汉词典》 For a moment I was ready to agree that balance might not be what we all need. 在某一时刻我似乎同意了平衡有可能不是我们所有人都需要的观点。 yeeyan For balance, have him stand near a bed or a wall. 为了平衡,叫他靠近一面墙或床站着。 yeeyan How do you balance that in this economic environment? 在眼下这样的经济环境下,你如何平衡这个问题? iciba I was not ready to quit and give up my journey towards life balance and this is when it hit me. 我不打算放弃和中断我的朝向生活平衡的旅程,而这就是它对我产生影响的时候。 yeeyan If you want to balance your life then you must learn to have fun in your life no matter what. 如果您想平衡你的生活,那么你必须学会从你生活中的每件事情中寻找乐趣。 yeeyan In his design the beam cantilevers out too far for balance. 在他的设计中,悬臂梁伸出太多,不能平衡。《21世纪大英汉词典》 In Indonesia she finds yet another piece of herself: the balance between the pleasures of eating and praying. 在印度尼西亚,她又找到了另一份自我:在吃的乐趣与祈祷的乐趣之间的平衡。 yeeyan It shows you how to balance them. 它表明你该如何去平衡它们。 hxen On an issue like this, how do you balance scientific objectivity with advocacy? 对这类问题,你如何平衡科学的客观性与宣传正确的主张呢? who Or have you achieved balance? 或者你已经找到了平衡? yeeyan That said I think it is a very individual matter, you need to figure out for yourself what the perfect balance is. 这也就是说我认为生活平衡时一个非常个人化的事情,你需要去找出你自己最完美的平衡。 yeeyan The man lost his balance and pitch down the cliff. 这个人失去平衡,从悬崖上摔下去了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 There must be the balance. 这其中必须要有平衡。 blog.sina.com.cn This is what life balance is for me. 这就是我对平衡生活的理解。 yeeyan This marks an extraordinary change in the balance of power. 这标志这军事力量平衡的一个显著改变。 ecocn This way they keep each other in balance. 这种方法让它们彼此保存平衡。 infoq To cool herself and regain mental balance she went out of the room and had a walk in the garden. 为了使自己冷静下来并重新得到心理上的平衡,她走出室外去花园散步。《21世纪大英汉词典》 We know very well that this kind of balance of powers did not work even then. 我们都很清楚,这种在强国之间找平衡的办法在那时候也不起作用。 yeeyan What is life balance for you? 对你而言什么是生活平衡? yeeyan While I certainly do not deny the importance of ensuring server stability, you have to balance the need for adequate testing with the need for adequate security. 尽管我当然不会否认确保服务器稳定性的重要性,但是你也得在合适的测试需要和恰当的安全需求之间做出平衡。 yeeyan You might like to look at how these three strands play out in your life. Are they in balance? 你也许想观察一下这三个方面是如果在你的生活中呈现的,它们是平衡存在的吗? yeeyan You must have balance. 你必须取得平衡。 yeeyan |