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词汇 serra
释义 Ser·ra 英ˈserə美ˈsɛrə 高COCA³³⁵¹³BNC²⁹⁶⁶²

Spanish missionary who founded Franciscan missions in California 1713-1784 José Serra, the runner-up in last year’s presidential election, tried to capitalise on this by emphasising his record as health minister from1998 to2002.
去年参加总统选举的 José Serra试图利用这一点取胜,于是强调自己从1998 年到2002 年担任卫生部部长的经历。 ecocn

José Serra, the governor of São Paulo and the man opinion polls tip to succeed Lula in a presidential election next year, has urged Congress not to rush.
圣保罗州州长 José Serra促请国会不要急于通过,各项民调暗示他将会在明年总统大选后接替鲁拉上台。 ecocn

Mr Serra’s slogan, “ Brazil can do more,” exemplifies the difficulty. He is struggling to capitalise on his own record.
Jóse Serra的竞选口号「巴西可以做得更多」反映了这个困难,他正在努力让过去的政绩为自己加分。 ecocn

Mr Serra’s state government built a big new school and a health clinic there.
José Serra的州政府在这里盖了一所大型的新学校和一间卫生所。 ecocn

Mr Serra has played the affair for all it is worth in his election advertising, showing footage of the two women together and emphasising their close and long-standing working relationship.
José Serra把握良机,已经在竞选广告主打这桩丑闻,播放这两位女士在一起的画面,强调她们两人的密切程度和长时期的工作关系。 ecocn

Mr Serra needs to get out on the stump and start singing his own praises now, if he wants to avoid being remembered as the best president Brazil never had.
假如José Serra想要避免让人民记得巴西从未出现最佳总统的话,现在他需要站出来在讲台上开始自吹自擂。 ecocn

Mr Serra was somewhat better. But since the debate was scheduled at the same time as an important football match, hardly anyone watched.
José Serra的表现比较好,但因为这场辩论与一场重要的足球比赛时间重叠,所以几乎没有人观看。 ecocn

The gap between her and José Serra, her main rival, halved between March and December last year and now stands at14 points.
她与主要对手 José Serra之间的差距从去年三月至十二月之间已经减少一半,现在相差14个百分点。 ecocn

The problem is not presentation, though Mr Serra looks dull except when he smiles, when he looks alarming.
虽然除了微笑和吃惊的时候, Serra先生看上去总是面无表情,但是问题并不是出在表现力上。 ecocn

The vote will split the country geographically, particularly if Mr Serra picks a running-mate who is also from the south-east of Brazil.
投票行为将在地理上撕裂国家,特别假如 José Serra挑选一位同样来自东南部的竞选搭挡。 ecocn

Probably rightly, Mr Serra has decided that attacking a president as popular as Lula would not win him many votes.
Serra很明白,攻击一个像卢拉如此受欢迎的总统是不会为他赢得更多选票的。 ecocn

In Sao Paulo Mr Serra was a popular mayor and governor.
在圣保罗,José Serra是一位备受欢迎的市长和州长。 ecocn

Jaime Serra, an economist who as trade minister negotiated NAFTA in the early1990s, points out that the multiplier effect of exports in Mexico is unusually low.
经济学家 Jaime Serra在20世纪19年代初担任贸易部长,参与谈判北美自由贸易协定,他指出目前墨西哥出口的乘数效应非常低。 ecocn

More worryingly for Mr Serra, the debate foreshadowed the difficulties he will face for the rest of the campaign.
更让 Serra先生担心的是,这场辩论预示着他在剩下的选举活动中将面对怎样的困难。 ecocn

Mr Serra originally proposedÁlvaro Dias, a senator from his own party.
Serra先生原本推荐的是他所在党派的Álvaro Dias参议员。 ecocn

ON PAPER, Jóse Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, Brazil’s biggest opposition party, should be able to win the presidential election due on October3rd without breaking a sweat.
理论上,巴西最大反对党巴西社会民主党的总统候选人Jóse Serra,应该可以十月三日举行的总统大选不费一兵一卒轻易赢得胜选。 ecocn

ON PAPER, José Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social DemocracyPSDB, Brazil’s biggest opposition party, should be able to win the presidential election due on October3rd without breaking a sweat.
从理论上讲,巴西最大反对党---社会民主党的候选人José Serra应该将毫不费力的在10月3日举行的大选中胜出。 ecocn

Paulo Renato Souza, a former cabinet colleague of Mr Serra and now his state education secretary, remembers him telephoning in the middle of the night, demanding information.
过去的内阁同事教育部长,现任圣保罗州教育厅长的 Paulo Renato Souza回想起,José Serra有一次曾在半夜打电话找他要求提供数据。 ecocn

Reforms in the state could spread across the country if its governor, José Serra, becomes Brazil’s next president in the2010 election, as opinion polls suggest.
若其州长 José Serra如民调所示在2010大选中能当选下界总统,这种改革将在全国范围展开。 ecocn

Richer and better- educated folk preferred Mr Serra, but Brazil has fewer of them.
有钱人和受过高等教育的选民偏爱 José Serra,但他们在巴西算是少数。 ecocn

She had claimed that the scandal was a political concoction and that Mr Serra was “ unethical and already defeated”.
她已经声称这件丑事是一个政治阴谋,José Serra「手段卑鄙,已经出局」。 ecocn

So it is more than a mere curiosity that the running-mates of both Ms Rousseff and her main challenger, José Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social DemocracyPSDB, are causing problems.
因此,关注此次选举,不仅仅是因为好奇心,而是因为 Rousseff女士和她的主要对手——巴西社会民主党的 José Serra——这两个重要候选人都处于麻烦之中。 ecocn

So Mr Serra’s ratings ought to perk up again once he starts campaigning.
因此 José Serra一旦展开竞选活动,他的领先幅度应该再次拉开。 ecocn

That would suit Mr Serra but would exacerbate the contrast between the two nations within Brazil.
这将有利于 José Serra的选情,但亦将加重巴西境内出现两个国家的强烈对比。 ecocn

This means that Ms Rousseff will get more than ten minutes, three times a week; Mr Serra must manage with just over seven minutes. That advantage could end up being the decisive one.
这意味着 Rousseff将会拥有超过10分钟的时间,每周3次,而 Serra则仅仅拥有7分钟左右的时间,这一优势将很有可能是决定性的。 ecocn

With an impressive record as an academic, minister and state governor, Mr Serra is surely a strong candidate to fill the post.
在担任教授、部长和州长期间留下令人印象深刻的政绩,José Serra确实是一位实力强劲的总统候选人。 ecocn

Serra used this recipe, scaled down for two, to step up her game.
Serra用这个菜谱使她的游戏加速了两步。 很有效。 yeeyan




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