释义 |
serows 基本例句 n.鬣羚属¹⁰⁰ The black bear, theserowand 87 species of birds can be found in this forest .白神山地的森林中还生活着黑熊、鬣羚和87种鸟类。 Formosanserowis one of the indigent animals in Taiwan.They are very sensitive and shy.Formosanserowis related to antelopes by blood;they are also called Taiwan antelope.台湾山羊是台湾土产的动物之一,生性敏感而又带点害羞的台湾山羊,因血缘与羚羊相近,也被称作台湾羚羊。 Formosanserowis an endemic subspecies to Taiwan and the major prey for hunters.Due to mass predation, we can hardly see Formosanserowin the wild today.台湾山羊则为台湾特有亚种,为狩猎者主要的猎物之一,大量被捕杀之后,今已不多见了。 Under the deal, Beijing offers the island two pandas and receives a Formosa sika deer and a Formosaserow, which is a goat-like or antelope-like mammal.根据协议,北京向台湾捐赠两只大熊猫,台湾则回赠了梅花鹿与长鬃山羊两种动物。Serow 鬣羚⎤ |