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词汇 serotypes
释义 se·ro·type·s 英'sɪərətaɪp美'seərəˌtaɪp COCA¹⁴⁶²³⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.血清型⁸⁹v.按血清型分类¹¹原型serotype的复数过去分词serotyped现在分词serotyping三单serotypes The only way for broiler operations to reduce the specific serotypes at processing that concern FSIS is by developing a vaccination program specifically against those serotypes.

The virus strain was identified Avian Influenza Virus A, the sub- serotypes of hemagglutinin HA and neuraminidase NA were not determined.
经血清学鉴定为 A型禽流感病毒 HA、 NA亚型未测定,该病毒株具有良好的免疫原性。 dictall

The serotypes of the isolates were determined by immunofluorescence assay with serotype- specific monoclonal antibodies.
感染后的细胞使用型特异性抗体进行免疫荧光实验证实其血清型。 rsghb

The median titers were significantly lower in the fractional- dose group than in the full- dose group P0.001 for all three poliovirus serotypes.
分次剂量组的中位数滴度明显低于全剂量组三种脊髓灰质炎病毒血清分型皆 P0.001。 medicaleng

This review introduced the development of studies on A group rotavirus, concerning its pathogenetic characteristics, genome structure, virus proteins, diagnosis, serotypes and gene engineering.
概述了有关 A组轮状病毒的病原特性、基因组结构、病毒蛋白、诊断、血清分型、基因工程等方面国内外研究情况。 cnki

All four dengue virusDENV serotypes were permanently in circulation, though the predominant serotype has alternated between DENV-3 and DENV-2 since2000.
尽管2000年之后主导血清型在DENV-3和 DENV-2之间交替,但是全部四种登革热病毒血清型一直在循环着。 who

Currently,21 serotypes have been identified in the world, and little cross reaction in different serotypes.
目前已发现21个血清型,各种血清型之间很少有交叉保护性。 cnki

Dengue is a complex disease, with its four serotypes.
登革热是一种复杂的疾病,有四种血清型。 who

Epidemic types classified by cluster analysis of proportion of main animal hosts of surveillance sites were consistent with serotypes of HFRS patients.
根据各监测点的宿主动物种群构成应用聚类分析划分的疫区类型与病人血清型构成划分的疫区类型基本一致。 cnki

First, not all cervical cancer is caused by HPV-16 or HPV-18, and second, it appears necessary to vaccinate young women before they are infected with these two serotypes.
其一,并不是所有的子宫颈癌是由 HPV-16或 HPV-18引起;其二,必须在年轻女子未感染这两种血清型的病毒之前接种疫苗。 dxy

Nevertheless the serotypes of APP are numerous, cross- protection among each serotype is in a low level, there are a great deal of difficulties in vaccination with traditional vaccines.
但由于 APP血清型众多,而且各血清型之间交叉保护力较低,给应用传统疫苗对该病进行免疫预防带来了极大的困难。 fabiao

Objective To investigate the serotypes and resistance of Shigellae in epidemic season.

Objective The study was conducted to investigate the main serotypes and drug resistance to commonly used antibiotics of isolated Shigella strains in Taiyuan.
方法对从腹泻患者分离的志贺菌菌株进行血清分型、生化鉴定和药物敏感试验。 dictall

Pneumonia, say the researchers, was the most common clinical disease associated with culture- confirmed invasive pneumococcal disease and this was mostly attributable to serotypes1, 19A,3, and7F.
研究人员称,肺炎是临床疾病中最常见的与培养证实的侵袭性肺炎球菌相关,这最大程度上归因于血清型1,19A,3和7F。 dxy

Reovirus includes3 serotypes. Homology of proteins encoded by S1 genome segment was less than26% between serotypes, while that of viral proteins encoded by other9 segments was all more than 86%.
呼肠病毒共有3个血清型,不同型之间 S1片段编码蛋白的同源性小于26%,其它9个片段编码蛋白的同源性都在86%以上。 cnki

The Paper, for the first time, has reported the study result of the isolation and serotypes of MAIC, a pathogen of zoonoses from the lymph nodes of a slaughtered swine.
本文首次报道了我国屠宰渚淋巴结中的人畜共患病原菌—— MAIC菌的分离及其血清型的研究结果。 cnki

The results indicated that the HPI was prevalent in the APEC strains, and the HPI had some relationship with the specific serotypes of isolated strains such as O78.
提示 HPI在 APEC中广泛存在,经进一步分析,发现分离菌株是否携带HPI与 O78等特定血清型有一定的相关性。

The results showed the electrophoresis profiles of the OMP of the5 serotypes RA isolates had some similarities and same OMP patterns among different serotypes RA isolates.
结果表明五种血清型的 RA外膜蛋白的电泳图谱具有一定相似性且不同血清型的菌株之间存在相同的外膜蛋白型; cnki

There are more than100 E. coli serotypes characterized by production of shiga toxins, and the most prominent serotype is O157: H7.
目前至少有100多种血清型的大肠杆菌具有产志贺氏毒素的能力,其中血清型为 O157: H7的菌株具较高致病力。 fabiao

This article reported distribution of31 serotypes Var. of Salmonella discovered for the first time in recent years in Fujian Province.
本文报道福建省近年来首次检出国内和省内尚未报道的31个血清型变种沙门氏菌型别分布。 cnki

To isolate the Bacillus thuringiensis native strains from warehouses grain dusts in China and analyze their H antigen serotypes.
对我国部分省市粮食粉尘中的苏芸金芽孢杆菌B t 野生株的进行分离、纯化及 H血清型鉴定。 cnki

Vaccination against potentially virulent H5 and H7 serotypes, where these are available.
有疫苗的,可以用免疫接种来预防 H5和 H7型禽流感感染。 tdict

Will future HPV vaccines extend protection to cover additional pathogenic serotypes?
将来的 HPV疫苗的保护范围可以覆盖到其他的致病血清型吗? dxy




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