

单词 serotype
释义 se·ro·type 英ˈsɪərəˌtaɪp, ˈser-美ˈsɪrəˌtaɪp, ˈsɛr-AHDsîrʹə-tīp', sĕrʹ- 高COCA¹⁰⁸¹⁸²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb³⁸⁵³²
n.血清型⁸⁹v.按血清型分类¹¹复数serotypes过去分词serotyped现在分词serotyping三单serotypes In order to develop a DNA microarray to detect Steptococcus suis species, its serotype and virulence- associated genes simultaneously, a set of probes specific for the target genes were designed.
目的建立猪链球菌基因芯片检测方法,实现对猪链球菌种、致病血清型及毒力相关基因的同步检测和鉴定。 rsghb

In2008, a nine- fold increase in new cases caused by this serotype has been reported compared with the same period in2007.
与2007年同期相比,2008年这一血清型病毒导致的新病例报告数目增加了9倍。 who

The serotypes of the isolates were determined by immunofluorescence assay with serotype- specific monoclonal antibodies.
感染后的细胞使用型特异性抗体进行免疫荧光实验证实其血清型。 rsghb

The National Laboratory of Public Health has confirmed the isolation of Vibrio cholerae01 serotype Inaba in9 out of13 samples.
国立公共卫生实验室已确认,在13个样本中,有9个已分离出稻叶型01群霍乱弧菌。 who

The same serotype strains from different sources may produce different DNA fingerprinting patterns.
相同血清型不同的株可能有不同的 DNA指纹带型。 cnki

Virulent Newcastle disease viruses NDV have evolved into nine genotypes although they belong to one serotype.
新城疫病毒 NDV虽然只有一个血清型,但其强毒已进化出现了九个基因型。 zgsyzz.ivdc.gov.cn

All four dengue virusDENV serotypes were permanently in circulation, though the predominant serotype has alternated between DENV-3 and DENV-2 since2000.
尽管2000年之后主导血清型在DENV-3和 DENV-2之间交替,但是全部四种登革热病毒血清型一直在循环着。 who

Conclusion There was a distinct serotype distribution between V. parahaemolyticus isolates from clinic patients and seafood.
结论临床来源和小水产品来源的副溶血弧菌菌株间血清型分布有显著差别; cnki

Conclusions The rate of community acquired diarrhea caused by Shigella was low in Wuhan and the superiority serotype changed.
结论志贺菌导致武汉市社区获得性腹泻的比例较低,优势血清型发生了变迁。 cnki

In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the two states where transmission has been most tenacious, the most dangerous serotype has not been detected at all during the first seven months of this year.
在一直最难以终止传播的两个邦,即北方邦和比哈尔邦,今年前七个月的全部时间中未发现最危险的血清型病毒。 who

Most available information relates to serotype O157: H7, since it is easily differentiated biochemically from other E. coli strains.
大多数现有信息均关系到 O157: H7血清型,因为从生物化学方面它容易与其它大肠杆菌菌株相区别。 who

Nevertheless the serotypes of APP are numerous, cross- protection among each serotype is in a low level, there are a great deal of difficulties in vaccination with traditional vaccines.
但由于 APP血清型众多,而且各血清型之间交叉保护力较低,给应用传统疫苗对该病进行免疫预防带来了极大的困难。 fabiao

Objective To understand resistance and serotype of pseudomonas aeruginosa PA and their internal relationship.
了解 PA的耐药性、血清型菌型分布及其内在联系。 cnki

Objective To analyze the correlation between enterovirus nucleotide sequence in VP1, VP4- VP2 regions and serotype.
目的了解肠道病毒VP1区、 VP4- VP2区核苷酸序列与血清型的相关性。 cnki

Results The type of Hantavirus infection was mainly serotype HTN, secondly serotype SEO and simultaneously also detected two sera which were doubtfully infected with serotype DOB virus.
结果陕西、河北两省部分地区汉坦病毒的感染以血清型HTN为主,其次为 SEO型,并检测出2例疑似DOB型感染的血清。 iciba

Rio de Janeiro, where DEN-3 has been the predominant circulating serotype for the past5 years since the major DEN-3 epidemic in 2002, is now experiencing the renewed circulation of DEN-2.
自2002年发生登革3型病毒主要流行以来,登革3型病毒一直是里约热内卢过去5年中最主要的血清型。 当前,里约热内卢正经历新一轮登革2型病毒流行。 who

The other specimen is neither serotype K1 type, nor serotype K2 type.
而其他标本既不是血清型 K1型,也不是血清型 K2型。 fabiao

The serotype has been identified as01 Ogawa.
该血清型已被确定为01群小川型霍乱弧菌。 who

There are more than100 E. coli serotypes characterized by production of shiga toxins, and the most prominent serotype is O157: H7.
目前至少有100多种血清型的大肠杆菌具有产志贺氏毒素的能力,其中血清型为 O157: H7的菌株具较高致病力。 fabiao

This paper introduces how to discover the serotype1 and2, biochemistry nature and effect in immunization.
文章主要介绍了荚膜多糖血清1型和2型的发现、生化性质及其在免疫中的作用。 cnki

This study investigated Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype distribution and the distribution of clinical disease of Shengyang Liaoning Province.
因此本实验探讨辽宁沈阳地区肺炎克雷伯杆菌血清型分布及其在临床疾病中的分布情况。 fabiao

We have cloned the hyaluronate lyase gene from S. suis and used it to generate an allelic replacement knock-out mutant of S. suis serotype7 that can no longer biosynthesis e the enzyme.
我们从猪链球菌中克隆出透明质酸裂解酶基因,并用它产生不能够再被酶类生物合成的猪链球菌血清型7的等位置换敲除突变株。 chinapubmed.net




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