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词汇 baku
释义 Ba·ku 英bɑːˈkuː美bɑˈku 高COCA²⁹¹⁰⁸BNC³¹⁰⁸⁴

a port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production He was an organizer in Batum and Baku factories.他是巴统和巴库工厂的组织者。
Navy Organization: There is a naval base located at Baku.海军编制:巴库有一海军基地。
A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku.第比利斯:苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于库拉河边巴库西北偏西。 Marco Polo noted in1272 as he passed by Baku, on the Caspian sea, that oil lamps were common.
1272年,马卡波罗在通过里海的巴库时发现油灯在那里很普遍。 yeeyan

Mr. Cheney met Wednesday in Baku with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev, saying the United States has a deep and abiding interest in the security of the Caucasus.
切尼星期三在巴库与阿塞拜疆总统阿利耶夫会晤。切尼说,高加索地区的安全与美国利益息息相关。 ebigear

The setting is Baku in1920, in the last tortured months of a brief utopian period in that city when people of all nationalities and religions lived in harmony.
故事发生在1920年的巴库这个城市短暂的、民族和宗教不同的人们和睦相处的乌托邦时期的令人痛苦的最后几个月里。 yeeyan

The authorities in Baku continue to flirt with Russia though any pipeline going northward would have to cross the unstable north Caucasus.
阿塞拜疆首都巴库的当权者们继续与俄罗斯有着密切联系虽然无论哪条管道要北上都得经过动荡不安的高加索地区。 ecocn

The government, led by the president, Ilham Aliyev, is often criticized as repressive, and there is virtually no free press in Baku.
由总统伊阿姆.阿利耶夫领导的政府常被人批评为强制性的政府,事实上巴库也没有自由媒体。 yeeyan

The towers can be seen from any part of Baku.
从巴库的任何一个地方都可以看到火焰大厦。 yeeyan

“ It’s a genuine urban culture of watching your neighbors go by, ” said Bruce Grant, a New York University anthropologist who has traveled to Baku regularly in the last decade.
“能看见你的邻居走动是地道的城市文化,”纽约大学人类学家布鲁斯.格兰特说,在过去十年里他经常来巴库。 yeeyan

Britain also ruled the southern part of Georgia as a protectorate from1918 to1920 and sent a daring expedition to Baku to push back the Bolshevik presence there.
在1918年到1920年之间英国还将南格鲁吉亚做为一个保护区并且派了一直远征队去巴库去攻打那里的布尔什维克组织。 ecocn

By2012, a regional railway— hailed by some as a modern-day Silk Route— is expected to connect Baku to Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital to the north, and to Kars, Turkey, to the west.
到2012年,地区铁路网——有人称之为现代丝绸之路,将把巴库与北面的格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯连接起来,与西面的土耳其城市卡尔斯连接起来。 yeeyan

Driving around Baku, you see building cranes and building lumber all the time.
围绕着巴库开车,你随时可以看到建筑起重机和建筑木材。 yeeyan

For several years Baku has been experiencing an incredible building boom.
几年以来,巴库一直体验着不可思议的建筑狂潮。 yeeyan

Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza was initially confirmed in Azerbaijan on9 February in wild birds found in the coastal area near the capital city of Baku.
高致病性 H5N1禽流感最初于2月9日在阿塞拜疆首都巴库附近的沿海地区发现的野生鸟类中得到确认。 who

Indeed, the country’s oil-fueled culture of new money means that budget travelers will find that Baku already rivals European cities in at least one way: price.
真的,阿塞拜疆由石油带来的财富和文化,对节俭型游客意味着,巴库已经至少在一个方面可以和欧洲城市比拼:那就是价钱。 yeeyan

Moreover, corruption can add a premium to many transactions in Baku.
此外在巴库,腐败是许多交易的润滑剂。 yeeyan

Mr. Marandi, as a child in London, often heard stories of the original Chinar from his relatives, who fled Baku in1920 after the Soviet occupation began.
马兰迪先生在伦敦的孩提时代就经常从他的亲戚那里听到原版契纳尔的故事,他于1920年苏联占领巴库后逃到了西方。 yeeyan

Nearly200 miles covered in three days, just another100 miles to the capital city, Baku.
三天走了差不多200英里,还有100英里就可以到首都巴库了。 yeeyan

Oil had been discovered not far away around Baku, in the Russian- owned province of Azerbaijan.
在当时属于俄国的阿塞拜疆巴库地区不远的地方人们发现了石油。 yeeyan

The commander of Azerbaijan’s air force, Lieutenant-General Rail Rzayev, was shot dead by an unknown gunman as he was getting into his car outside his home in Baku.
阿塞拜疆空军司令官,雷尔.勒扎耶夫中将在巴库被一位不知名枪手刺杀身亡,当时他正准备进入停在家门口的汽车内。 ecocn

The call to prayer rings across the boutiques and restaurants of downtown Baku, but there are actually more hijabs on the streets of London, says Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, an imam.
确实祈祷的电话来自巴库城区的公司,旅店各个角落,但在伦敦大街上的穆斯林信徒都多的,一个伊玛目Ilgar Ibrahimoglu辩解道。 ecocn

The list includes25 cities worldwide. Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, tops the list, followed by Bangladesh capital Dhaka and Madagascar capital Antananarivo.

This has left Baku gearing up for the limelight.
这一切让巴库走到了聚光灯下。 yeeyan

To establish that source’s credentials, the cable’s author lists his family connections Iran, his place of business Baku, his education British, and his distinctive sporting career.
为了证明消息可靠,电文中还历数了此人的伊朗家族背景,在巴库注:阿塞拜疆首都的生意,在英国的教育经历和他的运动生涯。 ecocn

Yet for all the attendant hassles one might expect in the capital city of a modern post- Soviet petro- state, Baku and its denizens radiate an Old World warmth.
然而,所有到过巴库的人争辩说,在一个后苏联时代国家的首都,人们希望看到旧时代散发出来的温暖。 yeeyan

Baku is a city with a special atmosphere.
巴库是个有着特殊氛围的城市。 yeeyan




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