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Sergei Ivanov 基本例句 谢尔盖·伊万诺夫 He raisedSergei Ivanov, the defence minister and another ex-KGB man, to the same position as Mr Medvedev.他把国防部长谢尔盖&S226;伊万诺夫SergeiIvanov,另一位前克格勃官员提升到与梅德韦捷夫先生平起平坐的地位。 In late March, First Deputy Prime MinisterSergei Ivanovsaid there were no plans to make GLONASS a better system than GPS.3月下旬,俄罗斯第一副总理伊万诺夫表示,还没有将GLONASS打造为一个比GPS更好的系统的计划。 December 17 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his deputySergei Ivanovwatch on a Euroleague Group D basketbal match between Real Madrid and CSKA Moscow in Moscow.俄总理普京17日在莫斯科观看了欧洲篮球联赛中央陆军体育俱乐部队俄罗斯对皇家马德里队西班牙的比赛。 “We should see the first fifth-generation plane in the air in 2009,”Sergei Ivanovsaid following a meeting with defense industry officials in Russia's second largest city.“2009年我们就能见到第一架第五代战斗机在空中翱翔了,”在这个俄第二大城市,谢尔盖.;伊万诺夫对国防工业官员表达了这些话。 It was first test-fired in 2007, with first deputy prime ministerSergei Ivanovboasting it was “capable of overcoming any existing or future missile defence systems”.该型号最早于2007年试验,俄国第一副总理谢尔盖.;伊万诺夫宣称它能“突破现有的和未来的任何导弹防御系统”。 |