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词汇 sergeant
释义 ser·geant 英ˈsɑːdʒənt美ˈsɑrdʒəntAHDsärʹjənt ★★☆☆☆高六I6四八COCA⁶⁵⁵⁵BNC⁴⁴³⁰iWeb⁸²⁰²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

C 中士

non-commissioned army officer ranking above a corporal and below a warrant officer

C 巡佐

police officer with a rank below that of an inspector

C 警佐

police officer with a rank below that of a captain or sometimes a lieutenant

any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the Army or Air Force or Marines ranking above a corporala lawman with the rank of sergeantan English barrister of the highest rank来自古法语sergent,仆人,家仆,臣子。来自拉丁语servire,服务,服侍,词源同serve, -ant,人。后用于指军事衔级中士,警佐。词义演变比较marshal,元帅,原指国王养马的仆人。 serve来自拉丁语servire,服务,服侍。来自servus,奴隶,仆人,可能来自*ser,连接,排列,词源同series, serial。引申诸相关词义。 ant来自古英语aemette,蚂蚁。来自西日耳曼语支*amaitjo,砍下。来自*ai,离开,去掉,*mai,砍,切,词源同maim。字面意思即砍下,切开,引申词义分段,成段,用于指蚂蚁。 marshal来自古法语mareschal,军事统帅,总管。来自mare,母马,-schal,仆人。来自原始印欧语*skel,分开,分类,词源同scale, shell。其原义为养马的仆人,马夫,弼马温,后词义扩大,引申词义皇室总管,军队统帅,元帅。比较minister。sergeant major军士长lance sergeant英军代理中士…Master Sergeant军士长Colour Sergeant上士Flight Sergeant上士first sergeant 美陆军陆战…sergeant first class陆军上士Staff Sergeant上士sergeant at arms(会议Technical Sergeant技术军士top sergeant(=first se…sergeant aviator军士级航空员…provost sergeant宪兵中士sergeant fishcobiachief master sergeant一级军士长gunnery sergeant枪炮军士sergeant at law高级律师color sergeant护卫营旗或团旗的士官…
非常记忆s(美女〖编码〗+er儿〖拼音〗+ge个〖拼音〗+ant蚂蚁〖熟词〗⇒美女中士的儿子抓了个蚂蚁serge-ant剂⇒n.中士⁴⁹;巡佐³;军士²³;警官²⁵;法庭或议会等地的警卫官发音记忆“仨侦探”→三个侦探顶一个警官近义词 police sergeant警佐sergeant-at-law高级律师serjeant-at-law高级律师…serjeant陆战队士官之通称…

用作名词Thesergeantexpects obedience from his men.中士要士兵服从他的命令。
A policesergeantis below an inspector.巡佐的级别低于巡官。
You may fade away and thesergeantwill take over.你可以走了,军士会来接替你的。
Thesergeantgave his men the command “At ease!”警官命令战士们“稍息!”as in.detective
同义词 agent,informer,police officer,private eye,private investigator,prosecutor,reporter,sleuth,spyanalyst,bloodhound,bull,constable,cop,dick,eavesdropper,eye,fed,fink,flatfoot,gumshoe,nark,peeper,roper,scout,shadow,shamus,shoofly,snoop,tailP.I.,Sherlock Holmes,bird dog,plainclothes officer,slewfootas in.disciplinarian
同义词 enforcerauthoritarian,bully,despot,master,stickler,sundowner,teacher,trainer,tyrantdrill sergeant,formalist,strict teacheras in.officer
同义词 captain,deputy,detective,police,police officerarm,badge,centurion,cop,flatfoot,noncom,sheriffblack and white,mounty
detectivenoun investigator of crime
P.I.,Sherlock Holmes,agent,analyst,bird dog,bloodhound,bull,constable,cop,dick,eavesdropper,eye,fed,fink,flatfoot,gumshoe,informer,nark,peeper,plainclothes officer,police officer,private eye,private investigator,prosecutor,reporter,roper,scout,shadow,shamus,shoofly,sleuth,slewfoot,snoop,spy,tail
detectivesnoun investigator of crime
P. I.S,Sherlock holmes,agents,analysts,bird dogs,bloodhounds,bulls,constables,cops,dicks,eavesdroppers,eyes,feds,finks,flat feet,gumshoes,informers,narks,peepers,plainclothes officers,police officers,private eyes,private investigators,prosecutors,reporters,ropers,scouts,sergeants,shadows,shamuses,shooflies,sleuths,slewfoots,snoops,spies,tails
disciplinariannoun person who makes others work hard
authoritarian,bully,despot,drill sergeant,enforcer,formalist,master,sergeant,stickler,strict teacher,sundowner,teacher,trainer,tyrant
officernoun person in law enforcement
arm,badge,black and white,captain,centurion,cop,deputy,detective,flatfoot,mounty,noncom,police,police officer,sergeant,sheriff And I told this to Sergeant Crowley.
我向克罗利警官也是这样说的。 yeeyan

He left it on a bench near a downtown parking lot, and the oversight was not noticed until the couple was back at their hotel, said Sausalito police sergeant Kurtis Skoog.
苏沙利多警局的警官科提斯·斯库格说,她的丈夫将手提包落在了市区一个停车场附近的长椅上。夫妻俩回到旅馆后才发现包不见了。 ebigear

Queen Elizabeth II receives a bag of sweets for her grandson from Santa Claus, played by Sergeant Ken Jones, during her1977 visit to the1st Battalion, the Royal Welch Fusiliers.
1977年伊丽莎白女王二世视察位于皇家韦尔奇燧发枪手团第一营时,从圣诞老人手中接过一包给孙子的糖果,圣诞老人由肯琼斯中士装扮。 cri

The new Sergeant had an overflowing belly, which was a good sign.
新警官有个凸出的大肚子,这个是好迹象。 yeeyan

The sergeant barked an order to his squad.

A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers.
一个伊拉克人被指控曾在科威特对一妇女施虐,一位中士亲眼见到他被吊在起重机上然后伊拉克士兵开枪把他击毙。 ecocn

Aaron Shawn Hill and three of his classmates were driving along Sergeant Shawn F. Hill Memorial Highway when they were hit head-on by a2004 Chevrolet pick-up, reports the Spartanburg Herald Journal.
亚伦.肖恩.希尔和他三个同学驾车在肖恩 F.希尔警官纪念公路上行驶,突然被一辆2004年产的雪佛兰小卡车迎头撞上,斯帕坦堡先驱报报道。 yeeyan

But the sergeant was no longer paying attention, for his very attentive ears had picked up another noise, as well: and this one was disturbingly out- of-place.
但是这时军士的注意力已经转移,因为他灵敏的双耳同时捕捉到了另一种声音:一种令人不安而又格格不入的声响。 yeeyan

For in an equally nondescript room next door, a young sergeant in combat fatigues is staring at the goats through a window fitted with one-way glass.
因为在隔壁同样不起眼的房间里,一名身穿作战服的年轻中士正通过装有单向玻璃的窗口盯着这些山羊。 yeeyan

He was busted from sergeant to private.

I, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, will personally leadthe effortto implement the new policy, thus ensuring the respect and dignity due all Marines.
我和海军陆战队军士长将亲自带头努力执行这项新政策,从而确保所有海军陆战队队员应有的尊重和尊严。 yeeyan

If the person is proving stubborn and does not want to confess, they invite in a popular Sergeant there.
假如该嫌疑犯很固执不像认罪,那么他们就会将一个很受欢迎的警官请过去。 yeeyan

On Monday morning Sergeant Foster went to Roger's office and asked some questions. And then he went to Albert's house and asked some more questions.
星期一早上,福斯特警官去罗杰的办公室,问了几个问题,然后他去艾伯特家,问了些别的问题。 ebigear

Paiko watched the new Sergeant’s face closely and smiled. He liked what he saw.
派克盯着新警官的脸,笑了笑,他喜欢看到这个人。 yeeyan

She waved and called a greeting just as the sergeant of the guard came to the gate. Unable to reply, Leip forlornly watched her disappear in the fog.
她招手向莱普大声问好,可这时恰逢警卫队的中士走到了门口,莱普不敢回答,只能颓然地望着她消失在雾中。 putclub

The next morning I found Sgt. Erick Gallardo outside and Sergeant Giunta on guard duty.
隔天早晨,我发现艾瑞克.盖拉多中士在外面,吉安达中士则在站岗。 yeeyan

The former Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant was so ecstatic he stayed up all night until5 am watching television in case his sight went again.
这个前中队警官甚是兴奋,他看了整晚的电视,直到第二天早晨5点,生怕会再次失明。 hxen

The new Sergeant cleared his throat, spat into a dusty corner of the room, and turned to Paiko.
那个新警官清清喉咙,往满是灰尘的角落边吐了口痰后,转向派克。 yeeyan

This Thenardier, if he himself was to be believed, had been a soldier-- a sergeant, he said.
这个德纳第,如果我们相信他自己说的话,是当过兵的; 据他自己说,他当过中士; ebigear

' You have to understand that these ideas were not considered wacky, ' says Sergeant Glenn Wheaton, a Special Forces soldier seconded to Project Jedi.
“你必须明白,这些主意并没有被认为是疯狂可笑的,”格伦·惠顿中士说,他是临时调派到“绝地计划”来的特种部队士兵。 yeeyan

That the current Egyptian military leaders have decided to help the Israelis gain the release of Sergeant Gilad Shalit was clearly not a reflection of dormant pro- Israeli inclinations in Cairo.
当前的埃及军事领导人决定帮助以色列人获得吉拉德·沙利特中士的释放显然不是对开罗潜在的亲以色列倾向的反映。 yeeyan

Sergeant Glenn Wheaton, of Project Jedi, recently told me of the attempts to kill numerous animals.
参与绝地计划的格伦·惠顿中士最近告诉我干掉很多动物的尝试。 yeeyan

Sergeant Foster's face went red.
福斯特警官的脸变红了。 ebigear




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