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词汇 Serbs
释义 Serbs ˈsɝːbz 高Economist¹⁶⁷⁵⁷
塞尔维亚人¹⁰⁰原型serb的复数 The threat of NATO air strikes had succeeded in restraining the Serbs and getting peace talks going again.
北约空袭的威胁已成功地遏制了塞尔维亚人,使得和谈重新开展。 yeeyan

The Serbs have spent much of this year irritating many of their fellow Europeans.
今年,塞尔维亚人们不乏于激怒许多欧洲伙伴的时候。 ecocn

The Serbs have confiscated more than25 properties which they claim belong to him or to his associates.
塞尔维亚没收了他们声称属于萨里奇和其同伙的25处以上的房产。 topsage

This is because the Serbs did not ask it to; their question was simply whether the declaration was legal.
事实上塞尔维亚人也没有提出过这种要求,他们的质疑很简单——即科索沃的独立宣言是否合法。 ecocn

About two-thirds of Kosovo's Serbs live in enclaves in the centre and south of the country.
科索沃境内大约三分之二的塞尔维亚人住在其中部和南部地区。 ecocn

Business plays an increasing role too: the Serbs and other former Yugoslavs used the anniversary to look for deals, especially in arms and construction.
经济的作用也越来越大:塞尔维亚和其他前南斯拉夫国家通过周年纪念进行贸易,特别是军火和建材。 ecocn

But Mr. Ker- Lindsay says Serbs are conflicted because they understand that their country's future has to be a part of Europe.
但科尔-林德赛表示,塞尔维亚人非常矛盾,因为他们知道,他们国家的未来已经成为欧盟的一部分。 ebigear

By2002, according to that year’s census, Serbs constituted almost two thirds of the province’s2m people.
到2002年,根据当年的人口普查数据,伏伊伏丁那省200万人口中近三分之二是塞尔维亚人。 ecocn

For Serbs, they begin in Kosovo or in Bosnia where Serbia is trying to defend civilised Christian Europe against the encroachments of this Other.
对于塞尔维亚人来说,它应从科索沃或波斯尼亚开始,那里也是塞尔维亚人帮助文明的基督教欧洲不被这些异族侵占的地方。 yeeyan

In fact she was born after Esma was raped by Serbs during the war.
而事实上,她是埃斯玛在战争中被塞尔维亚人强奸而生下来的。 ecocn

In February the Serbs asked the Montenegrins to arrest and extradite three alleged gang members.
二月,塞尔维亚要求黑山共和国逮捕并引渡三名被指控的团伙成员。 ecocn

In the next few weeks Serbs and Kosovars seem likely to be asked to talk again.
接下来的几周里,塞尔维亚和科索沃可能会被要求再次谈判。 ecocn

In a pub near the detention center from where ex- Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic was extradited Wednesday, Serbs were watching a football match instead.
在距离卡拉季奇被递解到海牙之前被关押的拘留所不远的一个酒吧里,塞尔维亚人正在看的是足球比赛的电视转播。 hxen

In Belgrade, the mood is bleak. Serbs have tasted defeat many times over the past twenty years, during the slow and painful dismemberment of Yugoslavia, but few moments will hurt as much as this one.
而在贝尔格莱德则是一片萧瑟的气氛,经历过漫长而痛苦的前南解体,塞尔维亚人近二十年来屡尝败果,但这次的打击真是太大了。 yeeyan

In invading Georgia, Mr Putin felt he was merely mirroring NATO's actions against the Serbs and America's war in Iraq.
在入侵格鲁吉亚时,普金觉得他只是在效仿北约在塞尔维亚的行动或者美国在伊拉克的战争。 ecocn

In Kosovo the vast majority of its people—ethnic Albanians, nearly all of them Muslims—were very grateful for what they saw as their America- led liberation from the Serbs.
而在科索沃,大多数国民为阿尔巴尼亚人,几乎所有人都是穆斯林,他们十分感激美国领导他们从塞尔维亚人手中解放。 ecocn

Nobody believes that Serbia’s challenge to the European Union over Kosovo will be anything like as dramatic; most Serbs want to join the EU, not destroy it.
同样,没人能料想到塞尔维亚人在科索沃问题上会给欧盟造成如此麻烦;多数塞尔维亚人希望加入欧盟,而非抵制它。 ecocn

Observers hoped that this would lead to a new, friendlier phase in relations between Serbs and Bosniaks.
观察家们希望,此行能把塞尔维亚人和波斯尼亚人的关系引领到一个更加和睦的新阶段。 topsage

One reason for this, he says with a hint of steel, is that nobody ie, neither Serbs nor Croats has any chance of destroying the state of Bosnia and Hercegovina.
其中的原因是,他说就这些许骚动的话,没人例如,既非塞尔维亚人,又菲克罗地亚人会有任何破坏波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那政府的机会。 ecocn

Rape was first properly recognised as a weapon of war after the conflict in Bosnia. Though all sides were guilty, most victims were Bosnian Muslims assaulted by Serbs.
强奸是在波斯尼亚的冲突后被正式承认为战争武器的,虽然双方都有罪,但多数受害者是被塞尔维亚人袭击的波斯尼亚穆斯林。 ecocn

Some senior Serbs concede privately that the real aim of going to court is to be rid of Kosovo, not to get it back.
一些塞尔维亚高层人士私下里勉强承认,提起诉讼的真实目的是摆脱科索沃,而非保留。 ecocn

That may not be surprising: one Albanian prosecutor told her team, “ If they did bring Serbs over the border from Kosovo and killed them, they did a good thing”.
下面这一情形可能就不令人惊奇了:一个阿尔巴尼亚检察官对她的小组说,“如果他们确实把塞尔维亚人从科索沃带过边境并杀死了他们,那他们是做了件好事”。 ecocn

The authorities should not have allowed the event to go ahead, against the wishes of most Serbs, just to score brownie points with the European Union, which Serbia wants to join.
塞尔维亚希望能加入欧盟,但当局不应该不顾多数塞尔维亚人的反对允许这次游行继续进行,而这么做仅仅为了博得欧盟的认可和褒扬。 ecocn

The escort and the arrival of so many Serbs are signs of the times.
科索沃警察的护送和许多塞尔维亚人的到来是一个时代的征兆。 ecocn

The refugees traveling to Tuzla saw civilian corpses along the road; they passed blackened houses still smoldering after the Serbs had set them on fire, in some instances while people hid inside them.
路过图兹拉的难民们看到路边的平民尸体;他们穿过仍在闷闷烧着的黑漆漆房屋---塞尔维亚人点燃了它们,而有时候人们还在屋子里。 yeeyan

These Serbs were gunned down last month in Bolivia, where it was reported they were working for a drug cartel.
这些塞尔维亚人上个月在玻利维亚被枪杀。据报道称他们一直以来为毒品卡特尔工作。 ecocn

This is not because Serbs are becoming rich and want smaller families.
这不是因为塞尔维亚变得富有和希望小规模的家庭。 yeeyan

THIS week Serbs and Kosovo Albanians Kosovars are meeting in New York to discuss the future of Kosovo— or so diplomats would have everyone believe.
本周,塞尔维亚与科索沃在纽约举行会谈,讨论科索沃的未来道路,或许这样外交官们才能使大家放心。 ecocn

Until now the child has always believed that her father died fighting the Serbs.
在这之前这个孩子一直相信她的父亲是在和塞尔维亚人的战斗中牺牲的。 topsage

What is not clear is whether ordinary Serbs will be much cheered by it.
但是普通的塞尔维亚人对于这一消息的乐观态度目前还不明朗。 ecocn

Whether Serbs in the rest of Kosovo then choose to flee depends on what happens.
届时,科索沃其他地区的塞尔维亚人是否选择逃离取决于有关局势。 ecocn

Without them Serbs and Albanians will remain like two men handcuffed to one another, unable to take the road to Brussels and unable to break free from the past.
如果不进行洽谈,塞尔维亚和阿尔巴尼亚就如拷在同一条手链的两个人,无法到达布鲁塞尔,无法解开过去的枷锁。 ecocn

Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo's police force are no longer working together in northern and eastern Kosovo.
在科索沃的北部与东部地区,警察部门的塞尔维亚人与阿尔巴尼亚人不再融洽地共事。 ecocn




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