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词汇 Seracini
释义 Seracini
But Maurizio Seracini, an engineer and art detective at the University of California, San Diego, believes Vasari secretly saved Leonardo's mural.
但美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师兼艺术侦探毛里齐奥·塞拉奇尼却认为,瓦萨里秘密地保留了达·芬奇的壁画。 joyen

But in 1975, when Dr. Seracini studied one of Vasari’s battle scenes, he noticed a tiny flag with two words, “ Cerca Trova”: essentially, seek and ye shall find.
但是1975年,在塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini研究瓦萨里 Vasari油画一年后,他注意到一面很小旗帜上写着两个单词“ Cerca Trova”寻找-发现。 yeeyan

By taking infrared pictures and laser- mapping the room, Dr. Seracini’s team discovered where the doors and windows had been before Vasari’s remodeling.
通过红外线拍照和激光测绘,塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini领导的团队发现了瓦萨里 Vasari改造前的门窗位置。 yeeyan

He wanted to test his theory, but without damaging Vasari's mural, which is also a masterpiece, when it seemed that the search had reached a dead end, Seracini spoke at a physics conference.
塞拉奇尼在一个物理学会议上发言时说,他想验证自己的推理,但又不能毁坏瓦萨里的壁画,因为那同样是杰作。研究似乎陷入了死胡同。 joyen

If you believe, as Maurizio Seracini does, that Leonardo da Vinci’s greatest painting is hidden inside a wall in Florence’s city hall, then there are two essential techniques for finding it.
如果你和莫瑞希奥·塞拉西尼 Maurizio Seracini想法一致,认为达芬奇最著名的油画隐藏在佛罗伦萨市政厅的墙壁里,那么通过下面两种主要方法,一定可以找回失踪油画。 yeeyan

In 1975, after studying engineering in the United States, Dr. Seracini returned to his native Florence and surveyed the Hall of500 with a Leonardo scholar, Carlo Pedretti.
1975年,塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini在美国学习工程学后,返回家乡—佛罗伦萨,和研究达芬奇的专家 Carlo Pedretti,一起勘测维奇欧宫Palazzo Vecchio。 yeeyan

Once he gets permission, Dr. Seracini said, he hopes to complete the analysis within about a year.
一旦得到许可,博士塞拉奇尼说,他希望大约一年之内完成分析。 yeeyan

The scientific lecture ceased as Dr. Seracini moved quickly to intercept the mayoral entourage.
当塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini迅速拦住市长一行,正在进行的科学讲座也随之中止。 yeeyan




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