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词汇 sequences
释义 se·quence·s 英'siːkwəns美'siːkwəns COCA¹¹⁷⁸⁹BNC⁴⁸⁶⁵Economist¹³²⁷⁵
C 有关联的一组事物,一连串

a group of things that are arranged in or happen in an order

U 先后次序,顺序; 连续

the order in which things or events follow one another

serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern;

the sequence of names was alphabetical

he invented a technique to determine the sequence of base pairs in DNA

a following of one thing after another in time;

the doctor saw a sequence of patients

film consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a moviethe action of following in order;

he played the trumps in sequence

several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys
arrange in a sequencedetermine the order of constituents in;

They sequenced the human genome

sequence, series, succession


1.sequence多指时间上、空间上的相继发生; succession强调事物或事件一个接一个发生,没有间断; series指将某种性质相同或关系相同的事物排列在一起。

2.sequence含有事物按照某种逻辑集合而成的意思; succession所暗示的事物不一定按逻辑顺序,含有相连的事物既互相关联又彼此独立的意思。







用作名词 n.
形容词+~alphabetical sequence字母顺序causal sequence因果关系historical〔natural〕 sequence历史〔自然〕顺序介词+~in sequence顺次,按照次序,次序井然~+介词sequence of events事情发生的先后顺序
近义词 chaincycleseries反义词 severance切断
用作名词n.He had to attend a sequence of meetings.他得参加一系列会议。
The paintings are exhibited in chronological sequence.这些画是按创作的时间顺序展出的。
用作名词We will deal with events in historicalsequence.我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
She made asequenceof dance movements.她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
He described the events of that day insequence.他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。
Asequenceof murders had prompted the police to actions.一连串的谋杀迫使警方不得不采取行动。用作及物动词Pleasesequencethe names in alphabetical order.请按字母顺序排列好名单。 As a result, if you rely on database sequences such as for automatic primary key generation, it's likely that an identical primary key will show up across a set of databases.
因此,如果您依赖于数据库序列如自动主键生成,很有可能在一个数据库集中将出现同一个主键。 ibm

The string analysis model strings are grammars, enabling a very detailed understanding of the characters and sequences that a string might hold at any point in the execution flow.
字符串分析模型字符串就是一些语法,能够对字符串和序列有很详尽的理解,字符串可能在执行过程的任何点发挥作用。 ibm

A seconds-based timeout is also used in this loop to reset the knock sequences after sufficient delay.
在这个循环中还使用了一个基于秒的超时,在足够的延时之后重置敲打序列。 ibm

Application events are typically stored in an event table containing information about the sequences of events that occurred in an application, rather than the data associated with the event.
应用程序事件一般存储在一个事件表中,这个表包含着与应用程序中发生的事件的顺序有关的信息而不是与事件有关的数据。 ibm

As another example, you could apply inference rules to stateful event handling to make inferences about message sequences.
又如,您可以将推理规则应用到有状态事件处理,以对消息序列进行有关推断。 ibm

But instead of comparing differences in the DNA sequences, as is typically done, Lowenstein and his colleagues looked at similarities in a section of one particular gene.
但这与通常所做的基因序列比较的工作不同,温斯坦和他的同事在一段基因序列区域找到了基因的相似点。 yeeyan

By contrast, if the sequences function as switches, then they are expected to be very similar because they are under selection to maintain their gene- regulating function.
相比之下,假如序列执行开关的职能,那么它们会非常相似,因为它们经过选择保持他们的基因调控功能。 yeeyan

Callers can compute valid sequences of operations from the state model.
调用方可以通过状态模型计算有效的操作序列。 ibm

Does the average human mind have the capability to intuitively work with knock sequences?
具有普通智商的人是否可以直观地使用这种敲打序列? ibm

First, the algorithm mines the data for frequent sequences and computes an adjacency lattice.
首先,该算法挖掘频繁序列的数据并计算一个邻接格。 ibm

IBM proposed to use sequential analysis to determine whether any of these events or event sequences indicate that a more severe problem is about to occur.
IBM提议使用顺序分析确定是否任何这些事件或事件序列表明一个更严重的问题即将发生。 ibm

In general, there are two complementary ways to compare two sequences.
一般来说,比较两个序列时还有两种互补的方法。 ibm

It is a common characteristic of the so- called promoter regions of genes, where transcription begins, that they contain long, repetitive sequences of alternating Cs and Gs.
被称为基因的启动子区域的共同特性是在转录开始时包含了一个由 C字母和 G字母交替重复的长序列. ecocn

It also means that we need facilities to impose an order on sequences of objects, possibly at several levels of a hierarchy.
它还意味着我们需要一些工具,用于在对象序列上强加一个次序,有可能是在多个层次上进行的。 ibm

Maximum tone and temporal deviation is critical to allowing the matching of your tonal sequences with accuracy, not precision.
音调和时间偏差的最大值是允许按照正确度而不是精度来匹配音调序列的临界值。 ibm

Of course, some key sequences can be a single keystroke.
当然,有些击键序列可能就是一次击键。 ibm

ONE of the benefits of knowing the complete genetic sequences of humans and other animals is that it becomes possible to compare these blueprints.
获悉人类和其他动物的完整基因序列所带来的好处之一就是让比较这些遗传结构的工作成为可能。 ecocn

Perhaps not every piece of human intuition can be captured, but certainly some sub- strategies and sequences of moves can be.
或许,每个人的直觉思维不能捕捉,但可以肯定的是一些策略和移动序列是可以捕捉的。 ecocn

Test execution entails running the tests by assembling sequences of test scripts into a suite of tests.
测试执行通过将测试脚本的顺序集合成测试套件来运行这些测试。 ibm

The brain accomplishes this improvement, at least in part, by moving the memory for these sequences overnight.
大脑实现这个进步,至少部分原因是因为在睡眠时候把记忆转移到这些序列上。 yeeyan

There are likely to be many others, since many allergens seem to share similarities in their amino acid sequences that might confuse the immune system.
有可能还有其它很多种,因为许多过敏原似乎分享着相似的氨基酸序列,可能会使免疫系统产生混乱。 yeeyan

These sequences form the protocols for interacting with such a class or set of classes.
这些序列组成了用于与这样的某个类或一组类交互的协议。 ibm

This file contains a set of rules that define on what type of character or number sequences the annotator should act and how it should act.
这个文件包含一组规则,这些规则定义注释器应该处理的字符和数字序列的类型以及处理的方式。 ibm

This is good news, as it means that style sheet authors will soon be able to take advantage of features like sequences, quantification, and stronger type control.
这是个好消息,因为它意味着样式表作者们将很快就能利用象序列、量化和更强有力的类型控制这样的特性。 ibm

This means one sequence can be used for messages that span multiple endpoints, and conversely, multiple sequences can be used when sending messages to a single endpoint.
这意味着可以将一个序列用于跨多个端点的消息,反之,也可以在向单个端点发送消息时使用多个序列。 ibm

This package offers an engine that performs operations on character sequences by interpreting patterns, a pattern being a compiled expression of a regular expression.
该包提供了一个引擎,可以通过解释模式对字符序列执行操作,即模式成为正则表达式的编译表达式。 ibm

We have very consistent character repeating sequences.
有非常一致的字符重复序列。 yeeyan

When creating a password, ensure you use a mixture of numbers, letters or symbols and avoid using personal information, sequences or repetition, as these passwords are easier to hack.
创建密码时要确保你使用的是混合的数字、字母或符号,并且避免使用个人信息、序列或重复这类容易被黑客破解的密码。 cri

Sequences provide flexibility when dealing with arrays of data that may have many values that are identical.
如果正在处理数据数组,其中许多值相同,那么序列就可以提供灵活性。 ibm




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