释义 |
Bakh·tin 英bɑːkˈtiːn, bɑː'-美bɑkˈtin, bɑ'-AHDb\\adieʒk-tēnʹ, b\\adieʒ‘- 高 基本例句 巴赫京¹⁰⁰ As Bakhtin says in what you have already read, most of the time we're speaking other people's languages. 你们已经读过, Bakhtin说,大多数时间我们都在说他人的语言。163 First, this article discussed the meanings of Bakhtin's theory of equal- dialogue and carnival, while giving some explanation to the theory. 本文从巴赫金的人本观这一独特角度出发,对巴赫金的对话与狂欢化理论作了人学意义上的探讨; cnki So all of this McGann takes to be derived from Bakhtin rather than from Foucault. I do think that's a significant difference between our two authors. 所有这些,麦克甘都是受到巴赫金,而非福柯的影响,我确实认为,这是两位作者间很大的不同。163 With that said, let me turn quickly to a review of Tony from Bakhtin to the New Historicism. 说完这些,我想讲一下,《拖车托尼》,从巴赫金的观点到新历史主义的观点。163 “ Carnivalesque” by Bakhtin has been the first selected word to demonstrate the liberating and creative thinking and fashion. 巴赫金提出的“狂欢”一词现已成为标举解放性、创造性的思维、潮流的首选词语。 fabiao Carnival is a term coined by the Russian critic M. Bakhtin to describe various manifestations of popular humor and cultural resistance to the restraints of official cultural hierarchies. “狂欢”的概念由俄罗斯批评家巴赫金提出,这一概念形容多元的大众幽默以及大众文化中蕴含的对于正统文化禁锢的反抗。 boshuo In our view, the “ challenge” a paper on the understanding of Bakhtin's carnival theory, there are glaring omissions. 在我们看来,《质疑》一文对巴赫金的狂欢理论的理解有明显的疏漏。 cutpic In Bakhtin's thought, the ontological difference between I and He recurved through phenomenology continues the opposition between incompletion and completion. 在巴赫金的思想中经现象学还原的我与他人之间的本体性差异延续了未完成与完成的对立。 cnki In Bakhtin's view, serious and humorous look at the world the relationship between these two views is dialectical. 在巴赫金看来,严肃和诙谐地看待世界的这两种观点的关系是辩证的。 cutpic It is then challenged Mikhail Bakhtin called“ three stage theory of jump”: First, “ two life” point of view; 它继而质疑巴赫金所谓的“三个台阶的理论跳跃”:一是“两种生活”的观点; cutpic Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin's dialogue theory had far-reaching influence on the whole intellectual and cultural circles of the20th century. 巴赫金对话理论对20世纪世界整个思想文化界影响可谓极其深远。 dictall Mikhail Bakhtin's polyphonic novel is based on his dialogic theory. 巴赫金的“复调小说”理论是以对话理论为基础的。 cnki No doubt, Bakhtin absorbed the reasonable aspects from the western human-centered traditions, but more importantly, he created more. 巴赫金的人本观无疑继承了西方人本主义传统中的合理因素,但更有发展和创新。 cnki So in this article, I try to analyze the theory of dialogue in Bakhtin's literary theory. 因此,本篇论文就致力于分析巴赫金文化诗学中的对话理论。 cnki The first chapter discusses briefly Bakhtin's dialogic theory so as to create a theoretic framework for the following analysis of the multi- leveled dialogic relationship in As I Lay Dying. 第一章简要地论述了巴赫佥的对话理论,从而为后面具体分析《我弥留之际》中的多重对话关系建立理论框架。 cnki The first part is a survey of Bakhtin's basic style theory. 第一部分,巴赫金文学体裁基本理论。 cnki This paper at the foundation of previous studies, use the polyphony theory of Russian literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin to reinterpret this work. 本论文在前人研究的基础上,借用俄罗斯文学评论家米哈伊尔·巴赫金的复调理论对这部作品进行重新解读。 fabiao You can see this is the point at which Jameson's work is closest to Bakhtin's and most clearly reflects some of the preoccupations of Bakhtin as we have encountered them already. 大家可以看出,詹姆逊的观点在这个问题上和巴赫金的观点最为相近,最清晰地反映出来自巴赫金的先入之见,我们已经提到过了。163 Bakhtin's dialogic theory has provided a new explanation angle for transition of female writing. 巴赫金的对话理论为女性写作的这种转变提供了一个新的阐释角度。 cnki Bakhtin's feelings of the world is carnival, but behind Yan Lianke's carnival in the surface is the deep sense of tragedy and absurdity. 巴赫金对世界的感受是狂欢,而阎连科在表层狂欢书写的背后隐藏着深沉的悲剧意识和荒诞感。 fabiao Bakhtin's grotesque theory can lead to a fuller understanding of the novel and Frankie in her revolutionary challenge to traditional identity. 运用巴赫金的怪诞理论来诠释弗兰淇向传统身份的富于变革性的挑战,我们将更加全面完整地理解这一人物和整部小说。 cnki Bakhtin's theory of discourse, shaped half a century ago, is now beginning to display its charm in the study of language which shows an interdisciplinary tendency with a focus on speech. 在语言研究趋向交叉和以言语研究为主导的今天,巴赫金半个多世纪前提出的话语理论,显示出“动人魅力”。 cnki |