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词汇 separate
释义 sep·a·rate 英ˈsepəˌreɪt美ˈsɛpəˌretAHDsĕpʹə-rāt' ★★★★☆中高四六研GI宝牛4八TCOCA²³³⁹BNC¹¹¹⁵iWeb¹⁶⁰²Economist¹⁶⁵⁰

a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publicationa garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments
independent; not united or joint;

a problem consisting of two separate issues

they went their separate ways

formed a separate church

standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything;

a freestanding bell tower

a house with a separate garage

separated according to race, sex, class, or religion;

separate but equal

girls and boys in separate classes

have the connection undone; having become separate
act as a barrier between; stand between;

The mountain range divides the two countries

force, take, or pull apart;

He separated the fighting children

Moses parted the Red Sea

mark as different;

We distinguish several kinds of maple

separate into parts or portions;

divide the cake into three equal parts

The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I

divide into components or constituents;

Separate the wheat from the chaff

arrange or order by classes or categories;

How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?

make a division or separationdiscontinue an association or relation; go different ways;

The business partners broke over a tax question

The couple separated after 25 years of marriage

My friend and I split up

go one's own way; move apart;

The friends separated after the party

become separated into pieces or fragments;

The figurine broke

The freshly baked loaf fell apart

treat differently on the basis of sex or racecome apart;

The two pieces that we had glued separated

divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork;

The road forks













se-,分开,-par,准备,词源同prepare。-ate,表动词和形容词。引申诸相关词义。 par来自拉丁语par,相等的,匹配的,可能来自原始印欧语*pere,分配,分割,切分,词源同part, pair。来自拉丁语per,向前,通过,整个的。来自原始印欧语per,向前,词源同for, from, perfect。para-在旁,在周围,辅助,准,超过,相反,保护,防御,来自希腊语para,靠近,在边上,向前,相反,相对。来自原始印欧语per,穿过,向前,词源同for, from。词义防御,来自拉丁语parare,准备,挡开,词源同prepare。该前缀体现了一种矛盾性,其矛盾性来自于其基本义离开,向前,一方面有先行者优势,另一方面有先行者劣势,比较peril, expert。 preparepre-,在前,早于,预先,pare,准备,安排,削皮。separate the sheep from the goats把好人和坏人…separate out析出separate the men from the boys口选出强者能人…under separate cover在另函内separate the wheat from the chaff分清良莠separate account专账separate contract分项合同separate charging分别加料,单独加料…separate school男女分校separate estate妻子的私有财产…separate compensation单独补偿soil separate土壤颗粒分组,土壤粒…separate lubrication分别润滑,局部润滑…separate exciter独立励磁机separate development分开发展; 分别发展…separate flat成套住房separate system分流制排水系统,雨水…separate compilation分别编译separate drive单独驱动,单独传动…separate heterodyne独立本机振荡外差法,…
se分开+par排列-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用来构成动词和形容词→分开排列的⇒分开的。GRE红宝书se- 分开 + part 部份近义词 fork叉part部分sort种类tell告诉sever切断split分裂break打碎class等级divide划分sunder分开ramify分枝secern区别branch分部divorce分离reprint再版split up分裂offprint选刊carve up瓜分classify分类dissever割裂sort out整理segregate分离isolate使孤立partition划分assort把…分类furcate叉形的break away消散distinct明显的detached超然的single out挑选fall apart崩溃tell apart辨别disunite使分离insulate使绝缘distinguish区别individual单独的discrete不连续的discriminate区分independent独立的dispersed被驱散的differentiate区分unattached无关系的break up结束,散会unconnected不连接的come apart瓦解 破碎part company断绝关系freestanding独立式的secede正式脱离或退出…disjoined动词disjoin的过去…反义词 unite联合joint联合的

用作形容词Can these two definitions be conflated, or must they be keptseparate?这两个定义可以合成一个呢,还是必须分开?
I advocateseparateclasses for students to learn Chinese in different ways.我建议我们分班授课,让不同的学生以不同的方式学习华文。
We don't have aseparatedining room—the living area is all one.我们没有单独的饭厅——活动空间都在一处。
The house is divided into two living units or residences, usually havingseparateentrances.房屋分为两个居住部分,一般具有各自的出口。用作动词We'd betterseparatethe good ones from the bad ones.我们最好把好的和坏的分开。
Even numerous mountains and rivers cannotseparateour friendship.纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。
This examination is intended toseparatethe sheep from the goats.这次考试就是想区分一下水平高低。
Children suffer from divided loyalties when their parentsseparate.父母分居时孩子们会因不知对谁忠诚为好而感到痛苦。
We should neverseparatefrom the masses.我们绝不应该脱离群众。用作名词Nothing canseparatethem from each other now.现在什么也不能把他们彼此分开了。
It's hard for me toseparatethe two fighting boys.我很难把这两个打架的孩子分开。adj.disconnected
同义词 free,independent,isolated,sovereignabstracted,apportioned,detached,disassociated,disembodied,disjointed,distributed,disunited,divided,divorced,loose,marked,parted,partitioned,removed,scattered,severed,sunderedapart,asunder,cut apart,cut in two,discrete,distant,divergent,far between,in halves,put asunder,set apart,set asunder,unattached,unconnected
反义词 subservient,connected,unitedassociated,combined,joined,mixed,togetheradj.alone, individual
同义词 autonomous,different,distinct,diverse,free,independent,particular,single,unique,variousdetached,one,sole,solitaryapart,discrete,distinctive,lone,only,peculiar,several
反义词 alike,common,dependent,like,normal,resembling,same,similar,standard,uniform,united,usual,combined,togetherassociated,connected,joined,mixedverb.remove something from group;keep or set apart
同义词 break,detach,disconnect,divide,divorce,sever,splitcleave,dichotomize,disentangle,disjoin,disjoint,dissect,dissever,distribute,intersect,part,rupture,sunder,uncouple,undobreak off,come apart,come away,come between,split up,uncombine
反义词 agree,attach,combine,connect,couple,join,link,unite,close,menddesegregate,marry,mixverb.isolate, segregate
同义词 break up,cut off,insulateassign,classify,comb,compartment,compartmentalize,discriminate,distribute,group,interval,intervene,island,order,seclude,sequester,sift,sort,space,winnowclose off,draw apart,put on one side,rope off,single out,split up,stand between
反义词 disorder,disorganize,keep,mix upcombine,desegregate,join,marry,mix,uniteverb.part company in a romantic or other relationship
同义词 break up,divorce,estrange,leave,part companybifurcate,depart,detach,discontinue,disengage,disunify,disunite,diverge,drop,part,uncouplebreak it off,break off,dedomicile,go away,go different ways,go separate ways,pull outsplitsplit up,take leave,unlink,untie the knot
反义词 marry,come,connect,engage,join,linkcombine,unite
abstractverb take away from
detach,disconnect,disengage,dissociate,extract,isolate,part,remove,steal,take out,uncouple,withdraw
alienadjective foreign
alienateverb cause unfriendliness, hostility
break off,come between,disaffect,disunite,divide,divorce,estrange,make indifferent,part,push away,separate,set against,turn away,turn off,wean,withdraw the affections of
amputateverb remove a limb
cut away,cut off,dismember,eliminate,excise,lop,separate,sever,truncate
analyzeverb break down to components
anatomize,break up,cut up,decompose,decompound,determine,disintegrate,dissect,dissolve,divide,electrolyze,hydrolyze,lay bare,parse,part,resolve,separate
analyzesverb break down to components
assays,beats a dead horse,chews over,confabs,considers,estimates,evaluates,figures,figures out,gets down to brass tacks,hashes,inspects,interprets,investigates,judges,kicks around,rehashes,resolves,scrutinizes,sort out,spells out,studies,talk game,tests,thinks through A recipe construct can invoke another recipe construct in an asynchronous manner— that is, a recipe construct can start the execution of another recipe construct in a separate thread of execution.
配方构造可以用异步方式调用另一个配方构造—就是说,一个配方构造可以在单独的执行线程中启动另一个配方构造的执行。 ibm

By itself, each would be inadequate. Together, however, they offer enough protection— and have the advantage that it is much harder for a disease to defeat four or five separate defences than just one.
每个单独防御本身是不够的,但是合在一起,它们就能提供足够的保护——并且还有这样的优点:对病害来说,突破四至五层防御比一层要困难的多。 ecocn

Each little separate picture I ringed round with the light of my imagination and the joy of my heart; every one of them, moreover, being variously coloured by a pathos of its own.
再小的单独的一幅画面,我也用想象的光芒和心中的喜悦把它包裹起来;并且每一幅画,都因其本身的哀婉动人而具有各种色彩。 yeeyan

Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i. e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework of time.

Each domain provides a separate domain specialization entity to list the specializations that it provides for a base element.
每个域都提供一个单独的域专门化实体来列出了它为基本元素提供的专门化。 ibm

For a dashboard application, the report should be opened in a separate window, so I would specify a target for the hyperlink.

For partitioned database systems, there should be a separate database file system on each machine that participates in the partitioned database.
对于分区数据库系统,在每台参与分区数据库的计算机上都应该有一个单独的数据库文件系统。 ibm

If it is, however, then either the applications must be placed in separate cells or application isolation must be discarded as a requirement.
但是,如果是这样,则必须将应用程序放置在单独的计算单元中,或者作为一种需求必须取消应用程序隔离。 ibm

If these conditions are not all met, or if the second instruction needs to wait for dependencies before issuing, then they are issued in separate cycles.
如果这些条件不都满足,或者第二条指令在执行之前需要等待依赖项,那么它们可以在单独的周期中执行。 ibm

If you need to write code like this, you are in trouble for portability; you should probably develop a structure with separate flags, and use these instead of pointers.
如果您需要编写这种代码,就可能会碰到可移植性的问题;您应该开发一个具有单独标记的结构,并使用这些结构,而不是使用指针。 ibm

One of my friends walled off the living room so that he can have a separate place to eat.

One thing not yet shown here is how a policy attachment can link to a service definition on one hand, and link to a policy on the other hand, when both are loaded in the registry as separate files.
这里还未说明的一件事情在于,当在注册中心将服务定义和策略作为单独的文件加载时,策略附件如何在一方面链接到服务定义,在另一方面链接到某个策略。 ibm

Or does each service within a bundle have a separate thread?
或者每一个包的服务都有一个独立的线程吗? infoq

Our batch file converts all of the topics in a directory using the same information type, which means that we have to separate each type prior to migration.
我们的批处理文件是用同样的信息类型转换一个目录中的所有主题,就是说在迁移之前我们必须把每种类型先分开。 ibm

The reason for describing it as a separate scenario is because it is different from an application design point of view.
将其作为一种单独的场景进行描述的原因是,从应用程序设计的角度来看,它有所不同。 ibm

The ultimate goal is for them to separate— abstinence before marriage, you know.
你知道的,在结婚前让他们分开的最终目的是保持禁欲。 yeeyan

Then, after we have decided on the goal, we face the entirely separate strategic question of how to attain that goal as rapidly as possible, how to build a movement to attain it, etc.
那么,在我们已经定下目标以后,我们就面临着一个完全独立的战术或手段问题,即如何尽可能迅速的实现目标,如何发起一个实现它的运动,等等之类。 yeeyan

Then she would go and live with her children, happily ever after thrashing rice to separate it from the husk.
于是,她就会去和她的儿女们生活在一起,然后幸福地打稻谷,把稻米和谷壳分开。 yeeyan

Then they began to carve separate letters.
然后他们开始雕刻独立的字体。 yeeyan

These pathways all talk to each other. You can think of them not as separate, but as part of a larger network of pathways that are communicating and working in concert.
这些途径都有相关性,你不能将它们分开来看待,而应当作为一个大的途径网络的一部分,就像它们交流着协作着举办一场音乐会。 yeeyan

They have multiple networking cards, each with a separate connection to the Internet and each with their own name and address.
它们有多个网卡,每个网卡都有一个到因特网的独立连接并且都有自己的名称和地址。 ibm

This led us to the conclusion that how we defined our product and how our clients defined our product were on two separate wavelengths.
由此我们得出的结论是,我们如何定义我们的产品和我们的客户如何定义我们的产品是在两个独立的波长上。 yeeyan

This is because if each cell has separate hardware, it provides complete hardware and network isolation between the cells.
这是因为,如果每个单元都有单独的硬件,就会在单元之间提供完整的硬件和网络隔离。 ibm

This one branch is the Liberty of Thought: from which it is impossible to separate the cognate liberty of speaking and of writing.
这条支线就是思想的自由。 把同源的言语的自由与写作的自由和思想的自由分开是不可能的。 yeeyan

To represent these in your model, you can use generic UML associations, or, if there are additional properties relating to the association itself, add separate association classes to the model.
为在您的模型中表示这些关联,您可以使用泛型 UML关联,或者,如果有额外的属性与关联本身相关,那么可以对模型添加独立的关联类。 ibm

Usually, we do this in a separate session.
通常,我们在一个单独的会议中做这件事。 ibm

You could put all this in one process, with a separate thread for each task.
您可以将所有这些任务放到一个进程中,针对每项任务有一个独立的线程。 ibm

You might combine the presentation and domain layers in a single WAR file, or your domain classes might be in a separate EAR file.
您可以将表示层和域层结合在一个 WAR文件中,或者您的域类可以包含在一个单独的 EAR文件中。 ibm




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