释义 |
SEOCH 基本例句 香港联合交易所期权结算所有限公司¹⁰⁰ The following documents and forms will be provided bySEOCHto the applicant upon receipt of the application.聯交所期權結算所在接獲申請後,將會提供下列文件及表格予申請人填寫。 understand that HKFE, HKCC, SEHK, HKSCC orSEOCH, as the case may be, may take disciplinary參與者之申請作出虛假或錯誤引導聲明的參與者採取紀律處分; consent that HKFE, HKCC, SEHK, HKSCC orSEOCH, as the case may be, may use and rely on the information stated及期货条例注册为持牌法团之申请文件内的资料,以考虑此申请,现附上其经核证为真实的副本; Mandate authorizingSEOCHto transfer collateral and settlement amount to Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd;授權聯交所期權結算所轉移扺押品及交收款項予香港中央結算所有限公司之指令; understand that HKFE, HKCC, SEHK, HKSCC orSEOCH, as the case may be, may take disciplinary proceedings者之申请作出虚假或错误引导声明的参与者采取纪律处分; the conditions stated in the notice of approval and any other directives from time to time madeby the Stock Exchange,SEOCHand HKSCC.所载列的条件以及联交所 、 联交所期权结算所及香港结算不时作出的任何其他指令 。 |