

单词 sentenced
释义 sen·tence·d 英'sentəns美'sentəns 高COCA⁸⁴⁹⁰BNC⁶⁰²⁴Economist³⁹⁹²
vt. 宣判; 判决

give a punishment to sb for doing wrong; condemn a person to a particular punishment

C U 宣判,判决

a punishment for a criminal declared to be guilty in court

C 句子

a group of words that forms a statement, command, or question, usually contains a subject and a verb, and ends with any of the marks

a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language;

he always spoke in grammatical sentences

criminal law a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed;

the conviction came as no surprise

the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned;

he served a prison term of 15 months

his sentence was 5 to 10 years

he is doing time in the county jail

pronounce a sentence on somebody in a court of law;

He was condemned to ten years in prison


❌ The judge sentenced the criminal for three years' imprisonment.

✔️ The judge sentenced the criminal to three years' imprisonment.


❌ The judge sentenced him for five years to theft.

✔️ The judge sentenced him for five years for theft.



❌ under a sentence of death

✔️ under sentence of death


❌ pass〔pronounce〕 the sentence on〔upon〕

✔️ pass〔pronounce〕 sentence on〔upon〕


sentence, condemn

这两个词的共同意思是“判处,宣判”。在表示“判处死刑”时,二者可通用; 在表示“判处…年徒刑”时,两者用法不同,用sentence时,年限在前,刑罚在后,用condemn时刑罚在前,年限在后。试比较:


She was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment.

She was condemned to imprisonment for eight years.


The judge sentenced the person to three years in prison.

The judge sentenced the person to three years' imprisonment.法官判处这个人三年监禁。sentence,condemn,judge,convict,doom







用作动词 v.
~+介词sentence for因…而判刑sentence for theft因偷窃罪被判刑sentence to判处sentence to a fine被判处罚款sentence to death被判死刑sentence to five years被判刑五年用作名词 n.动词+~add a sentence加上一个句子analyze a sentence分析句子build a sentence造句carry out a sentence执行判决choose a sentence选择句子coin a sentence造句complete a sentence完成一个句子complete one's sentence服刑期满compose a sentence造句correct a sentence订正句子form a sentence造句make up a sentence造句pass sentence on〔upon〕 sb判某人刑polish a sentence给句子润色pronounce a sentence宣布一项判决quote a sentence引用一句话reduce a sentence减刑rewrite a sentence改写句子serve a sentence服刑write good sentences文笔流畅形容词+~accumulative sentence累计徒刑complete sentence完整的句子complex sentence复合句difficult sentence难句子former sentence原判harsh sentence重刑heavy sentence重刑impersonal sentence非人称句interrogative sentence疑问句involved sentence复杂的句子light sentence轻刑long sentence长句severe sentence重刑short sentence短句simple sentence简单句three-year sentence三年徒刑名词+~capital sentence死刑death sentence死刑life sentence无期徒刑prison sentence监禁topic sentence主题句~+名词sentence elements句子成分sentence patterns句型sentence structure句子结构介词+~in a sentence用一个句子under sentence被判刑under a death sentence for murder因谋杀罪被判处死刑~+介词sentence of this type这一类型的句子
sentence to v.+prep.

使…遭受 force (sb/sth to suffer sth or doing sth unpleasant)

sentence sb to sthThe judge sentenced the murderer to death.法官宣判杀人犯死刑。
The judge sentenced him to five years for theft.因盗窃罪法官判处他五年徒刑。
Then the manager was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for smuggling.当时那位经理因走私罪被判七年徒刑。
He was tried on the charge of inciting to riot and sentenced to thirty days in jail.他因被指控煽动骚乱而受到审判,并被判处30天监禁。sentence sb/sth to sth/v-ingThere is no need to think that you are sentenced to a lifetime of unhappiness.没必要认为你就注定一辈子得不到幸福。
Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced to destruction by the council's rebuilding plans.本市很多完好的古老建筑都因市议会的重建规划而将被拆毁。近义词 doomorderdecisionjudgementv. condemnpronouncementjudgen. condemnation
S+~+ n./pron.The criminal had been sentenced.罪犯已被判了徒刑。
No one could understand why the murderer was not sentenced.谁也不理解为什么杀人犯没有被判处徒刑。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vThe judge sentenced him to do hard labour.法官宣判他服苦役。
He has been sentenced to pay a fine of £1000.他被判罚款1000英镑。
They were sentenced to be hanged.他们被判处绞刑。用作名词n.He read the sentence conversely.他倒着读句子。
The sentence is void of meaning.这句话缺乏意义。
This sentence is vague in sense.这个句子意思不清楚。
The sentence is susceptible to two interpretations.这个句子可以有两种解释。
It is the subjective complement in the sentence.它在这个句子中是主语补足语。
There is a straight line under the sentence.句子下面有一条直线。
Neither sentence is correct.两个句子都不对。
The meaning of the sentence is obvious to everybody.每个人都明显地知道这个句子的意思。
I lost the end of the sentence.我没听见那句话的末尾。
I can't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence.我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观。
Make sentences with this phrase, please.请用这个短语造几个句子。
The sentence can, therefore, be expected to be severe.因此,完全可以预料判决将是严厉的。
The judge looked solemn as he was about to pass sentence.法官在宣判前表情严肃。
The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.预计最高法院将维持死刑的原判。
The convict was pardoned after serving five years of his sentence.那个囚犯在服刑五年后被赦免。



sentence与for连用,意为“因…而判处”; 与to连用意为“判处…”。




用作名词It is a fact that I have written thissentence.我写了这个句子是事实。
The judge will passsentencetomorrow after looking at the report.法官看完报告后明天会做出判决。用作及物动词He has beensentencedto pay a fine of 1000 pounds.他被判罚款1000英镑。
He wassentencedto death.他被处以死刑。as in.doomed
同义词 ill-fated,wreckedbedeviled,bewitched,convicted,cursed,damned,destroyed,done,fated,foreordained,lost,overthrown,overwhelmed,predestined,ruined,sunk,suppressed,undone,unfortunatecut down,dead duck,done for,ill-omened,in the cards,kiss of death,luckless,menaced,que sera sera,star-crossed,threatened,thrown down,unredeemed
反义词 blessed,intact,nice,protected,restored,saved,successfulhopeful,luckyas in.guilty
同义词 convicted,culpable,liable,remorseful,responsible,sorry,wrongaccusable,caught,censurable,censured,chargeable,condemned,conscience-stricken,contrite,convictable,criminal,damned,delinquent,depraved,doomed,erring,evil,felonious,hangdogimpeachedincriminated,in error,iniquitous,in the wrong,judged,licentious,offending,on one's head,out of line,proscribed,regretful,reprehensible,rueful,sheepish,sinful,wicked
反义词 good,immune,irresponsible,rightguiltless,innocent,moral,sinless,truthfulas in.punished
同义词 chastened,dismissed,imprisoned,penalizedbirchedcastigatedchastised,confined,correcteddebarreddefrocked,executed,exiled,expelled,flogged,grounded,immured,incarcerated,lectured,reproved,scoldedspankedswitched,whipped
反义词 cleared,exonerated,released
doomedadjective condemned, hopeless
bedeviled,bewitched,convicted,cursed,cut down,damned,dead duck,destroyed,done,done for,fated,foreordained,ill-fated,ill-omened,in the cards,kiss of death,lost,luckless,menaced,overthrown,overwhelmed,predestined,que sera sera,ruined,star-crossed,sunk,suppressed,threatened,thrown down,undone,unfortunate,unredeemed,wrecked
guiltyadjective blameworthy;found at fault
accusable,caught,censurable,censured,chargeable,condemned,conscience-stricken,contrite,convictable,convicted,criminal,culpable,damned,delinquent,depraved,doomed,erring,evil,felonious,hangdogimpeachedin error,in the wrong,incriminated,iniquitous,judged,liable,licentious,offending,on one's head,out of line,proscribed,regretful,remorseful,reprehensible,responsible,rueful,sentenced,sheepish,sinful,sorry,wicked,wrong
punishedadjective disciplined
birchedcastigatedchastened,chastised,confined,correcteddebarreddefrocked,dismissed,executed,exiled,expelled,flogged,grounded,immured,imprisoned,incarcerated,lectured,penalized,reproved,scolded,sentencedspankedswitched,whipped After a trial that26 lawyers and academics charged was rigged, a railways court sentenced the passenger in March2010 to three years in prison.
尽管26名律师和学者联合指控审判涉嫌舞弊,铁路法院还是于2010年三月宣判该乘客三年有期徒刑。 yeeyan

The judge in the case sentenced Waldroup to32 years in prison.
此一案件的法官判处沃尔德鲁普32年有期徒刑。 yeeyan

“ My message to the British and Scottish communities is that I will put out the evidence to exonerate me and ask them to be the jury, ” Megrahi, sentenced in 2001, said without elaborating.
2001年,麦格拉西被宣判罪名成立,当时只说道:“我要向英国和苏格兰各界传达的消息是,我讲拿出证据证明无罪,并请他们仲裁。” yeeyan

A Greek court has sentenced a policeman to life in prison for murder in the2008 shooting of a15-year old boy whose death sparked nationwide riots.
一家希腊法庭判处在2008年枪杀谋害一名15岁男孩的警察终身监禁,这起事件当时在全国各地引发暴动。 voa365

A Pakistani man convicted over the2008 Mumbai terror attacks is to be sentenced at a prison court in India.
2008年孟买恐怖袭击主角,一名巴基斯坦藉人士,在印度的监狱法庭受到宣判。 yeeyan

But in the end, they sentenced Dugan to death.
但到了最后,他们还是判处杜根死刑。 yeeyan

Button, who left court without commenting, will be sentenced at a later date.
法庭上,巴顿没有发表任何意见。 他的判决将在稍晚下达。 yeeyan

Hillary and I were in court with Mother when he was sentenced.
罗杰被判刑的时候,我和希拉里陪着母亲出庭旁听。 yeeyan

His parents were tried and sentenced to16 months in prison.
他的父母被起诉并判以为期16个月的监禁。 yeeyan

If Gary's was such a dreadful crime, he should have been prosecuted and sentenced here years ago.
如果加里的罪行是如此可怕,他应该多年以前就在英国受到起诉和审判。 yeeyan

It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced.

JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
法官判处一名罪犯劳教后,正喋喋不休地向他指出犯罪的坏处和改造的好处。 yeeyan

Last month the Chongqing courts sentenced six gangsters to death for murder, machete attacks and price fixing.
上个月,重庆市法院判处六名歹徒死刑,罪名包括谋杀、械斗和操纵价格。 yeeyan

Palmstruch was disgraced and— fickle government— sentenced to death, a fate later commuted to a prison term.
帕穆斯丘奇失宠了——喜怒无常的政府判处他死刑,最后的结局是减刑为监禁。 yeeyan

The judge locked him up and threw away the key: she sentenced him to life in prison with no chance of parole.
法官把他关进监狱,让他永远也出不来。她判他无期徒刑,连保释的机会都没有。 ebigear

The perpetrator was tracked to Germany, where he was sentenced a year later.
作恶者被追踪到德国,一年以后,在那接受审判。 yeeyan

The prisoners sometimes, through mere uneasiness of life, and in order to be sentenced to death, commit acts of useless violence, and you might fall a victim.
那些犯人有时只为了活得不耐烦,想判个死刑,就会毫无意义地走极端,那样你或许可能成为一个牺牲品的。 ebigear

The regime has imprisoned hundreds of people for violating the law and sentenced some to death, according to Human Rights Watch.
根据人权检查组织报告,这个政权以犯法为名已经逮捕了几百人,并将其中有些人判处死刑。 yeeyan

They tried him and sentenced him to10 years in prison.




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