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A new approach is developed to the evaluation of linear quadratic optimal control problem LQ in frequence domain, and its practical procedure is pre- sented.
本文研究在频域中线性系统二次性能最优控制问题 LQ问题的计算方法,并给出具体步骤。 cnki

A process for recovering maleic anhydride by thermal dehydration is pre- sented.
介绍了热脱水法回收顺酐的工艺。 cnki

A virtual design system model for hydrodynamic bearing system of mill is pre sented. The complete data model is set up which could be used for design and manufacture.
提出了动静压轴承系统的虚拟设计系统,建立了面向设计制造的统一数据模型。 chemyq

From the objects and constraints researched in maintainability structure model, the basic and simplified criteria to develop the model are pre- sented.
依据系统维修性结构模型、维修性定量模型所研究的问题及约束,提出建立结构模型的基本准则和简化准则; cnki

The analysis and design of a ZVZCS FB-PWM converter with two diodes in series with the lagging leg is pre- sented.
分析了滞后臂串联二极管的全桥零电压零电流开关 ZVZCS变流器的工作原理并给出了主要设计步骤。 dictall

The main technical parameters, general layout and structure features of Tianan business diesel railcar are pre- sented.
介绍了天安型公务内燃动车的主要技术参数、总体布置及结构特点。 cnki

The pre sented method is composed of three sections: The parameters and rules of multi-objection control, the multi- objection evaluating system for the influence result.
可控化选筋方法由目标控 制参数、目标控制法则及结果的目标评价体系三部分组成。

The principle and its application of a gear- spring balanced mechanism are pre- sented.
介绍一种齿轮-弹簧联动平衡机构的工作原理及其应用。 cnki

The way to determine economical dosage of HRWRA was pre sented based on a case history of mix design.
通过一个配合比设计实例,介绍了减水剂经济掺量的确定方法。 cnki

A computer simulation method to predict the mechanical properties of jointed rock mass is pre- sented.
本文提出了一种确定节理岩体力学参数的计算机模拟试验法。 cnki

A method for measuring the electron conductivity in mixed conductor is pre- sented.
提出了一种求取混合导电体电子电导率的方法。 cnki

A method of forecasting the total solar irradiance based on blind source separationBSS neural network was pre- sented.
提出一种应用盲分离神经网络预测逐日太阳辐射能的方法。 dictall

A method of software defect measurement is pre- sented by using orthogonal defect classificationODC.
探讨了软件缺陷的分类技术,给出了利用正交分类法进行软件缺陷度量的一般方法。 chemyq

A new type of substation supervision system which adopts techniques of multi- master token- bus is pre- sented. as well as its construction. outstanding advantages and implementation.
提出采用多主分牌总线拓扑的新型变电站监控系统,介绍其结构、性能特点及其实现。 cnki

A succinct SCM control circuit was pre- sented. Output address of the circuit was analyzed. And various input or output circuits were also described.
给出了一个简洁的单片机控制电路,分析了输出地址,描述了不同类型的输出电路和输入电路; cnki

Based on the feature of the enterprises in shipbuilding indus-try and the managements of a modern enterprise, a set of relatively complete management target system is pre- sented.
根据船舶工业企业的特点,按照现代企业管理的要求,提出了一套比较完整的经营指标体系的设想。 cnki

Based on practice in Donggang Tunnel construction, some summary on technical problems in allocation, structure design and construction for this highway tunnel were pre- sented.
本文根据笔者参加东港隧道的实践,对该公路隧道的选线定点、结构设计和施工中的几个问题进行了技术总结。 cnki

Brief introductions to the application and the packaging process of miniaturized multi- channel heat exchanger are pre- sented.
简要介绍微小型多通道换热器的应用及封装制造工艺,重点关注其基于钎焊的封装过程的仿真。 chemyq

In this paper the application and recent developments of heap leaching technology abroad are pre sented, and the main technological and economic performances of heap leaching operations are listed.
本文简要介绍国外堆浸技术的应用情况和最近的进展,详细列举了部分堆浸矿山的技术经济指标。 chemyq

In this paper a laser vision acuity tester composed of planoparallal interference plate is pre- sented. Some problems about optical system design of the tester are detailed.
本文介绍了一种采用光学平行平板作为干涉元件的激光视力仪,并对其光学系统的若干设计问题作了详细的介绍。 cnki

In this paper an adaptive tone interference cancelling technique is pre- sented, its principle and performances are analyzed.
本文提出了一种单音干扰对消技术,分析了它的工作原理和性能。 cnki

Key techniques in implementing a hardware-implemented fault injector are discussed and methods to solve these problems in the implementation of FTT-1 are pre- sented.
文章讨论了设计与实现硬件故障注入器的关键技术,并介绍了在 FTT-1的实现中解决这些关键技术的方法。 cnki

Mechanochemistry effect in production of ultrafine graphite using tower mill and ball mill is pre sented.
讨论了用立式螺旋搅拌磨、球磨对石墨进行微粉碎与超微粉碎过程中的机械力化学效应。 cnki

On the basis of analyzing the influence of feeding speed on measuring accuracy, an algorithm of exp andes time division increment interpolation available to online inspection is pre sented.
在分析进给速度对检测精度影响的基础上,构造了一种适用于在线检测的扩展时间分割增量插补算法。 chemyq

Semi- analytic solutions for ultimate bearing capacity of complicated foundations are pre- sented.
本文研究了复杂地基极限承载力的半解析解答。 cgejournal

The gap between China and the developed countries in developing softwares is also described here, Finally, some points which China should follow when developing its own softwares are pre- sented.
本文还分析了我国在该类软件的开发方面与国际先进水平之间存在的差距,并对我国今后开发这类软件时应遵循的原则提出了看法。 cnki

The interim structure of source program is pre- sented as generalized list. While assisting the realization of structural automated test, this method supports the visualization of program structure.
采用广义表数据结构作为源程序的中间表示,在辅助实现结构性测试主要功能的同时,兼顾程序结构可视化。 cnki

The main points of system design were also pre- sented.
本文中给出了该控制系统的软硬件设计要点。 cnki

The mechanism, practical parameters, and application ranges of electrochemical mechanical machining were pre- sented.
论述了电化学机械加工的机理,介绍了实用参数和应用范围。 chemyq




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