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sent. 基本英英搭配记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.sentence
Noun: 100 senti equal 1 kroon in Estonia Adjective: caused or enabled to go or be conveyed or transmittedbills sent for collection托收款项items sent for collection托收项目bill sent for collection经 托收票据…send发送heaven-sent天赋的sent to one's long account死sent to one's account死be sent on a fool's errand作无谓的奔走,干徒劳…be sent into the world降生于世 同音记忆这个世界到处发出sent美分cent的气味scent 反义词 unsent未送出或寄发的… Pheaven-senta.最合时宜的天赐的
动词98%,名词2% 用作动词Hesenthis car to the garage for repair.他把汽车送到修车厂修理。 The oranges were boxed andsentoff quickly.橘子被装入箱中,然后很快便运走了。 The parcel wassentto the wrong destination.包裹送错了地方。 The passengers weresentto the cutters as the ship was sinking.大船要沉没了,乘客们被送到驳船上。 Relief was quicklysentto the sufferers from the great fire.救济品很快被送到遭受火灾的灾民手中。adj.shipped 同义词 appointed,commissioned,committed,consigned,delegated,directed,discharged,dispatched,emitted,gone,issued,mailed,ordered,posted,transmitted,transported 反义词 held-back,kept,restrained beamedadjective transmitted broadcastchanneledradiated blissfuladjective happy beatific,cool,crazy,delighted,dreamy,ecstatic,elated,enchanted,enraptured,euphoric,floating,flying,gone,heavenly,in ecstasy,in seventh heaven,in the twilight zone,joyful,joyous,mad,on cloud nine,rapturous,sent,turned-on deliveredadjective brought checked in,conveyed,deposited,dispatched,expressed,forwarded,handed over,mailed,sent,shipped,transported,trucked ecstaticadjective very happy, blissful athrill,beatific,blissful,crazy,delirious,dreamy,elated,enraptured,enthusiastic,entranced,euphoric,fervent,floating,flying,flying high,gone,happy,high,in exaltation,in seventh heaven,joyful,joyous,mad,on cloud nine,overjoyed,pleased as punch,rapturous,ravished,rhapsodic,sent,sunny,thrilled,tickled pink,tickled to death,transported,turned on,upbeat,wild fascinatedadjective captivated, spellbound absorbed,aroused,attracted,beguiled,bewitched,charmed,dazzled,delighted,enamored,enchanted,engrossed,enraptured,enthralled,enticed,entranced,excited,fond of,hypnotized,in love with,infatuated,intoxicated,mesmerized,overpowered,seduced,sent,smitten,sold on,stuck on,tantalized,thrilled,titillated,transfixed,transported,under a spell importedadjective brought in from another place alien,carried,choice,exotic,ferried,foreign,introduced,rare,sent,shipped,transported,trucked It's a good practice to create and assign one for each queue manager and use it to catch messages that are not sent due to network or destination issues. 为每个队列管理器创建和分配一个死信队列,并使用它来捕获由于网络或目的地问题而未发送的消息,这是一个很好的实践。 ibm What you should note here is that message authentication guarantees nothing about who sent that message. 在这里您需要注意的是消息身份验证无法保证是谁发送了该消息。 ibm When we arrived he sent out for some bread and milk to a local restaurant. 我们到了后,他让附近的餐馆送来一些面包和牛奶。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Change this, I sent you! 换上这个,我送来的快乐! edu.sina.com.cn China has sent her delegates to the conference. 中国已派遣她的代表出席会议。《新英汉大辞典》 However, you have to choose what data to send and how it is sent. 然而,您必须选择发送哪些数据以及以什么方式发送。 ibm I called for the draft agreement you sent us one week ago. 我打电话是关于你一周前寄来的那份协议草案。 examw If not all characters could be queued in the call, the number of characters sent is the final return value. 如果不是所有的字符都能够在函数调用时排队,则最终的返回值是发送的字符数。 ibm In a hospital information system HIS scenario, all the activities in the system have to be sent across to another HIS system for some additional processing. 假设在一个医院信息系统 HIS中,必须要将系统中的所有活动信息发送到另一个 HIS系统中以做另外的处理。 ibm It is possible that the end user expects to get notifications for every message sent by each sender. 有可能终端用户期望获得对于每个发送者所发送的每一条消息的通知。 ibm It will then show up in the directory, and can be sent to your friends or linked in your blog. 然后,它将显示在目录中,并且您可以发送到您的朋友或在您的博客中做链接。 yeeyan My men have been sent everywhere to hound out the bastard. 我已派了手下人到各处去捉住那个混蛋。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Note that the data is sent every minute in an aggregated format, therefore the trace must run longer than one minute in order for you to see these payload messages. 请注意,数据是以汇总形式每分钟发送一次,因此追踪的运行时间必须大于一分钟,这样您才能看到这些有效载荷消息。 ibm One feature is its ability to deploy a processing agent into a grid and direct the grid to invoke this“ agent” on each entity sent into a particular map. 其中一个特性是能够将一个处理代理部署到一个网格中,并指引该网格在被发送到一个特殊地图中的每个实体上调用这个“代理”。 ibm Only the European Space Agency and the US have previously sent probes there. 之前只有欧洲航天局和美国航天局发送过探测器到那里。 hxen She was soon sent off to live with another family. 不久,她就被送去和另一个家庭一起生活。 yeeyan Signals can be generated by the process itself, or they can be sent from one process to another. 信号可以由进程本身生成,也可以从一个进程发送到其他进程中。 ibm Some observers even suggested he might be sent to the gulag. 一些观察家甚至暗示他可能会被送到了古拉格。 yeeyan SSL can have some performance impacts because every piece of data sent to and from the server must be decrypted. SSL对性能有一定影响,因为每个发送到服务器和从服务器传出的数据片都必须加密。 ibm The final list together with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval. 最后的名单连同一份附录将被送到经理那里等候他的批准。 ebigear The spy sent his message in code. 这个间谍用密码发送情报。《新英汉大辞典》 This allows cash to be sent from one place to another quickly and easily. 这使得现金快速而且容易地从一个地方寄到另一个地方。 ecocn This should not be done in a production cell, as it causes ALL notifications from ALL servers to be sent to the deployment manager. 但不应该预订生产单元中的通知,因为这会导致来自“所有”服务器的“所有”通知都被发送到部署管理器。 ibm What data is sent to this service and back from this service? 向此服务发送什么数据,以及从此服务接收什么数据? ibm With these parameters, the SCSI command could be sent to the target device. 有了这些参数之后,就可以将 SCSI命令发送到目标设备。 ibm Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. 昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。 ebigear |