

单词 sensorimotor
释义 sen·so·ri·mo·tor 英ˌsensəriːˈməʊtə美ˌsɛnsəriˈmotɚAHDsĕn'sə-rē-mōʹtər COCA⁸²³⁸⁶BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹

of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination of an organism or to the controlling nervessensori,mot-动-or者⇒adj.感觉运动的 It is also embodied in two stages of children's psychology development: sensorimotor stage and pre- operation stage.
同时也表现在儿童心理发展的两个不同阶段,即感知-运动阶段和前运算阶段。 cnki

The nerve fiber regeneration of neurons at sensorimotor area and rubrum nuclei in brain was observed with retrograde tracing of fluorogold;
用荧光金逆行标记法观察大脑感觉运动区和脑干红核的神经元神经纤维再生; cnki

The results of fMRI: Contralateral sensorimotor cortexes were weakly activated in7 stroke patients during the affected hand movement, and obviously activated in ipsilateral posterior parietal cortex.
磁共振成像表现结果:7例脑卒中患者患手运动时,对侧半球的感觉运动皮质可见微弱激活,而在同侧后顶叶皮质见到明显激活。 cnki

The Synaptic changes of neuron were observed in sensorimotor area of cortex and hippocampal CA3 area.
观察其大脑皮质感觉运动区及海马 CA3区神经元的突触变化。 dictall

These alterations of network properties may underlie abnormal sensorimotor integration in PD.

To discuss the principle of sensorimotor hologram and present a new method for generating holographic moving sense longitudinal area partition technique.
讨论动感全息图的工作原理,介绍一种合成全息动感的新方法——纵向面积分割法。 dictall

AIM To observe the long-term cerebroprotective effects of Buyang Huanwu decoction BYHWD on the sensorimotor function and brain damage after focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
目的:观察补阳还五汤对大鼠脑缺血损伤后感觉运动功能和脑损伤的长期影响。 cnki

At baseline, both groups had similar scores on a battery of cognitive tests for memory, sensorimotor speed, complex speed, information processing speed, and word fluency.
起初,两组人具有相同的记忆、感觉运动速度、综合速度、信息处理速度和文字流利的认知测验的分数。 dxy

Behavioral, autonomic and sensorimotor symptoms occur when an expending cyst impinges on the structures of the hypothalamoseptal triangle or impairs the deep cerebral venous drainage.
当透明隔囊肿累及下丘脑一隔三角区或影响脑深部的静脉回流时,可出现行为、自主神经以及感觉运动功能的异常。 cnki

Compared with the ALS control group, the expression of AMPA receptors in brain stem and sensorimotor cortex in the LIF treated group decreased significantly P0.01.
白血病抑制因子治疗组 AMPA受体在脑干运动皮质的表达和肌萎缩侧索硬化对照组对比明显降低 P0.01。 cnki

Conclusion HBO therapy can attenuate brain damage and improve learning, memory and sensorimotor functions in neonatal rats after HIBD.
结论 HBO治疗能够减少新生大鼠缺氧缺血后脑损伤,促进学习记忆功能和感觉运动功能的改善。 jukuu

Fatigue is a sensory perception based on the integration of physiological, biochemical and sensorimotor feedback from the periphery that precedes muscle failure or the attenuation of the workload.
疲劳是一种先于肌肉衰竭和工作负荷下降的感觉,其基于来自外周的生理、生化和感觉运动的负反馈之整合。 dxy

Furthermore, self- related regions were inhibited during sensorimotor processing.
而且,自我相关的脑区在感觉运动加工期间是被抑制的。 career.51youcai.com

Making use of the response in the sensorimotor cortex as the indicator, the nervous pathways mediating the productions of such response were analysed.
我们用运动区的电反应作为指标,分析了产生此反应的神经路径基础。 cnki

Objective To explore the effects of forepaw sensorimotor deprivation in early life on hippocampus-dependent spatial reference learning and memory in rats.
目的研究生命早期前爪感觉和精细动作剥夺对大鼠海马依赖性空间参考学习记忆能力的影响。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn

ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical effectiveness of oral sensorimotor therapy on oral motor dysfunction after cerebral palsy CP.
目的探讨口腔感觉运动刺激治疗法对脑瘫患儿口运动障碍的疗效。 cnki

Our results show a clear segregation between regions engaged during self- related introspective processes and cortical regions involved in sensorimotor processing.
我们的结果呈现出,在参与自我相关的内省过程的脑区与参与感觉运动加工的皮层区之间存在一个清晰的分离。 yeeyan

Rats of postnatal day 13 PN13 in experiment group were selected, and models of forepaw sensorimotor deprivation were established by microsurgical technique.
取13日龄 PN13实验组大鼠,运用显微外科技术建立幼鼠前爪感觉和精细动作剥夺模型。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn

Results In the control group, activation was observed in the contralateral sensorimotor cortex SMC and the bilateral supplementary area SMA during the passive movement.
结果健康志愿者单手运动激活对侧感觉运动皮质 SMC、双侧辅助运动区 SMA。 cnki

Results In normal subjects, activation in contralateral sensorimotor cortex SMC, posterior parietal cortex PPC and bilateral supplementary area SMA were observed during passive movements.
结果正常人被动单指运动激活对侧感觉运动皮层 SMC、后顶叶皮层 PPC和双侧辅助运动区 SMA。 cnki

So can sensorimotor, or “ mind-body,” therapies, like breathing exercises and yoga, which help people cope with their emotions by controlling their body's physical reaction to stress and fear.
所以感觉运动、身心运动和疗养同样可以起作用,像呼吸运动和瑜伽可以通过控制身体对压力和恐惧的反应来帮助人们应对自己的情感。 yeeyan

Studies have shown that it is related to overusing, dysfunction of basal ganglia, abnormality of the function of sensorimotor cortex and certain inherent cause.
病因尚不明,目前的研究认为过度的活动、基底节功能障碍、大脑皮质运动和感觉功能异常及一定的遗传背景可能与之有关。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

To investigate the effects of transplanted Schwann cells on the neuronal survival in sensorimotor cortices of cerebrum and red nuclei of brain stem after rat spinal cord transection.
探讨施万细胞移植对大鼠脊髓全横断损伤后大脑皮质感觉运动区神经元和脑干红核神经元存活的影响。 dictall

Unlike Dr Dresler, who focused on the sensorimotor cortex, which controls movement, Dr Gallant and his team looked at the visual cortex.
与 Dresler博士不同, Gallant博士团队和他并不关注控制运动的感觉运动皮层,而是关注视觉皮层。 renren




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