

单词 sensorial
释义 sen·so·ri·al 英senˈsɔːriːəl, -ˈsəʊr-美sɛnˈsɔriəl, -ˈsor-AHDsĕn-sôrʹē-əl, -sōrʹ- 高COCA⁹¹⁶⁷⁰BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁴²⁵⁹⁴
involving or derived from the senses;

sensory experience

sensory channels

sensor-ial有…特性⇒adj.知觉的⁴⁴;感觉的⁴²=sensory.近义词 sensory知觉的
同义词 sensoryamazing,arresting,astounding,breathtaking,electrifying,emotional,piquant,sensitive,sensual,sensuous,stimulating,sultry
sensitiveadjective impressionable
acute,cognizant,conscious,delicate,easily affected,emotionable,emotional,feeling,fine,high-strung,hung up,hypersensitive,impressible,irritable,keen,knowing,nervous,oversensitive,perceiving,perceptive,precarious,precise,psychic,reactive,receptive,responsive,seeing,sensatory,sensile,sensory,sentient,supersensitive,susceptible,tense,ticklish,touchy,touchy feely,tricky,tuned-in,turned on to,umbrageous,understanding,unstable,wired
susceptiveadjective sensitive
acute,cognizant,conscious,delicate,easily affected,emotionable,emotional,feeling,fine,high-strung,hung up,hypersensitive,impressible,impressionable,irritable,keen,knowing,nervous,oversensitive,perceiving,perceptive,precarious,precise,psychic,reactive,receptive,responsive,seeing,sensatory,sensible,sensile,sensorial,sensory,sentient,supersensitive,susceptible,tense,ticklish,touchy,touchy feely,tricky,tuned-in,turned on to,umbrageous,understanding,unstable,wired A child who is allowed to explore with real mathematical objects at an early, motor- sensorial age stands a good chance of becoming a real math lover later in life.
孩子在他的早期以感性认识为主的阶段可以接触到真实的数学物体,能够使他有更大的机会成为一个真正的数学爱好者。 bioon

The Contact Series gives a dynamic and sensorial experience to the visually impaired user by adding a tactile element in the form of braille lettering to everyday objects.
盲文生活用具系列通过加入盲文字母在日常物品的可触摸元素,使盲人朋友有一种动态、可触觉的体验。 yeeyan

The main clinic signs were fever, diarrhea, sensorial disorder of extremity, weakened or disappeared deep tendinous reflect.
临床表现以发热、腹泻、肢体感觉障碍、深部腱反射减弱或消失为主。 cnki

The colour range is made of emotional whites and sensorial pastels.
色彩方面主要有利于表达感情的白色系及触感轻柔的清淡色调。 xici

The mission of TOKYO KEIKI is to contribute to society by providing products which integrate such human sensorial functions as measurement, recognition, control with electronics technology.
日本东京计器株式会社的使命是通过提供产品,集成等人作为测量,识别,控制与电子技术感官功能的社会。 gyzdhw

The Paralympic Games are a multi- sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities.
残奥会是一种为身体,智力和感觉有障碍的运动而举办的多项运动会。 gzhlw

The value of the piece is justified by the sensorial and intellectual experience it proposes.
该作品的价值是通过作品提供的感性和智性的经验得以判断的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sensorial education plays an important role in the development of mentally retarded children.
感官教育对智力落后儿童的智力发展有重要作用。 dictall

This process can be distinguished three phases, which are the externalism of opinion, sensorial opinion turning to rational opinion and opinion's perspicuity.
深度报道事实能够孕育社会意见,其孕育过程分为“内在意见外在化、非理性意见理性化、繁杂意见清晰化”三个阶段。 cnki

Adjacent to the pool area, a hydrotherapy circuit features men's and women's private steam rooms and saunas, a sensorial shower, whirlpool bath and ice fountain.
毗连泳池区域为连串水疗按摩设备,包括男士及女士专用的私人蒸汽浴室及桑拿浴室、感官淋浴室、按摩浴池,以及冰泉。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Because of this dramatic situation, compensation ranges are set to increase for all cases, ranging from injuries with minimal or no sensorial hearing loss to total deafness.
鉴于这种严重情况,赔偿范围调整到覆盖所有病例,从到最微小的受伤或无感音性聋到完全失聪。 dxy

Classrooms are designed with different areas of learning, each with its own focus: practical life, sensorial, language, mathematics, geography, art, music, science, history and nature study.
新里程不同教室有用在不同领域的学习,不同的重点:现实生活,感官,语言,数学,艺术,音乐,自然科学。 eng4u

Finally the development trend at the aspect of sensorial and energy of IBPL is pointed out.
最后指出了智能仿生腿在信息交互、感知、能源动力等方面的发展动向。 cnki

It is pointed out that shoulder straps dropping off, band elastic and shoulder straps digging into body, unfit are the main sensorial discomfort factors.
同时,得出肩带滑落、肩带及下缘束带勒紧皮肤、不合体是引起不舒适的主要因素; chemyq

Orange juice is a widely consumed product due to its high nutritional value and desirable sensorial characteristics.
橙汁由于其丰富的营养价值和良好的感官特性而被人们广泛消费。 fabiao

This model is based on4 sensorial experiences rated by maximum20 points.
该模型是基于最高20分,分为4个感官评定等级。 kekenet

Utopia trend is very inspiring by sensorial design and sensitive architecture. Here are some projects and realizations, which are light and strong at the same time.
由于具有了重视感官性设计和感光性的建筑,乌托邦潮流让人灵感四射。以下展示的是一些在建项目以及成品,他们同时具备了轻盈和结实的优点。 xici




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