

单词 senseless
释义 sense·less 英ˈsenslɪs美ˈsɛnslɪsAHDsĕnsʹlĭs ★☆☆☆☆高六八COCA¹⁹²⁶⁰BNC¹⁹³¹³iWeb¹⁶⁵⁷²Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
not marked by the use of reason;

mindless violence

reasonless hostility

a senseless act

unresponsive to stimulation;

he lay insensible where he had fallen

drugged and senseless

serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being;

otiose lines in a play

advice is wasted words

a pointless remark

a life essentially purposeless

senseless violence

of especially persons lacking sense or understanding or judgment词根词缀: -sens-感觉 + -e + -less形容词词尾,否定sense-less少⇒adj.无感觉的²²;无意义的⁵²;无意识的¹⁸;不省人事的adj.愚蠢的;笨的;无目的的;失去知觉的;不明智的近义词 null无效的numb麻木的silly愚蠢的asinine驴的inane愚蠢的windy有风的stupid愚蠢的criminal罪犯absurd荒唐的futile无效的wasted浪费的foolish愚蠢的idiotic愚蠢的nitwitted傻的witless无知的unwise不明智的backward向后的otiose没有用的lifeless无生命的headless不在意的childish孩子气的mindless不留神的ridiculous荒谬的inanimate无生命的oblivious没注意到pointless无意义的superfluous多余的soft-witted愚笨的preposterous荒谬的comatose昏睡状态的reasonless无理性的insensible无感觉的illogical不合逻辑的knocked out被击晕的meaningless无意义的purposeless无目的的inconsistent不一致的unreasonable不合理的unconscious失去知觉的deadened变得死一般的…

用作形容词He laysenselessout in the rain.他毫无知觉地躺在雨中。
It'ssenselessto continue any further.再继续下去毫无意义。
He think itsenselessargue about this problem.他认为辩论这个问题是没有意义。
The accident scared themsenseless.那意外事件把他们吓昏了。
The box fell on his head and knocked himsenseless.这个箱子掉到他头上将他敲得昏了过去。
She fell downsenselesson the ground.她倒在地上不省人事。adj.silly, meaningless
同义词 absurd,illogical,incongruous,insignificant,irrational,ludicrous,mindless,pointless,ridiculous,stupid,unreasonableasinine,batty,crazy,daft,double talk,doublespeak,fatuous,flaky,foolish,idiotic,imbecilic,inane,inconsistent,mad,moronic,nonsensical,nutty,purportless,purposeless,simple,trivial,unimportant,unintelligent,unmeaning,unsound,unwise,wacky,without rhyme or reason
反义词 intelligent,logical,meaningful,rational,reasonable,sensiblefeeling,wise
blindadjective uncontrolled
brainlessadjective idiotic
bruteadjective very strong;animal-like
comatoseadjective unconscious
cold,dead,dead to the world,dopey,drowsy,drugged,hebetudinous,inconscious,insensible,lethargic,out,out cold,out to lunch,senseless,sleepy,sluggish,slumberous,somnolent,soporose,stupefied,stupid,stuporous,torpid,vegged out
counterintuitiveadjective contrary to common sense
crazieradjective unrealistic, fantastic
absurd,balmy,beyond all reason,bizarre,cockeyed,derisory,eccentric,fatuous,foolhardy,foolish,goofy,half-baked,harebrained,idiotic,ill-conceived,impracticable,imprudent,inane,inappropriate,insane,irresponsible,loony,ludicrous,nonsensical,odd,out of all reason,outrageous,peculiar,preposterous,puerile,quixotic,ridiculous,senseless,short-sighted,silly,strange,unworkable,weird,wild A senseless tragedy, it was called, and she was described as a reticent and prematurely aged survivor.
报纸上说这是一场无谓的悲剧,而她被说成是一名早熟而寡言的幸存者。 yeeyan

Andre beats Jack senseless.
安德烈将杰克痛扁直至其不省人事。 yeeyan

Anyone who can look at the famine in Somalia, or the tsunami in Japan, or terrorist bombings in Iraq— at the senseless loss of precious human life and can say— glibly, casually, smoothly!
谁能看饥荒,或在索马里海啸在日本,或者恐怖袭击的无谓损失 Iraq- at宝贵的人生并能说- glibly,随便,顺利! yeeyan

Both girls are now desperate for the senseless deaths to stop.
现今,这两个女孩正全力为阻止类似的无谓丧命而奔走。 yeeyan

But the seemingly senseless misunderstandings that haunt our relationships can in part be explained by the different conversational rules by which men and women play.
但这些表面上毫无意义的误解常出没于我们的关系中,男女不同的谈话规则能部分的解释它们为什么出现。 yeeyan

Crazed rapists and other purveyors of sudden, senseless violence aren’t deterred.
疯狂的强奸犯和参与其他突发且无谓的暴力事件的犯罪分子没有被吓倒。 yeeyan

Ferguson says it's easy to think senseless video game violence can lead to senseless violence in the real world.
弗格森说,人们很容易认为,无谓的暴力视频游戏会引起现实世界中无谓的暴力行为。 yeeyan

For their survival, wolves always keep a harmonious coexistence with the environment without being involved in senseless disputes and conflicts.
为了生存,狼一直保持与自然环境和谐共生的关系,不参与无谓的纷争与冲突。 ebigear

His adversary had fallen senseless with excessive pain and the flow of blood, that gushed from an artery or a large vein.
他的敌手已经由于过度的疼痛,又由于从一条动脉或是一条大血管里涌出了大量的鲜血,而倒下来失去知觉了。 putclub

I think life would be good as a monogamous albatross, partly because I find human courtship senseless.
我想如果都像信天翁的一夫一妻制,生活会变得很好。部分是因为我发现人类求爱时很愚蠢。 yeeyan

If only one child issue some kind of sensible decree mandating harmony and understanding and pull this senseless jealousy out with one big jerk!
但愿一个人能颁布某种敦促和谐与理解的明智的法令,把这种无聊的嫉妒根子猛地一下连根拔出。 ebigear

In a statement, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan called the attack, “ barbaric, senseless and cowardly.”
在一份声明中,尼日利亚总统 Goodluck Jonathan称这次袭击是“野蛮,愚蠢和懦弱的”。 hxen

It is not difficult to trace this senseless law to its origin; for an absurdity, adopted by a whole nation, must have some affinity with other ideas established and respected by the same nation.
上溯这种毫无道理的法则的渊源并不是件难事;因为一个荒谬的理论若是被一个国家采用,那么它必定和这个国家创立和尊重的其他学说有着密切的联系。 yeeyan

It took me time to realize how much time and energy I have wasted thinking of my senseless worries.
花了很长时间我才渐渐意识到我已经浪费了多少时间和精力思虑我的那些毫无意义的担忧。 yeeyan

It came to our shores, and started with the senseless slaughter of our citizens.
是它来到先找上门,并且以无谓地屠戮我们的民众而开始。 ecocn

It's a“ senseless slaughter,” wrote one reader to the Seattle Times.
这是一种“愚蠢的屠杀”,一位读者给《西雅图时报》这样写道。 ecocn

Let us hope the leaders will not waste the precious good will and political capital on senseless issues like the exchange rate.
让我们大家一起祈祷,领导者们不要浪费宝贵的善意和政治资本在像汇率这一类无知的议题上了。 yeeyan

Many hiring managers say that on occasion, candidates that seem perfect at first get crossed off the list by saying something senseless when asked a routine interview question.
许多招聘经理常说,有的应聘者看起来不错,但是当他们愚蠢的回答了常见的面试问题后,就会被刷下。 yeeyan

She was exasperated by the senseless delays.

There he has continued, praying like a Methodist: only the deity he implored in senseless dust and ashes; and God, when addressed, was curiously confounded with his own black father!
他就在那儿待着,像个美以美会教徒似的祈祷着,不过他所祈求的神明只是无知觉的灰尘而已;而上帝,在他提及的时候,是很古怪地跟他自己的黑种父亲混在一起! putclub

What a senseless idea!
多麽愚蠢的想法! iciba

Senseless rules that benefit cartels are common. Oklahoma protects consumers from the perils of unlicensed interior decorators.
有益于卡特尔的愚蠢规定普遍存在:俄克拉荷马州保护消费者免遭无许可证室内装饰带来的危险。 ecocn




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