

单词 Senegalese
释义 Sen·e·ga·lese 英,senəɡɔ:'li:z;英ˌsenɪɡə'liːz美ˌsenɪɡə'liːz ★★★☆☆高iWeb³⁶⁵⁶¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a native or inhabitant of Senegal
of or relating to or characteristic of Senegal or its people;

Senegalese villages

Senegalese herdsmen

用作名词Lunch with the Chinese, coffee with theSenegalese?与塞内加尔人一起来杯咖啡?用作形容词Specifically, the aircraft was used to transport Malian andSenegalesespecial operations forces and their leadership teams.特别值得提到的是,该飞机被用于运输马里和塞内加尔的特种作战部队和它们的指挥官。 According to SDE archives, the average Senegalese citizen receives35 litres of water daily, and not all users pay the same price.
SDE的数据表明,塞内加尔市民平均每天获得35升生活用水,而水价却不尽相同。 yeeyan

And while Gueye declines to comment on it, Reuters reported last year that the company is already negotiating for a99- year lease on a770 square kilometer stretch of Senegalese farmland.
Gueye拒绝对此发表看法,路透社已揭示,该公司已经就一块770平方千米的塞内加尔耕地进行商谈,租期为99年。 yeeyan

And he gave Rama Yade, a feisty31-year- old Senegalese, a human- rights post in the foreign ministry.
此外,他还让脾气暴躁的31岁塞内加尔人拉玛•亚德 Rama Yade在外交部掌管人权事务。 ecocn

On May19,2011, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with visiting Senegalese State Minister of Foreign Affairs Madicke Niang.
2011年5月19日,外交部长杨洁篪与来访的塞内加尔外交国务部长尼昂举行会谈。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The Sow family are volunteers who work with the Senegalese Government.
Sow家庭是与塞内加尔政府合作的志愿人员。 who

“ I want Hollywood to talk about the beautiful things in Africa, and to use our way of telling the story,” says Moussa Sene Absa, a Senegalese director.
另一位塞内加尔导演穆萨-塞恩-阿布萨 Moussa Sene Absa也深有同感:“我希望好莱坞能够告诉观众非洲之美,以我们的方式讲故事。” ecocn

All11 members of the victorious Senegalese team had played for European clubs.
现在,11名获胜的塞内加尔队员全部效力于欧洲俱乐部。 ecocn

Anyone who registers on the site can submit entries or information on Senegalese laws, which is then reviewed by Bach and her colleagues before being published.
每一个在此网站上注册的会员都可以提交与塞内加尔法律相关的词条和信息。这些信息在正式发布之前都会经过巴赫与同事的审核。 hjenglish

Boatloads of desperate Senegalese men still arriving illegally in Europe testify to the scarcity of decent jobs.
绝望的塞内加尔人仍在一船一船的偷渡欧洲也证实了其国内体面工作的稀少。 ecocn

But Senegalese analyst Lamine Savane says whatever the policy goals, a new style of leadership is needed.
塞内加尔分析人士萨瓦内说,无论设定什么样的政策目标,美国都需要一种新的领导风格。 ebigear

For the price of one European vehicle, a Senegalese can purchase two Chinese cars.
以一辆欧洲汽车的价格,塞内加尔人可以购买两辆中国汽车。 ebigear

He knows of about50 local Senegalese surfers.
他认识50多名当地塞尔加尔冲浪者。 iciba

In Rome the next day, we stopped at the Trevi Fountain, where tall Senegalese men were selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags and venders tended carts offering cheap magnets and paperweights.
第二天,我们在罗马游览,我们参观了许愿喷泉,在喷泉周围,有高大的塞内加尔人推销仿冒的路易威登皮包,小贩们卖着廉价的旅游纪念品。 yeeyan

In Senegal, a Chinese company cannot be awarded an infrastructure- related contract unless it has partnered with a Senegalese company.
在塞内加尔,如果不和塞内加尔的公司合作,中国公司就不能得到基础设施方面的合同。 ebigear

Many Senegalese are also upset by what they see as the president's bringing religion into politics.
很多塞内加尔人也对自己看到的总统将宗教引入政治的情形感到不安。 ecocn

Mauritius has successfully been exporting shrimp. Kenyan flowers are sold on London markets while Senegalese vegetables are offered in the Parisian grocery stores.
毛里求斯虾的出口一直很成功;肯尼亚花卉现在伦敦的各大市场出售;塞内加尔蔬菜也在巴黎的各超时销售。 worldbank

More than three- quarters of Senegalese officers have been to American war colleges, vastly boosting their professionalism.
大约有四分之三的塞内加尔官员曾赴美军事学院就读,这一举措极大地提升了他们的军事专业化素质。 ecocn

Rich-country consumers of Senegalese shrimps or Omani lobsters are no doubt delighted with their entrées.
吃塞内加尔小虾和阿曼龙虾的富国消费者们,无疑地为他们的佳肴感到高兴。 ecocn

Since he nabbed it, the plot has sprouted sheds, power lines, a water tower, tractors, and pick-up trucks that give it more the look of Iowa corn country than a Senegalese lot.
自从这位部落领袖的收购成功后,设立了大棚区、电线、水塔、拖拉机和收割车,使这个塞内加尔小村庄看上去像爱荷华州的玉米园。 yeeyan

Specifically, the aircraft was used to transport Malian and Senegalese special operations forces and their leadership teams.
特别值得提到的是,该飞机被用于运输马里和塞内加尔的特种作战部队和它们的指挥官。 www.etiri.com.cn

Sri Lanka refused to issue a visa to Akon, a Senegalese-American singer, after popular protests sparked by one of his videos, in which women in swimwear dance in front of a statue of the Buddha.
斯里兰卡拒绝给美籍塞内加尔歌手阿肯入境签证,因为他的一部视频中有穿泳装的女子在佛像前跳舞的画面,这引发了公众抗议。 ecocn

Technical and economic feasibility will be assessed at a demonstration project in a Senegalese cement plant where sludge is co- incinerated with conventional fuels.
该技术的技术可行性和经济可行性将在一个示范工程中得到评估,该工程由塞尔维亚一家混合燃烧污泥和传统燃料的水泥厂进行。 yeeyan

The daughter of a Senegalese-born taxi driver, she was working as a receptionist to pay her way through a psychology degree when she attended the audition.
作为一个塞内加尔裔出租车司机的女儿,西迪通过前台小姐的工作来支付她旁听的心理课程,并获得学位。 yeeyan

To deal effectively with this environmental and public health emergency the Senegalese authorities will require urgent technical and financial assistance from the international community.
为了有效应对这一环境和公共卫生紧急状况,塞内加尔当局需要国际社会紧急提供技术和资金援助。 who

Topical BB was clearly more effective than oral IV for treating scabies in a Senegalese community.
在塞内加尔的社区,局部涂抹苯酸苄酯治疗疥疮的效果明显好于口服依维菌素。 who




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