释义 |
Baiyun sag 基本例句 白云凹陷 It has been known that the hydrocarbon in Panyu low-uplift and north slope of Baiyun sag has a mixed source of Wenchang and Enping Formations.过去一直认为珠江口盆地白云凹陷北坡-番禺低隆起油气为文昌组和恩平组烃源岩混合来源。 The faulting and the sedimentary history of the Baiyun Sag were also influenced by spreading in the South China Sea Basin.白云凹陷的断裂活动和沉积演化史还受到南海海盆扩张活动的影响。 It is significant to study the source rock maturity history of the Baiyun Sag for the deep water exploration in the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin.珠江口盆地白云凹陷文昌组和恩平组陆相烃源岩热史及成熟史研究对白云凹陷深水油气勘探具有指导意义。 There may be many deep submarine fans with excellent prospectiveness of hydrocarbon exploration in South China Sea, with LW 3-1 gas field discovered in Baiyun sag, Pearl River Mouth basin.南中国海可能发育诸多具良好油气勘探前景的深海扇,目前已在珠江口盆地白云凹陷深水区发现荔湾3-1气田。 Panyu low uplift and the north slope of Baiyun sag番禺低隆起-白云凹陷北坡 Panyu low uplift-north slope in Baiyun sag番禺低隆起-白云凹陷北坡残余油藏 |