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词汇 sending out
释义 sending out短语¹⁶²⁶¹
na.“send forth”的变体;🌏发出
Along the same lines, I told a friend that one of my happiness- project resolutions was to “ Remember birthdays, ” and so I was sending out happy- birthday emails.
同理,我曾告诉一位朋友,在我的“快乐计划”中,有一条是“记住生日”,因此我会发送生日祝福电子邮件。 ebigear

And be selective when sending out“ shouts” or“ DMs” or whatever you send— send updates to people for whom they are meaningful, not everyone you just happen to have some connection with.
在发送“呼叫”或“数据库营销”或随便什么东西时要精心挑选-把内容更新发给对他有意义的人,而不是发给所有碰巧和你有点联系的人。 yeeyan

And be aware that if you're not applying for a specific job but rather sending out dozens or hundreds of form letters, your resume is likely to end up in companies' spam folders.
并且要注意,如果你投的简历不是专门针对该职位的,而是对上百份职位一起发送的,你的简历最后的结果就是被当成垃圾邮件来处理的。 hjenglish

Do you follow up after sending out your resume?
发出简历后你采取后继行动了吗? cri

Identify business situations in near real time and trigger resulting actions by sending out events.
近实时地确定业务状况,并通过发出事件来触发结果操作。 ibm

If you act and talk properly, you won’t be sending out wrong signals to people.
如果你表现和谈吐得当,你就不会向别人发出错误的信号。 yeeyan

In a production application, you will likely find many uses for this capability, such as sending out password reminders and periodic subscriber mailings.
在生产应用程序中,您很容易找到此功能的多种用途,如发送密码提醒和定期订户邮件。 ibm

Starting with“ To Whom It May Concern” and filling the page with phrases like“ hard working” will signal the reader that you're blindly sending out applications to every job opening you see.
以“致相关人士”这样的句子开头,并且在文中充斥着“工作勤奋” 这样的词汇,会给阅读的人这样一个信号,你是盲目地向看到的所有职位发送简历。 yeeyan

They work by sending out pulses of high-frequency sound and then interpreting the reflections as images. To do all this, though, you need a device called a transducer.
它们的工作原理是通过发出高频声波脉冲并将反馈的信息转变成图像,为了实现这一过程,你还需要一个叫做变频器的设备。 ecocn

This cycle would repeat, with the single breaking and reforming link sending out waves of BGP updates to every router on the internet.
这个循环会不断重复,并随着单断和重整连接以发出边界网关协议更新信息波至互联网的每一台路由器。 yeeyan

Typically, you want this agent to run on only one server to avoid sending out multiple acknowledgements for the same message.
通常,可以希望该代理只运行在一个服务器上,以避免发出针对同一消息的多封回信。 ibm

Under normal circumstances, only the master host will be sending out notifications to contacts about problems.
在正常情况下,只有主服务器会在有问题时向联系人发出通知。 ibm

What signals are you sending out?
你发出的是什么信号呢? yeeyan

When you have a full-time job, the last thing you want to spend extra time doing is sending out individual e- mails to every sponsor, and then following up with them one by one later.
如果你是全职工作的话,那你最不希望花费额外的时间做的事就是发个人电子邮件给每一位赞助商,然后一个个地跟在后面。 yeeyan

Women may think they are sending out all the right nonverbal signals and may blame men for failing to pick up on them.
女人们可能认为,她们已经发出了所有应该发出的非语言信号,并可能责怪男人们没有理解她们的意思。 yeeyan

Sending out e- mails or parsing and validation of incoming data are just a few examples.
发送电子邮件或者分析和验证传入数据就是这样的一些例子。 cnblogs




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