

单词 send back
释义 send back短语²³⁷⁰⁹
送回; 还回

refer a matter or legal case to another committee or authority or court for decisionsend back送回send back for向后方索取
近义词 remit汇出remand送还
as in.restore
同义词 replace,returnhand back,put back
反义词 break,damage,destroy,hurt
restoreverb give back
hand back,put back,replace,return Some are micro- or even in the near future nano-sized devices, which may imitate a bird or an insect, crawling inside a house or perching on a window ledge, to send back information.
微型飞行器或不远将来会出现的纳米型飞行器,都有可能设计成栖息于窗沿的某一类鸟或爬行在室内的某一类昆虫,借助于它们将侦测到的信息传回总部。 ecocn

The ship also will release a satellite that will circle the orbiter and send back images to mission command.
航天器将向太空投放一枚卫星,这枚卫星将环绕航天器飞行,向使命指挥中心发送图像。 www.voanews.com.cn

The server will send back the suggestions.
服务器返回建议。 ibm

The wrapper returns some results, which the driver then formats into JSON to send back to the browser.
包装器返回一些结果,驱动程序将它们格式化为 JSON并返回浏览器。 ibm

But because it can send back bills approved by the House of Representatives, the government must now find ways of guaranteeing the passage of its potentially controversial legislation.
但由于上院可以驳回众议院已通过的议案,荷兰政府必须想办法确保潜在争议性法案的顺利通过。 ecocn

Even worse, this thread will be sitting idle until there is data to send back.
更糟糕的是,除非要发回数据,否则该线程一直处于空闲状态。 ibm

He also gathered specimens— plant, animal, and mineral— to send back East for further study.
他同时采集了各种标本——植物、动物、矿物,并将这些标本送到东部进行进一步的研究。 yeeyan

Mason agrees to send back a car for him.
梅森同意会派一辆车来接杰克回去。 yeeyan

Suppose an application wants to request a contact record for our mythical Mr. Mott. The application has more than one data element to send back to the browser.
假设应用程序想要请求 Mr. Mott.这是我们虚构的的联系记录,应用程序返回浏览器的数据元素不止一个。 ibm

Thousands of oceangoing floats send back data on water properties and, therefore, currents.
成千上万远洋航行的漂浮物传回关于海水性质的数据以及潮流的数据。 yeeyan

Users simply take a picture and send it to Google's computers, which will send back search results for the object.
使用者只需拍下照片,发给谷歌公司的计算机,后者便能将该物品的搜索结果发回。 ecocn

You get a message asking how your day went or if you’ll be free at a certain time, so you send back a detailed and informative reply.
你收到一条短信,问你过得怎样或某个时间是否有空,你很详细、很实在地回复了短信。 yeeyan




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