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sem·i·nar 英ˈseməˌnɑː美ˈsɛməˌnɑrAHDsĕmʹə-när' ★★☆☆☆高四六研IM八TCOCA⁶⁶⁶²BNC⁵⁶⁹⁸iWeb⁴⁴⁶⁵Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺⁸ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.研讨会¹⁰⁰;大学的研究班复数seminars亦作semis 准备商务会议教育MBA词汇
n.名词 C 研讨班,研讨小组group of university students,etc. who meet together with a teacher to study by means of a discussion C 研讨会;培训会meeting for discussion or training Noun: any meeting for an exchange of ideasa course offered for a small group of advanced students来自德语,源自拉丁语,本意是“育种地”,19世纪时在德语中表示由一名教授和一群先进学生组成的小型学习团体,现在常用来表示各种小范围的研讨会或研讨班。参考同源单词seminary神学院,发源地。problem seminar问题讨论会 钱博士semin种子+ar=ary,形容词和名词后缀,末尾的y在德语中脱落了→培育种子的地方⇒研讨班 词根semin-种子来自拉丁语,等于动词词根se-播种+名词后缀-min-men的变体,表工具,字面意思就是“用来播种的工具”。常见单词semen精液就来源于此。 词源解释来自德语,源自拉丁语,本意是“育种地”,19世纪时在德语中表示由一名教授和一群先进学生组成的小型学习团体,现在常用来表示各种小范围的研讨会或研讨班。参考同源单词seminary神学院,发源地。非常记忆sem山姆〖谐音〗+in里面〖熟词〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗⇒研讨会上山姆走进里面成了矮人semin种子+ar=ary,形容词和名词后缀,末尾的y在德语中脱落了→培育种子的地方⇒研讨班。GRE难词记忆seminar→remains n.遗迹→关于历史遗迹的研究会词根记忆semi半+nar→研讨会每半年举行一次→研讨会词根记忆semi半+nar→研讨会每半年举行一次→研讨会近义词 talk交谈class等级meeting会议session会议forum讨论会workshop工场assembly集会tutorial指南discussion讨论conference会议roundtable圆桌evening class夜课colloquium学术讨论会round table圆桌的协商的…Discussion Group享有共同话题兴趣的用户组… 用作名词n.Teaching is by lectures andseminars.教学形式为讲座和研讨班。 Did you get the message about the trainingseminar?你有没有得到培训研讨会的信息?Pproseminarn.大学研究班Pseminariann.神学院学生Pseminaristn.神学院学生Pseminaryn.神学院发源地
名词100% 用作名词The old professor had presided over aseminarfor theoretical physicists.老教授主持了一次理论物理学家的研讨会。 I attended almost every lecture andseminarwhen I was at college.我上大学时,几乎每一个讲座和研讨会都去参加。 He also told me that your attendance at his tutorial andseminarhad was poor.他还告诉我说你的辅导课和讨论课出勤率不高。 He conducted aseminaron learning strategies at our campus last weekend.上周他在我们学校办了一个有关学习策略的学习班。noun.conference 同义词 convention,discussion,forum,group discussion,meeting,round table,symposium,workshoppalaveropen discussion,rap session classnoun group in school academy,colloquium,course,course of study,division,form,grade,homeroom,lecture group,line,quiz group,recitation,room,round table,section,seminary,session,study,study group,subdivision,subject classesnoun group in school ancestries,births,bourgeoisies,breeds,calibers,castes,circles,clans,cliques,clubs,companies,conditions,connections,coteries,cultural levels,degrees,derivations,descents,estates,extractions,families,genealogies,grades,hierarchies,influences,intelligentsia,leagues,lineages,moieties,nobilities,origins,pecking orders,pedigrees,pigeonholes,places,positions,prestige,qualities,sects,social ranks,sources,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,stocks,strains,strata,the right stuffs,tiers,titles colloquiumnoun conference discussion,meeting,seminar,symposium colloquynoun conversation, debate buzz session,chat,chinfest,chitchat,clambake,colloquium,confab,confabulation,conference,converse,dialogue,discourse,discussion,flap,gab fest,gam,groupthink,huddle,palaver,parley,rap,rap session,seminar,talk,talkfest conferencenoun convention, colloquium appointment,argument,chat,colloquy,confabulation,conferring,congress,consultation,conversation,convocation,deliberation,discussion,forum,gabfest,groupthink,huddle,interchange,interview,meeting,palaver,parley,round robin,round table,seminar,symposium,talk,think-in,ventilation conferencesnoun convention, colloquium appointments,arguments,chats,colloquies,confabulations,conferrings,congresses,consultations,conversations,convocations,deliberations,discussions,forums,gabfests,groupthinks,huddles,interchanges,interviews,meetings,palavers,parleys,powwows,round robins,round tables,seminars,symposiums,talks,think-ins,ventilation A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that. 几周前,我看了''欲望都市''的其中一集,讲的是那个在寻找真爱之旅上永不放弃的夏洛蒂,去参加了一个刚好来教她如何能找到真爱的研讨会。 yeeyan By offering me a gift at the seminar, they were increasing the pressure on me to buy whatever they were selling. 在讨论会上送了一份礼物给我,他们就是在对我施加压力以使我买下他们推销的任何一种商品。 yeeyan As part of the seminar, some50 participants packed a small room at World Bank headquarters and engaged in a lively debate about Africa’s financial future. 作为研讨会的一部分,大约50名与会者聚集在世界银行总部的一个小房间里,就非洲的金融前景展开了激烈的辩论。 worldbank At another seminar, she talked to the person next to her. 下一次研讨会上她开始和旁边的人说话。 ebigear At its headquarters in Geneva, WHO will host a seminar to raise awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities. 世卫组织将在其日内瓦总部主办一个研讨会,以提高对残疾人的权利的认识。 who But as the winter went on, I found it harder and harder to withdraw— either from the events we read and heard about, or from the zeal that seized the students in the seminar. 但随着冬天的消逝,我发现我越来越难以撤出了——要么是我们读到或听到的那些事件,要么就是抓住研讨会上的学生们的热情使然。 yeeyan He told me he attended a seminar in a North West frontier province town of Mortem. 他告诉我他曾在伊斯兰堡西北边境省摩尔特姆镇参加了一个研讨会。 kekenet I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity. 我加入这研讨会纯粹出于好奇心的作祟。 yeeyan I do remember that we argued the prohibition of retroactive justice in the seminar. 我却记得我在研讨会上争论了有追溯效力的合法禁令问题。 yeeyan I remember going to a seminar that year and getting home well after midnight. 我记得那年参加了一个研讨会,回到家的时候午夜已过。 yeeyan I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour. 我建议将研讨会缩短为一个小时。《21世纪大英汉词典》 If I accept the invitation, I join the seminar or training program. 如果我接受邀请,我将加入研讨会或培训计划。 ibm In fact, a variation of this, which is explored more thoroughly in the Social Circle Mastery seminar, is not to escalate until you both get to the seduction location. 事实上,这个的一个变体是,知道你们两人到了诱惑的地点之前,都不要进行升级,这个问题在“精通社交圈游戏”研讨会里得到了更为彻底地探讨。 blog.sina.com.cn In my Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage seminar I explain in detail how a man’s brain tends to compartmentalize things. 在我的笑你的方式对美好的婚姻研讨会中我就男性的大脑趋向于怎样划分事物做了详细的解释。 yeeyan In this column I like to answer questions that I am asked most often via e- mail, at conferences, and by my class and seminar attendees. 在本期专栏中,我将回答一些我经常被问到的问题,这些问题来自电子邮件、会议、以及我的课堂和研讨会的参与者。 ibm In this conversation, some business people are meeting at a seminar. 在这个会话中,一些商务人士正在开一个研讨会。 ebigear The question— asked at the end of a seminar on innovation at a major IT firm— did not surprise me. 这个问题——在有关创新的一次大型 IT公司研讨会最后被提出来——并不使我惊讶。 yeeyan The zeal for letting in the daylight, with which, as a member of the concentration camps seminar, I had condemned my father to shame, had passed, and it embarrassed me. 这种热情在白天得到释放,作为集中营研讨会的一名成员,我带着这种热情谴责过我父亲的时代早已过去了,那使我很尴尬。 yeeyan This is not a university seminar. 这可不是大学的研讨会。 yeeyan Yes, according to the agenda, there will be a seminar on these issues at the very beginning of the training course. 是的,根据日程表,在培训课程开始的时候,将会进行一个关于这些议题的研讨会。 hxen You can't acquire it at a seminar or in a quick read. 你不能通过研讨会或是快速阅读来获得商业智慧。 yeeyan You may not understand the discussions at first, because they may seem too technical, but you will pick up more than you know, and eventually you’ll be giving the seminar yourself. 最开始你可能不理解这些讨论,因为它们可能看起来太技术性,但是你会学到你所不知道的东西,最终你将会召开你自己的研讨会。 yeeyan |