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词汇 Bainimarama
释义 BainimaramaEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
A court in Fiji ruled that the interim government led by Frank Bainimarama was illegal. Fiji's president abrogated the constitution and reappointed Mr Bainimarama as prime minister.
斐济的法庭对由弗兰克•斑尼玛拉玛领导的非法临时政府作出了裁决,同时斐济总统废除了斑尼玛拉玛作为总理时的宪法。 ecocn

A furious Mr Bainimarama responded by expelling Australia’s acting high commissioner: he claimed that the Australians had conspired to deprive him of his turn to play host.
愤怒的 Bainimarama先生驱逐了澳大利亚的代理高级官员:他声称澳大利亚人预谋去剥夺他轮流作为东道主的机会。 ecocn

Frank Bainimarama announced the takeover at a news conference Tuesday in Suva, confirming the island nation's fourth coup in the past20 years.

Mr Bainimarama, who took office as interim prime minister after a coup in December2006, stayed away from the meeting in Port Moresby, a Forum summit.
白尼玛拉马先生自2006年12月份的政变后就任临时总理,此后一直避开参加在摩尔兹比港的高峰论坛。 ecocn

The trouble is that so far Mr Bainimarama has conceded nothing.
问题是到目前为止 Bainimarama先生没有任何退让。 ecocn

When Mr Bainimarama, who doubles as military commander, reneged on a promise to hold elections in 2009, Fiji was suspended from the forum.
2009年,身兼军队司令的巴伊尼玛拉马拒不履行大选诺言,而斐济也被太平洋岛国论坛暂停会籍。 ecocn

And then Frank Bainimarama, Fiji’s military strongman- turned- prime-minister, was forbidden from attending.
然后是斐济的军人变总理的 Frank Bainimarama被禁止参加。 ecocn

But Mr Bainimarama has no mandate to enact any of them.
但是他并没有授权有关部门制定任何相关法律。 ecocn

By keeping Fiji excluded from the forum, but included in sub- regional gatherings, his Pacific neighbours send Mr Bainimarama a mixed message at best.
通过排除斐济参与论坛,但是却包含在亚地区聚会,斐济的太平洋邻居们最多发给 Bainimarama先生一条复杂的信息。 ecocn

Fiji expelled the Australian and New Zealand high commissioners after Commodore Frank Bainimarama, the islands' military ruler, accused the two countries of interfering in Fiji's internal affairs.
在斐济军事领袖海军准将弗兰克-姆拜尼马拉马指控澳大利亚和新西兰干涉斐济内政后,斐济政府将该两国的高级指挥官驱逐出境。 ecocn

Frank Bainimarama announced the takeover at a news conference Tuesday in Suva, confirming the island nation's fourth coup in the past20 years. Fijian troops surrounded Mr.

If Mr Bainimarama's international standing is on the line, so is the Forum's own credibility.
如果白尼玛拉马先生的国际形象命悬一线,论坛也信誉难保。 topsage

In a television address, Commodore Bainimarama, who doubles as prime minister, responded by condemning the Tongan navy’s role in extracting Mr Mara from Fiji’s territorial waters.
在一个电视讲话中,兼任政府首相的姆拜尼马拉马准将作出回应,他谴责汤加海军进入斐济领海水域将马拉接走。 ecocn

Mr Mara’s flight from Fiji is a further sign of the growing breach between Commodore Bainimarama and the Mara dynasty.
乌路拉克巴•马拉从斐济逃亡事件是姆拜尼马拉马将军与马拉家族的矛盾不断升级的又一个信号。 ecocn

Mr Bainimarama has lambasted its secretary-general, a Samoan, as a “ puppet” of Australia and New Zealand.
Bainimarama先生叱责论坛的秘书长,一位萨摩亚人是澳大利亚和新西兰的傀儡。 ecocn

Mr Bainimarama insists that sweeping electoral reforms have to be enacted before the next polls.
白尼玛拉马先生坚持认为,必须在下次民意调查前进行一系列翻天覆地的选举制度改革。 ecocn

None of these difficulties is easily soluble, at least while Mr Bainimarama remains in charge.
至少在巴伊尼玛拉马下台之前,这些问题都很棘手。 ecocn

Now at liberty in the Tongan capital, Nuku’alofa, Mr Mara denounces what he says is the baneful control over Commodore Bainimarama’s government exerted by the attorney-general, Aiyaz Sayed- Khaiyum.
现在,玛拉在汤加首都努库阿洛法重获自由。他公开指责总检察长艾亚兹•萨义德•海尤姆 Aiyaz Sayed- Khaiyum对姆拜尼马拉马准将的政府施加了有害的影响。 ecocn

Oddly, some of his descendants initially backed a third coup in December2006, though most have since fallen out with Fiji’s latest coup leader, Frank Bainimarama.
奇怪的是,他的一些后人起初还支持了2006年12月的第三次政变,尽管他们中的大多数人随后都与最后这次政变的首领弗兰克·巴伊尼玛拉马失和。 ecocn

Though some claim that the president is plucking up courage to remove the prime minister, Commodore Bainimarama is more likely eventually to usurp the position of the president.
虽然有些谣传说总统正在鼓起勇气要撤换总理,但姆拜尼马拉马准将最终篡夺总统宝座的可能性似乎更大一些。 ecocn

Bainimarama says he took the action to end a political stalemate in Fiji.




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