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词汇 Bai nationality
释义 Bai nationality
This paper discusses how to pass on,protect and develop dyeing technology ofBai nationality.本文探讨了旅游业背景下,扎染工艺文化的传承、保护及开发。
As of the end of May 2007, Dali Bai Nationality Borough in Yunnan had registered 525 trademarks, 21 of which were determined famous marks of Yunnan.截至2007年5月,云南大理白族自治州经国家工商行政管理总局商标局核准注册商标525件,其中21件被认定为云南省著名商标。
With the rise of tye-dyeing crafts in every district, theBai nationalitytie-dyeing is facing an unprecedented challenge.随着各地扎染工艺的兴起,白族扎染面临着前所未有的挑战。
Fifth, the function of moral education in the maternal culture of theBai nationalitybears reference value for the conversion of “esteeming men above women” in Han region?新中国成立之后,宗法等级制度被废除,实行人民公社制度。
Central wall well hotel ,a garth-like hotel with theBai nationalitycharacteristic of designed by international four-star standard, is located in the so called oriental Genevese,Dali,a city with long history famed home and abroad.城心井茗苑酒店,是按国际四星级标准设计的最具有白族民居特色的庭院式酒店,位于享有东方日内瓦盛誉,驰名中外的九街十八巷棋盘式的大理古城。
In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai, Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality, northwest of Yunan Province.喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。




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