

单词 bails
释义 bail·s 英beɪl美beɪl COCA⁸⁶⁴⁸¹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²

money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear at their trial. When bail has been arranged, the accused person is allowed to go free until the trial.

vt. 保释,帮助脱离困境

help sb out of a bad situation,especially jail

criminal law money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial;

the judge set bail at $10,000

a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman

the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial;

he is out on bail

release after a security has been paiddeliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited periodsecure the release of someone by providing securityempty a vessel by bailingremove water from a vessel with a container
用作名词 n.
动词+~deny sb bail不准保释go bail for为…做保释人;为…缴保释金make bail筹集保释金refuse bail不准保释save one's bail保释后如期出庭set bail at $1000保释金定为1000美元take bail允许保释名词+~straw bail空头或不充足的保释金
bail out v.+adv.

帮助…摆脱困境 help sb, a business,etc. out of difficulties by providing money

bail sb ⇔ outMy father got a lawyer and bailed me out.我父亲请律师把我保释出来了。bail outI asked for a rise of salary so I could bail out.我要求加薪以便渡过困难。bail sb/sth ⇔ outShe keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out.她的债越欠越多,只好请朋友帮她摆脱困境。
The government can't expect the taxpayer to bail this company out indefinitely.政府不能指望纳税人无限期地帮助这家公司摆脱困境。近义词 bond债券payment支付security安全surety保证人bail bond保释金financial guarantee财务担保
用作名词n.The judge set bail at $ 20,000.法官裁定保释金为2万美元。
She is out on bail right now.她目前保释在外。
The judge wouldn't grant bail.法官不肯予以保释。
The suspect jumped bail and is now being sought.疑犯在保释中逃亡了,现正在搜捕中。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.Three of the youths were bailed.年轻人中有三个被保释出来。
He was bailed to appear in court on 15 March.他获得保释,定于3月15日到庭候审。
He repudiated the court's decision to offerbail.他不接受法庭的保释裁决。
The magistrate refused hisbail.地方法官不准他保释。
She was grantedbailwith a surety of $500.她交了500元保证金,获得保释。用作及物动词Her family paid $500 tobailher out.她家里付了500美元把她保释出来。
We'll have tobailthe water out if the boat is to stay afloat.要使船浮着,我们得把船里的水舀出去。
The club faced bankruptcy until a wealthy local businessmanbailedthem out.俱乐部那时眼看就要破产,後来本地有位富商鼎力相助,才摆脱困境。用作不及物动词The boat will sink unless webailout.我们要不把积水清除掉,船就要沉了。
Our boat will sink unless webail.除非我们把船舱里的水舀出去,否则我们的船要下沉。 Abu Dhabi bails out its neighbour.
阿布扎比向邻国注资。 ecocn

Abu Dhabi bails out its neighbour. What will it ask in return?
阿布扎比向邻国注资。它会要求回报吗? topsage

Congress eventually to add new structures for oversight, limits on executive pay and the option of the government taking a stake in the companies it bails out.
国会最终修改了部分计划,避免了一些疏漏,限制了银行高管的薪水,也限制了政府在被救公司中的特权。 yeeyan

Does when is grim, first and the good surface with the special-purpose machinery presses in the pot, after boiling thoroughly bails out, cools with cold water.
做冷面时,先把和好的面用专用机械压入锅中,煮熟后捞出,用冷水冷却。 taody.com

Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires.
他的叔叔伊斯梅尔是个退休的警察,把他保释出来,然后送他前往布宜诺斯艾利斯。 pdafans

Natural leadership often does not emerge until the official leadership proves inadequate or frankly bails out.
要直到证明官方的领导层无能,或确实逃离之后,自然的领导层往往才会出现。 blog.sina.com.cn

Opponents say that it bails out profligate treasuries and risks recreating the speculative bubbles that led to the financial crisis in the first place.
而反对者认为这将会导致国库资金的肆意挥霍,并带来产生投机市场泡沫的风险,进而引发金融危机。 ecocn

Whenever the government bails someone out of trouble, they always put someone into trouble, plus of course a toll for the troll.
每当政府把什么人从困境中解救出来,他们总是把别的什么人也给拖下水,当然另外还以收费为诱饵。 yeeyan




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