

单词 selling off
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动词 sell off:
get rid of by selling, usually at reduced pricesas in.liquidate
同义词 convert,pay off,quit,reimburse,repaycash,clear,discharge,exchange,honor,realize,satisfy,settle,squarecash in,cash out,sell off,sell up
反义词 remain,stay,take,fail,hold,keep,owe,upsetbuild,construct,create,invest“ We need to eat, ” Mr. Gonzalez tells his children about selling off their toys.
“我们要吃饭,”冈萨雷斯先生在卖玩具时告诉孩子们。 yeeyan

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia plunged into capitalism haphazardly, selling off many industries and loosening regulation.
1991年苏联没落之后,俄国毫无计划的仓促进入资本主义,它出售了许多行业,并放松管制。 yeeyan

Bank of America is selling off half of its holding in China Construction Bank to a group of unidentified investors.
美国银行正在向一些身份不明的投资者出售所持有的半数中国建设银行股票。 kle100

BP is not alone in selling off its refineries.
英国石油并不是唯一一家出售炼油厂的公司。 fortunechina

He said BP's options are constrained because issuing debt has become expensive and selling off assets takes time.
他说英国石油公司的选择有限,因为发债成本更加昂贵,而出售资产需要时间。 voa365

If necessary CSN could reduce debt by selling off minority stakes in its mines, power plants and other assets.
如果必要的话, CSN可以出售自己在矿山、电厂和其他资产中的小部分股份以减少负债。 ecocn

Moreover, it has been generating founder liquidity by selling off small management companies stakes to sovereign wealth funds.
而且,该公司一直通过向主权财富基金出售少量管理公司股权的方式,为创始人带来流动性。 fortunechina

Mr Immelt made changes even before the financial turmoil, selling off GE's insurance unit, which could have become a big headache during this downturn.
即使在金融局面出现混乱之前,伊梅尔特先生已开始实行变革,他出售了通用电气的保险部门,该部门在经济低迷时期有可能成为大包袱。 blog.sina.com.cn

That is, the Fed's selling off$1 trillion of Treasury bills if it had that much in exchange for$1 trillion of reserves would have no effect.
也就是说,美联储出售1万亿中期债券如果有那么多的话换取1万亿准备金是没有效果的。 ecocn




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