

单词 selflessness
释义 selflessness 英'selfləsnəs美'selfləsnəs 高COCA⁴⁶⁶⁰⁰BNC⁶⁶⁰⁹³iWeb²⁷³⁸²

the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of othersacting with less concern for yourself than for the success of the joint activityselfless无私的
近义词 gallantry勇气generosity慷慨altruism利他主义unselfishness无私self-sacrifice自我牺牲self-abnegation自我克制

用作名词Selfishness is the antipode ofselflessness.自私恰恰是无私之反。
Chinese Students Association here made me proud due to itsselflessness.这里的台湾学生会最让我自豪的就是大家的无私。as in.altruism
同义词 benevolence,humanitarianism,kindnesscharity,generosity,humanism,magnanimity,philanthropypublic spirit,social conscience
反义词 egoism,selfishnessas in.self-denial
同义词 abnegation,abstemiousness,ascetic,asceticism,self-abnegation,self-sacrifice
反义词 self-indulgence
altruismnoun unselfish concern
benevolence,charity,generosity,humanism,humanitarianism,kindness,magnanimity,philanthropy,public spirit,social conscience
self-denialnoun abstinence
abnegation,abstemiousness,ascetic,asceticism,self-abnegation,self-sacrifice,selflessness By not paying us for what we have done for them, they call us to inner freedom, selflessness, generosity, and true care.
我们为其做事,他们无法回报,却给我们内心的自由,无私,慷慨和真正的关心。 yeeyan

Fearlessness stems from selflessness.; Only the selfless can be fearless.

In Emptiness, there is no selfishness, just selflessness.
空之美,这里没有任性自私,只有无私奉献。 bbs.internet.org.cn

It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours.
于防洪堤坝决堤之时收留陌生受难者的善意,于在经济不景气的时候宁愿减少自己工时也不肯看着朋友失业的无私,正是他们支撑我们走过黑暗的时刻。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.
多德太太成人后她才意识到她的父亲一个人养大孩子所表现的力量和无私。 ebigear

The selflessness which that belief encourages might help explain religion’s evolution.
信仰推崇的“无私精神”对解释宗教之演进过程有所裨益。 ecocn

There is both selflessness and selfishness expected.
比赛当中是自私与无私并存。 yeeyan

An important factor of leadership is selflessness.

But such an act of scientific selflessness could spawn some truly significant breakthroughs.
然而这样对科学无私奉献的行为却能带来真正的重大突破。 yeeyan

But the truth is that I came to cherish Japan’s civility and selflessness.
但事实表明,我来此的目的是珍视日本的礼貌和无私。 yeeyan

But selflessness, too, is repellent.
但是,无私也是令人厌恶的。 ecocn

I favor the path where selfishness and selflessness are aligned, so when I help others, I’m simultaneously helping myself, and vice versa.
我偏向于走一条能够把自私和完全无私结合起来的道路,所以我认为在我帮助他人时,同时也在帮助自己,反之亦然。 yeeyan

I went on a quest to reclaim a bit of the selflessness that I know is in all of us and that we are all capable of.
我曾不断努力以求唤起人性的无私。我知道,这种无私存在于我们每一个人身上,而且是我们力所能及的。 yeeyan

It can, if it continues to place generosity and compassion before greed, and to recognize the power of interdependence, causality and selflessness.
或许会吧——只要它继续在贪婪的形势下倡导慷慨和仁慈,继续宣扬互帮互助、因果轮回以及无私奉献。 yeeyan

Keating's pathology, Rand shows, is precisely the result of selflessness.
基廷的病态,兰德向读者揭示,完全是无私的结果。 yeeyan

She was, a friend said, “ born to selflessness, not called to it”.
一个朋友说,她是“天生无私,而不是后天学会的。” ecocn

What we need more of is people who truly understand the power behind selflessness.
我们更需要那些能够真正懂得无私的伟大力量的人。 kekenet

Selflessness and another is teamwork, suppressing your own interest for the good of the team.




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